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Start Today: Why You Need a Mobile Marketing Strategy

Tommy Wyher Member
Jun 02, 2016

If you want to get more out of mobile marketing, you’ll benefit from developing a mobile marketing strategy that covers all of the bases.

These days, more and more entrepreneurs are discovering the power and potential of mobile marketing and they are using this marketing format in order to grab vital market share in their niches.  

Once you discover the five reasons why you need a mobile marketing strategy, you’ll be one step closer to hitting the target with your ideal customers.

Without further ado, let’s talk about the five key reasons for designing and implementing a mobile market strategy.  

Related Article: Text Savvy: 6 Reasons Brands Should Start Using SMS Marketing

1. You’ll Access the Power of Texting 

When you want to add a call-to-action to your mobile marketing campaign, with a mind to accessing lightning-fast engagement (and, hopefully, lots of conversions), using text messaging in order to deliver your brand message will be a wise course of action.  

Fast results are what every entrepreneur wants from mobile marketing strategies. The truth is that people really enjoy getting texts and most of them read their texts within a minute and a half of getting them.

This means that texts hit the target like no other digital communication format, including email and electronic messages, which are sent via social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter.  

Since text messages have a higher “open rate”, you’ll find that integrating texts into your mobile marketing campaign gives you access to the ultimate in immediacy.  

2. Shoppers Rely on Mobile-Based Searches 

These days, 40 percent of consumers utilize their mobile devices in order to make decisions about who to buy from. Most look at a trio of review websites before making final choices about which supplier to purchase goods or services from. Reviews are so easy to find online and they help consumers decide between a plethora of suppliers and providers.  

For this reason, you should consider the power of reviews as they pertain to enticing mobile device owners.  

The smartest way to put your best foot forward is to register your business website with an array of consumer promotion websites. Also, encourage your loyal clients to leave reviews of your business at these websites. The more positive reviews of your business that are posted online, the more likely you are to get sales from customers who shop around online via their smartphones, tablets, notebooks and iPads.  

3. Mobile-Friendly Email Gets Results 

While texting offers the fastest response times and the best response times, it’s safe to say that email still gets results. This is why sending out promotional emails that are mobile-friendly will add tons of value to mobile marketing campaigns.

Effective and responsive email design is all about creating messages with shorter line lengths, pre-header text (be sure to Google this if you aren’t sure what it is), concise copy, few or no images and calls-to-action, which appear early on in emails.  

There is an art and a science to all of it and mastering the art and science of mobile-friendly email is definitely beneficial.  

One tip is to explore the concept of email segmentation for mobile device owners. This means breaking down email message content into different categories. For example, a VIP client will receive one message while a sales prospect will receive another. By customizing messages with a mind to superior personalization, while also ensuring that they are mobile-friendly, you’ll use mobile email design to its best possible effect.  

Related Article: Mobile Ready: 4 Things to Ask Yourself Before Mobile Strategy Planning

4. Apps Are Incredibly Popular 

Apps for mobile devices may be very addictive, so creating your own app as an ultra-modern mobile marketing device will be a great way to connect with new and loyal customers.  

Statistics demonstrate that adults in America spend a whopping 91 hours a month using the apps on their mobile devices.  

Apps may be informative or entertaining or both and there are automated app creation software packages out there which are pretty affordable and easy to use. While you’ll need to spend more for custom app design, doing so should be an option as an app has the power to strengthen your brand in a powerful and long-lasting way.  

5. Mobile is Outpacing Desktop 

The mobile landscape is emerging as a powerful means of connecting with prospective and returning customers and this is why choosing to develop a mobile marketing strategy will give you the ability to drive more Web traffic and more profit. Currently, U.S. residents use their mobile devices three hours a day.  

In particular, Millenials opt for mobile devices over desktop computers. Most consumers want to use mobile devices in order to find lifestyle tips, information and goods/services.  

Develop Your Own Strategy Today

By detailing these five excellent reasons to develop a mobile marketing strategy, we’ve made it clear that this type of marketing campaign is vital to modern business success. As well, we’ve hopefully provided you with some welcome inspiration and some tips on how to create a multi-faceted campaign that will polish your PR, help you to make money and spark engagement with a wide pool of consumers.  

Now that you understand the importance of this type of campaign, you’ll be ready to design your own. If you need help, you should be able to outsource the task. There are plenty of companies that specialize in providing mobile marketing services to their valued clientele.

For example, if you’d like a website that is optimized for mobile devices, and this will be a very smart thing to do, a good Web design firm should be able to get the job done remotely.

Related Article: Mobile App Marketing: How Apps Contribute to the Consumer Journey

Mobile marketing isn’t the whole ball of wax. However, it’s one important branch of web marketing. When you incorporate a more comprehensive mobile marketing strategy into your overall web marketing campaign, you’ll be doing all that you can to grab market share from your competitors.  

If you don’t take care of your mobile marketing strategy, your business rivals may succeed in taking market share away from you.

So, why not get started today? The time that you devote to designing and implementing a mobile marketing campaign will be an investment in the success and longevity of your business.

Image Credit: NanoStockk / Getty Images
Tommy Wyher Member
Tommy is a writer who enjoys traveling quite frequently. A graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill means that Tommy is an absolute college basketball fanatic.