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How To Write Content for Each Section of Your Website

Tommy Wyher Member
Mar 18, 2016

There is no one size fits all content template as it changes with company feel, size, and industry, but there are some general rules.

A website’s content consists of the writing, videos, and interactive content that is on a business’ site.

While the layout and design are important, average layout can always be boosted by incredible on page content.

There is no one size fits all content template as it changes with company feel, size, and industry.

There are some general rules on how to write incredible website content and they are as follows.


Product copy is an art form just like creative writing is. The ability to put as much information as concisely as possible without being repetitive can be difficult.

The person who takes care of the blog might not have the skills to do product copy. Convincing somebody to click or buy an item of course depends on the item itself but the product description is like the sales pitch.

Unlike a sales pitch, product copy cannot sound too advertorial as people like to feel like they are purchasing an item on their own and are not being sold it.

Things To Do When Writing Great Product Descriptions

  • Set the tone around the main demographic that is being targeted.
  • List out all features and pick which ones are different/better than competing products.
  • Formatting is extremely important so a person can scan the item instead of reading each word.
  • Make sure to boost engagement by saying I, You, We, throughout the copy to make it feel more personalized.
  • Writing copy solely for search engines doesn’t work as it doesn’t sell but optimizing and engaging readers is the balance that most copywriters look for.


The blog can be used as the best marketing resource for many companies especially if it garners a following in the industry.

Using terms that customers might not understand can be dangerous on the blog as it could alienate a certain reader base.

Articles that solve problems like speeding up a smartphone mixed in with some industry articles can keep industry and common readers happy.

Do not branch out too far out of niche just to appeal to the general public.

For example, a home alarm company wouldn’t have an article like “Best Florida Fishing Spots” as it could make the company look like they are using filler content or trying to branch out way out of their niche.

How To Create An Engaging Blog Copy

  • Define the tone of the blog, often times a blog has a lighter approach than the rest of the website as the company tries to humanize itself to the reader or potential customer.
  • Appeal to reader emotion and pick hot button topics in the industry.
  • Encourage comments to increase reader engagement as a new article idea could come from the comments.
  • Have a new take on an old topic that has been covered before.
  • Bring in people from all departments to get fresh ideas as stale content can lose readers quickly.
  • Try out new ideas for articles or weekly columns and keep the ones that were the largest success.
  • Finally, it is important to ask readers what they would like to see as this can make article idea generation a breeze.

About Us Page

There are plenty of companies who put a generic line about customer service and delivering results but a majority of companies will say that.

The “About Us” page can tell a story of a company as many businesses have  interesting paths that have been taken.

Feed into what makes the company special on an “About Us” page as this could speak to customers in a better way than what the competitors have put on their page.

Tips For Writing the About Us Page

  • Tell a bit of the company story and how it came to be.
  • Do not be afraid to throw some humor in there but remember to find a good balance.
  • Incorporating video can keep attention better than text at times.
  • Adding customer reviews on the page shows dedication to service.

Meet The Team Page

The main point of this page is to put faces to a company. This can make it more difficult for a client to sign with another company as it isn’t just a faceless company anymore.

A bonus of this is by listing interests and education, it gives the opportunity to bond with a customer if they bring up an employee went to their alma mater or if a client has some of the same interests as their point of contact.

The “Meet the Team” page will not make or break a website but it could encourage customer loyalty.

Creating A Solid Meet The Team Page

  • List out the qualifications of everyone and pick one to two impressive ones for the page.
  • Ask for a quirky fact about the person as this can lead a customer to feel like they know their client manager or person working in production a bit better.
  • List of every point of contact that a client/customer might have and not just high ranking executives.
  • Gather the photos and social media accounts so people can connect with employees.
  • An expanded profile is a trend on these pages if the person wants to know more about a specific employee.

The copy of a website can have equal if not more of an impact on sales than the design/checkout process.

Not all great writers are able to write proficient copy so a great copy editor might need to be brought in on a contract basis.

Do not wing website copy as this is the first impression many get of a business and could impact signing clients.

Don’t lose anyone on the About Us page or any other, write some amazing website copy today.

Image Credit: Prostock-Studio / Getty Images
Tommy Wyher Member
Tommy is a writer who enjoys traveling quite frequently. A graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill means that Tommy is an absolute college basketball fanatic.