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3 Outstanding and Easy-to-Practice Ways to Monetizing your Brand

Waqar Hassan Member
Jun 24, 2016

The online marketplace has gotten quite competitive and businesses have to strive hard in order to stay ahead of their rivals.

This means that you need a unique yet effective way to promote yourself so you can get the desired traffic and audience engagement.

One of the best things you can do is monetize your brand. How do your customers identify you? Your brand.

So, you need to capitalize on this recognition and use it for earning more revenue and profits in the long term.

The problem is that you have to start from the ground up and use a mix of strategies for doing the monetizing.

There are lots of strategies that can be implemented for monetizing your brand, but not all of them can provide you with the results you need. You need to be selective and use the best ways to monetize your brand.

Want to know what they are? Read on to find out:

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1. Search Engine Optimization

Your brand and website are going to need some basic elements of search engine optimization as they contribute to your brand monetization. The question is which ones because there are lots of SEO strategies. Listed below are the best ones you should incorporate for effective brand monetization:

URL Good Practice

Every subpage of your business website requires its own Internet address and each needs to be SEO friendly. For instance, rather than using strange numbers or words in your URL, it is recommended that you use your brand name or keyword that ties in with your content.

Analytics are Essential

It is easy to just look at the numbers and forget about the actual number of views your website is getting from real people. Instead, you should use the analytics for identifying where your visitors are coming from and figuring out what they want when they reach there.

Fast Website Performance

A good user experience means your website speed should also be fast. Rather than taking ages to load, the website should load quickly and this is considered in a website’s ranking. If your website is slow, your page rank is going to end up low and this will have an influence on your monetization efforts.

Quality Links

You can provide your brand with greater credibility when you have links to websites that are relevant to the industry. Furthermore, these quality links also show search engines that your brand matters and hence boost your page rankings.

Great Content

Ultimately, the best way to promote and monetize your brand is by offering unique content. The quality of your content is more important than the quantity and keyword stuffing only gets you penalized. Your content needs to stand out in this digital age.

2. Content Marketing

A secret weapon for brand monetization is content marketing and as long as it is done right, you will be able to boost chances of potential customers finding your brand and choosing your products and services. How can this be used? Here are some tactics:

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Every web page needs to have call-to-action like email sign-up or a social plugin that connects customers to Facebook or Twitter.

Regular Updates

You need to stay in contact with your customers regularly and this can be in any form. You can publish a newsletter and send it to them via email. This is a great way of promoting new content and highlighting special offers for getting more traffic.

Social Media

This can be an excellent promotional platform for your brand, which means you should put some time and effort to craft a concise and interesting summary of unique content and then post it on your social media profiles. You can open your lines of communication with your customers on social media networks.

3. Human Optimization

With all the tips and strategies for boosting your online presence and brand monetization, it is easy to forget that your target audience are real people and you need to take steps to give them a better experience instead of just focusing on what Google and other search engines want. So, this is what you need to do for human optimization:

Online Engagement

Your job is not done once you have provided your customers a service; you need to provide them a full experience. Every action you take and all aspect of your relationship with your clients should be focused on fulfilling the needs of your customer base. A good and strong relationship with your customers is key when you are focused on monetizing your brand.

Customer Re-engagement

Your task is to get your customers to return to your brand over and over again. There are web engagement tools that enable you to identify returning customers. Once you know who they are, you can interact with them personally and give them unique offers and promotions.

Integrated Communication

Convenience is crucial for your customers and the most complaints they have concern communications. Facilitating an environment where your customers can get in touch with you easily and use your services as per their need is a huge plus for them. Online engagement capabilities can be quite useful in these situations such as online payments, web-based scheduling, and online document sharing.

Apart from all these tips, you should also bear in mind that visual excellence can also come in handy for boosting client attraction and monetizing your brand. The visual components of your brand should be aesthetically pleasing and you need to execute them professionally. This includes your logo, marketing materials, and your website. If you have a powerful visual brand, it is going to resonate with your clients.

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Moreover, you should also ensure that the message of your brand is straightforward and easy to understand. Complicating things for your target market is not going to take you anywhere because a confused customer is not likely to buy anything.

You can also become an expert in one area and monetize it. Premium positioning is also beneficial, but you should deliver real value to your clients as this keeps them coming back for more and leads to effective brand monetization.

Image Credit: NanoStockk / Getty Images
Waqar Hassan Member
Waqar Hassan is a Digital Marketing Expert and a Blogger who helps many businesses with their digital marketing approach. He is the CEO of Burgeoning Technologies, a Web and IT Company that has offices in Pakistan and Middle East. He also manages several websites and blogs, such as MenaEntrepreneur and Follow Waqar on Twitter and Google+.