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Winning Writing: 5 Proven Tips for Becoming a Better Content Writer

Jaykishan Panchal Member
Apr 01, 2016

Content writing can be a rewarding profession, both in terms of money and reputation since content writers usually play an important role in uplifting the brand image by creating exceptional content.

great piece of content can help you connect with your audience and spread out the right message.

However, not all content writers make waves with their content.

If you want to become a successful content writer, you need to create content that resonates with the targeted audience and helps you achieve the goals.

Whether you write content for a business or to nurture your hobby, it is important to do it right.

By creating great content for your blog, you can win acclaims from your readers and if you choose to write for a business, you can help them reach to the top of the SERPs and improve branding on social media.

No matter how talented you are as a writer, in order to become a successful content writer you must have a mix of writing as well as marketing skills.

Here are top five tips that will help you emerge as a top content writer and enjoy an enviable life:

1. Read a Lot and Master Different Writing Styles

Reading is a great way to hone your skills and it is the first step to become a successful writer.

If you don’t read others, you won’t get to know about the industry best practices and know how much effort you need to put in to reach that level.

Start learning from the masters and then find your own voice. Pay close attention to the details (the style and mechanics) of the writing to understand the various writing styles.

Each content has its own style. Blogging is personal and friendly and ad copies are short and influential, while news is informational and crisp. To become successful, you need to master all the writing styles.

2. Choose the Right Topics

Before you start writing, ask yourself, "What is the purpose of the content? Who will read it?"

Knowing what goal you want to achieve will help you set the right tone for your content.

Ideation, or the technique of finding a subject, angle and title for the content is the key to successful content creation.

Ideation involves:

  • Understanding of the target audience
  • Knowing what keywords to target
  • Know the competition (of the topic and keywords)

To choose the right topic, look out for the latest trending topics that people are talking about.

You can get topics ideas from tools like BuzzSumo or check out social media to get interesting topic ideas.

Finally, you must make sure that you choose the title very carefully. The title should be very catchy and interesting, since this is the first thing that the readers would read about your article.

3. Think Out-of-The-Box

Pushing your skills as a writer often involves trying out new things and thinking out-of-the-box. There are a lot of content writers out there, writing about a lot of things.

To make sure your content stands out and attract attention, you need to think of new approaches, giving new angle to your content.

Why would people be interested to read something that they have already read before? This is where your ability to think out-of-the-box comes handy.

For instance, folks from this MC2 blog did a great job by answering some bizarre questions mathematically.

No one would have ever thought about answering such bizarre questions like how much would it cost to attend Hogwarts?

This academic paper-writing service provider did an amazing calculation that shows attending Hogwarts would cost you $43,031 annually. Yes, you heard us right.

Blog post that calculates the cost to attend Hogwarts school of Wizardry.

Even if you are not interested in such bizarre content, you can always think about something really unique and appealing to your readers.

4. Your Content Should Be Original and Interesting

It’s all about building the right kind of impression. Remember, every post accompanies your name (unless it is ghost writing), so to create a brand for yourself, make sure the content is original.

Now, that might sound crazy, since there are thousands of content writer and it is most natural that they might have already written about the topics you choose to write.

So how would you make your content stand apart? To make your content sound original add a different perspective and include your own voice.

To make the content even more interesting, you can include good examples, case studies, infographics, etc. to make it highly informative.

Content writers should focus on providing value to their readers, so make the content as informative as possible.

5. Analyze Results

If you want to indulge in effective content writing, it is crucial to analyze how your content performs. You can check the analytics to understand what works for you and what does not.

Once you have an idea about the type of content your audience is interested to consume, you can tailor your writing skills to attract more readers.

If you create content that resonate with your readers, you can automatically expect more shares, likes and improved readership.

The Bottom Line

Content writing is not only about phrasing sentences, it is about writing great stuff.

There is no straight forward formula to become a successful content writer, you have to put in a lot of effort to create something unique and original to allure the readers.

To become a successful content writer, you must have the traits of a marketing expert, social media and SEO specialist and open-page coders.

By knowing your readers and developing the right skills, you can propel your career as a content writer.

Image Credit: Prostock-Studio / Getty Images
Jaykishan Panchal Member
Jaykishan Panchal is a content marketer at MoveoApps, a mobile apps design and development company. He enjoys writing about Technology, marketing & industry trends. He is tech enthusiast and love to explore new stuff.