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7 Things to Consider When Relocating for a Job

Zac Johnson
Zac Johnson Member
Apr 28, 2016

Congrats, you've gotten a new job offer or a promotion! Just one thing—it requires you to move. 

Many people are faced with a job relocation at some point in their professional career, and it is no easy decision.

If you’ve been approached with a promotion with the caveat of a relocation and you’re having a hard time pulling the trigger on heading out or staying put, use this guide in your decision making process.  

Related Article: Movin' On Up: Why Relocating Offices Doesn't Have to Suck

1. Consider Your Relationship

If you’re young and single without children, you have a lot more flexibility in moving for a position, as your independence means only your life is affected. However, if you’re in a relationship, are married, or have kids, your move will obviously affect more lives than your own. Consider your partner’s career aims.

Are they in a position they’ve been working toward for a while? Is the job market for their skillset rife with positions, or would they struggle to find a new job in your intended destination? Check out job listings with your partner on a site like to research the job market. Sitting down to discuss things with your family is the most important aspect of a move, so do that first.

2. Consider the Company’s Numbers

The job may be everything you want, but make sure the company is on stable footing that makes it a viable option for the next five years and beyond. Is it a startup that may not be the most financially secure? How do sales look? If you have access to this information, make sure you give it a thorough looking over. There’s no point in uprooting your life for a company that might not be around in a few years’ time.

In addition to the company's future and their numbers, you should also consider your potential salary and earnings. To help with this process, be sure to view this list of top paying jobs in America.

3. A New Cost of Living

So the move means a promotion, and a promotion means more money. What more could there be to consider? Well, the cost of living, for starters. It won’t matter that your paycheck is larger when your living expenses also increase. Do your research on the area proposed and determine how much of a difference the pay increase would make.

It might turn out that you’ll have to live even more frugally, regardless of a pay hike. Look up rent, transportation, food costs, and the like to get an overall view of what you can expect to shell out to live comfortably in your new locale.

4. The Stress of a Move

This might not seem that important, but consider everything that goes into moving, from cost to finding a new place to transporting pets. If you’re plan to rent, you’ll need to make sure you can secure one from miles away, or face living in a hotel for the time being once you arrive.

It’s easy to fall into scams when desperation and distance are factors in your housing search, so only use legitimate rental listing websites like, and make sure when you hand over sensitive information (SSN, address, etc.) it’s processed through a secure screening company like Transunion SmartMove. You’ll also need to ask your company whether they’ll cover the moving costs associated with a transfer.

Related Article: Movin' On Up: Why Relocating Offices Doesn't Have to Suck

5. Talk to Colleagues

Has anyone else in your company made the move you’re considering? Consider them your most valuable asset. They’ll likely give it to you straight when it comes to the changes you can expect, compared to your company who might be glossing over details in order to convince you to take the position. If there’s no one else who’s made this particular leap, consider checking out travel boards.

The Internet provides a bevy of contacts to use, and even using a chat board like your potential destination’s Reddit community could see you finding real details on what a move to this destination would entail.

6. Consider the Weather

If you’re moving from a climate that experiences an even keel for most of the year, you’re going to want to be realistic about your ability to deal with harsher conditions.

For example, a California native who makes the move to Chicago might experience a bit of a shock when below zero temperatures flow through. This could also mean huge investments in clothing and gear to ensure you can handle the weather.

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7. Make Sure You Visit

Pictures are great and Internet information is wonderful, but if you’ve never visited the place in question, that should be the first thing on your list before answer your superior’s proposal for a job move. Plan a trip with Travelocity, and try to stay longer than a weekend to ensure you have a comprehensive feel for the location.

You may find pictures didn’t do it justice and it’s more beautiful than anticipated, or in contrast, you may find you don’t gel with the vibe of the city. Getting a more hands-on experience will serve you well.

Relocating for a new job can be quite stressful. By walking through each of the considerations mentioned above, you will be able to have a clear cut decision, while also making the process more seamless and beneficial.

Image Credit: Fizkes / Getty Images
Zac Johnson
Zac Johnson Member
Zac Johnson is one of the widely respected leaders in the blogging and internet marketing communities. Through his popular blogs, and, he has helped thousands of readers grow their brands and make money online. A self taught entrepreneur, Zac’s been making money online for over 15 years and has been involved in nearly every facet of internet marketing while also finding great success in the world of blogging. In 2007 Zac launched his first blog at, which is focused on his successes and failures, case studies, industry news and guides on how to make money online. In addition to his own personal experiences, Zac also writes about the latest online marketing trends and informs his readers on how and where they could be creating new revenue online. Zac’s personal blog currently has thousands of daily readers and has referred over $5,000,000 in new business to his advertisers and network partners since launching the blog. In addition to all of the above, I am also serving on the Board of Advisors with and also consulting with their team to improve their day to day operations and reach while also managing their blog, social media and news team. Specialties: blogging, ppc, media buying, site production...