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The Management Theory of Max Weber

Sean Peek
Sean Peek Contributing Writer
Updated Apr 27, 2020

The bureaucratic management theory claims it will increase your business's efficiency.

Max Weber was a German sociologist who argued bureaucracy was the most efficient and rational model private businesses and public offices could operate in. His bureaucratic theories influenced generations of business leaders and politicians well into the 20th century. 

While Weber's theory prioritizes efficiency, it isn't necessarily the best practice for leaders to implement. 

Weber was unlike most workplace leaders today. His theory of management, also called the bureaucratic theory, stressed strict rules and a firm distribution of power. He would've scolded today's managers, most of whom are open to new ideas and flexible work arrangements, for their leadership style. 

"Precision, speed, unambiguity, knowledge of files, continuity, discretion, unity, strict subordination, reduction of friction and of material, and personal costs – these are raised to the optimum point in the strictly bureaucratic administration," wrote Weber. 

Many of Weber's beliefs discourage creativity and collaboration in the workplace, and oppose flexibility and risk.

What would Max Weber's ideal organization look like?

Weber believed that bureaucracy was the most efficient way to set up and manage an organization, and absolutely necessary for larger companies to achieve maximum productivity with many employees and tasks. 

In an ideal bureaucracy, everyone is treated equally, and work responsibilities are clearly divided by each teams' areas of expertise. A well-defined hierarchical management system supports this, providing clear lines of communication and division of labor based on the layer of management one worked in. 

Advancement in the organization is determined solely on qualifications and achievements rather than personal connections. Weber believed the work environment should be professional and impersonal – "work relationships" are strongly discouraged. Overall, Weber's ideal bureaucracy favors efficiency, uniformity and a clear distribution of power.

Bottom lineBottom line: In an ideal organization, all employees and managers are treated equally and responsibilities are evenly divided based on each teams' area of expertise. Weber also believed a work environment should be professional and impersonal.

6 characteristics of bureaucracies identified by Weber

According to Weber, these are the six characteristics of bureaucracy: 

  1. Task specialization (division of labor). Weber felt that task specialization promotes the timely completion of work at the highest level of skill. Tasks, therefore, in Weber's ideal organization are divided into categories based on team members' competencies and areas of expertise. Employees and departments have clearly defined roles and expectations in which they are responsible solely for the labor they do best. This is designed to maximize efficiency for the organization. Overstepping one's responsibilities, such as presenting new ideas outside of your department's scope, is generally frowned upon. 

  2. Hierarchical management structure. Weber advocated that management should be organized into layers, with each layer being responsible for its team's performance. Weber believed that each layer of management should provide supervision to the layers below them while being subject to the control of those above them. Thus, individuals at the top of the management hierarchy have the most authority, while those at the bottom have the least power. This hierarchical structure clearly delineates lines of communication, delegation and the division of responsibilities. 

  3. Formal selection rules. In the ideal organization, Weber believed that employees should be chosen based on their technical skills and competencies, which are acquired through education, experience or training – no other factors should be considered. And since workers are paid for their services, and services are divided by job position, an employee's salary is entirely dependent on their position. Contract terms are also entirely determined by the organization's rules and regulations, and employees have no ownership interest in a company. 

  4. Efficient and uniform requirements. Employees, argued Weber, should always know exactly what is expected of them. In the ideal organization, the rules are clearly defined and strictly enforced. This promotes uniformity within the organization and keeps the company running as smoothly and efficiently as possible. If new rules and requirements need to be introduced, higher-level management or directors are responsible for implementing and enforcing them. 

  5. Impersonal environment. Under Weber's theory, relationships between employees are to be only professional only. The impersonal environment characterized by bureaucracies is designed to promote decision-making that is based solely on facts and rational thinking. It prevents favoritism or nepotism as well as involvement from outsiders or political influence, anything that could interfere with the mission of the organization. 

  6. Achievement-based advancement. Weber felt that promotions within an organization should be based solely on achievement, experience and technical qualifications. Personal favors, relationships or personality traits should not factor into personnel decisions.

Other characteristics of the ideal bureaucracy

Clearly defined job roles

Weber believed that responsibilities should be delegated based on skill and ability. There should be no flexible roles. Rather, employees should be aware of their position's responsibilities and stick to them. Straying outside of their designated roles only disrupts the hierarchy of authority. Therefore, collaboration, creative thinking and idea pitching are also strongly discouraged. Also, workers should respect their supervisors and not overstep boundaries.

Meticulous record-keeping

According to Weber, leaders should take notes on every position, occurrence or concern that involves the company. That way, they can refer to it later and handle any issues accordingly. For instance, managers should record every responsibility of every role in the company so there are no misunderstandings. If an employee calls out sick or shows up late to a shift, their manager should keep tabs to ensure there are no negative patterns. 

Additionally, workers should track their hours, and record their daily assignments and progress. Managers have the right to know how their employees are using (or abusing) their time.

Hiring based solely on specific qualifications

Weber advocated that only the most ideal candidates with the exact skill set required for the position should be hired to ensure the best results. There should be no nepotism or exceptions; only those individuals with the right skills and expertise who meet the high standards of the organization should be hired. If a person is not perfectly qualified, they are not a fit.

Work-appropriate relationships only

Weber did not condone any type of personal relationship in the workplace. He supported the notion that all work relationships are bound by rules and regulations. There should be no small talk, collaboration or sharing of ideas. Work is work, it isn't a social outing. 

Sammi Caramela contributed to this article.

Image Credit: Wavebreakmedia / Getty Images
Sean Peek
Sean Peek Contributing Writer
Sean Peek has written more than 100 B2B-focused articles on various subjects including business technology, marketing and business finance. In addition to researching trends, reviewing products and writing articles that help small business owners, Sean runs a content marketing agency that creates high-quality editorial content for both B2B and B2C businesses.