A dedicated medical billing and coding department can improve your practice's cash flow by reducing the time a claim spends in accounts receivable, a metric referred to as "days in A/R."
First-Pass Claims Rate
Many RCM services focus on reducing days in A/R by coding clean claims and scrubbing them for errors with the same or similar rules that clearinghouses use. This improves the chances that a claim will move through the clearinghouse to the payer and be reimbursed on the first pass. The rate at which claims are approved and paid after the first submission is known as a medical billing service's first-pass claims rate, or clean claims rate. This is a critical element of choosing a service: The higher a company's first-pass claims rate, the better.
However, not all services track clean claims rates in the same way. Some companies only tally a "clean claim" if it was accepted and paid. Others factor in unpaid claims that were not denied, inflating their first-pass claims rate. Ask a company for clarification on how it tracks its clean claims rate before basing your decision on that rate.
Faster Payments With Denial Management and Follow-Up
Medical billing services can also expedite the revision of rejected or denied claims. When a payer rejects a claim, it is usually due to a clerical error. Once edited, the claim can be resubmitted for payment. Good medical billing services keep close tabs on rejections and denials, acting swiftly to revise any errors and ensure timely payment.
Sometimes claims sit with a payer for a while without any response. In these cases, medical billing services follow up (sometimes rather aggressively) to get the payer to respond. This often results in faster approval and reimbursement. In other cases, it results in a denial or rejection; however, that also gives the billing service the opportunity to revise and resubmit the claim.
Each of these elements of an RCM service contribute to downward pressure on the days in A/R, which means you get paid sooner for the services your practice has rendered, keeping your cash flow regular and healthy.