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How Edtech Will Improve the Way Businesses Train Employees

Howard Goldstein
Howard Goldstein Member
Oct 10, 2019

Learn how edtech will make it easier and more efficient for business to train employees.

Edtech, like many other industry-specific offshoots of technology, has been disrupting the complex and diverse world of education, changing the way learners and their instructors interact in the process. First embraced by schools, colleges and universities, edtech, short for education technology, has gradually found its way into the corporate world, perhaps as a testament that learning and self-development don't often stop on graduation day.

As office workers spend an average of 1,700 hours in front of computer screens every year and millions of others are highly dependent on their tech devices, it only makes sense for business owners to integrate technology into every aspect of their operations, including training. Thus, learning through edtech provides a uniquely efficient and convenient platform for businesses that are looking to train their employees using HR software.

While most companies are already using edtech in some form, the popularity and implementation of those facilities are set to grow at a rapid rate over the coming years, generating significant improvements that will ultimately lead to greater efficiencies and enhanced bottom lines.

There are four key reasons why edtech will change business training for the better:

  • Edtech satisfies the demands and expectations of the new generation.
  • Edtech boosts data absorption within the organization.
  • Edtech promotes teacher-student dialogues and feedback.
  • Edtech allows businesses to map out staff progress.

Here's more on each of these key areas of improvement.

Edtech satisfies the demands and expectations of the new generation.

The working world is currently undergoing a clear generational shift as Baby Boomers retire and are replaced by the first waves of Generation Z workers, who are now in their late teens and early twenties. Consequently, companies need to invest in technology and modern approaches to training because the vast majority of new candidates entering the workplace are youngsters that have grown up around tech and will expect to see it used in their places of work.

In many ways, history is repeating itself as tech advancements continue to drive the evolution witnessed throughout the world of business over the past 20 years. Millennials were the first generation to grow up around technology and are more than willing to adapt to the evolving workplace, particularly in terms of technology. As such, fears of alienating existing workforces in a bid to satisfy the newest generation should no longer be considered a problem – something that could not be said of the Baby Boomers, many of whom were set in their more traditional ways of working and training.

Studies show that 91% of Gen Zers admit that technological sophistication would be an influential factor in deciding which company offers the greatest appeal. Training, particularly during the onboarding phase, is already offering the perfect opportunity for employers to show their tech-savvy attributes – particularly when this follows a digital application process. As far as training platforms are concerned, this can inspire greater results even before taking the content into account. After all, an employee that feels as though the company is in sync with their needs and preferences will naturally show increased engagement and motivation.

Edtech boosts data absorption within the organization.

Modern tech devices serve many purposes, but a heightened sense of organizational skills and time management are undoubtedly among the best. Indeed, the need for those features is greater than ever thanks to the fact that attention spans are now down to just eight seconds. As far as business is concerned, tech can aid employee organization in a whole host of different areas. However, staff training is one of the most significant beneficiaries because, in addition to increased management, edtech encourages improved data-retention rates.

Gen Zers are once again leading the way in terms of utilizing technology to its full potential. Roughly six in 10 youngsters use their smartphones for learning purposes and there are several tools that can be used to streamline the process of taking notes. From using quick voice notes on the go to using Microsoft OneNote to organize and color-code documents, the younger generation is accustomed to taking more meaningful notes, which can be used to enhance their learning experiences and help them achieve more.

Additionally, edtech facilities often focus on interaction. We know from the realm of marketing that viewers retain 95% of the message expressed in videos compared to just 10% of what they read. Training modules that use video and other edtech systems aimed at encouraging participation and active engagement will enable students to gain far more from their course materials. From a business owner's perspective, this enables faster progress. Crucially, the fact that users will retain a greater percentage of the information means that employees will all gain similar outcomes, leading to consistency across the company.

Edtech promotes teacher-student dialogues and feedback.

One of the great things about technology is that it breaks down geographical barriers. In the world of education, edtech has enabled universities to provide distance learning to reach students from around the globe, which also encourages autonomous learning. However, the lack of physical, in-class interaction often presents a challenge for instructors and students, a challenge that can be circumvented via edtech and the collaborative nature of cloud technologies.

Edtech allows employees to complete degrees and external courses under more suitable terms, even though an increasing number of businesses are also going for internal training schemes for their employees. One of the biggest problems for business owners, however, revolves around managing the progress of a whole department – or even of several departments – simultaneously.

The automation of edtech software platforms significantly cuts down administrative tasks and helps to streamline the processes. Meanwhile, online tutoring platforms utilize analytics and spend a significant percentage of new investments to develop even better training modules. AI and machine learning can be used to achieve similar goals.

The use of edtech to remove the time-consuming external elements allows tutors to dedicate more hours to one-on-one sessions, offering an opportunity to discuss any issues and provide valuable feedback to inspire even greater progress. When supported by the role of the collaborative nature of cloud computing communications, such as virtual whiteboards and shared content, training methods become far more efficient. Sending group emails or team messages will also save time spent on repetitive tasks. With more time dedicated to the actual training, the outcomes are certain to improve.

Edtech allows businesses to map out staff progress.

Educational journeys in the business world are different from academic pathways. The goals are ultimately defined by quantifiable targets such as improving an employee's conversion rates or increasing their productivity. Edtech architectures don't simply replace traditional books and manuals. Instead, they are implemented to actively teach practical skills that can be transported into the business arena. For example, a virtual reality experience could put the employee in simulated scenarios built to replicate the situations they may encounter within the workplace.

The immersive learning experience can be tailored by companies to actively push employees down the right path. This goes beyond basic comprehension of key concepts or studying for exams, instead opting for skill development. Students using this strategy are encouraged to draw their own conclusions, which is something employees will need to do. Moreover, the insights gained from automated data allows for quick and easy upgrades to any training model. This benefit is one of the most appealing for business owners across the plane, and is one of the reasons edtech is transcending the academic world and growing at 17% per year.

Bottom line

Edtech training in the business arena isn't merely focused on teaching models. It is built upon a foundation of wanting to learn more about the employees, both individually and as a collective. Analytics can be used in many ways, from pinpointing problematic areas for individuals to steering entire departments towards a certain destination, thus providing business owners with educated employees that have been shaped to fit into specific organizational environments.

Image Credit: nd3000/Getty Images
Howard Goldstein
Howard Goldstein Member
Howard Goldstein is the Chief Executive Officer of Priceless Funding Group. Mr. Goldstein has been in the business lending industry for over 20 years in a career that has helped hundreds of businesses launch and grow. Mr. Goldstein aims to help business owners get the capital that is needed with the terms that are deserved.