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Complexity Management Theory

Jeanne Dininni
Feb 22, 2011

Harness the power of business complexity theory to build a winning company strategy

Complexity theory resulted from the efforts of researchers to discover the hidden order of complex systems and harness it to make the most of those systems. One object of complexity theory is to teach managers to maintain the delicate balance between order (law) and chaos (accident), or between planning and chance, in their companies by using a continually evolving organizational strategy which both anticipates and responds to changing conditions and new feedback.

A central component of the chaos and complexity theory in management is the recognition that change within systems is nonlinear (erratic, unpredictable, unstable) and based on the evolving relationships and complex interactions of the ever-changing components within the system. While these factors make results virtually impossible to predict, when their nature is recognized and understood, they also allow for a new flexibility of approach that can provide the freedom to innovate. Some important components of complexity theory are these:

1. It's far more important for management to recognize emerging organizational patterns and business trends and adjust company strategy accordingly than to be directly involved in handling the day-to-day details of the business.

2. Managers need to develop the wisdom and experience to know when and how to push the limits of order without crossing the boundary into chaos.

3. Vision, leadership, corporate values and open communication are critical to achieving company goals, given the complexity in management of a company in the modern business environment.

Take a leadership course which includes complexity management theory

Numerous websites provide valuable information about complexity management theory. In addition to diagrams and summaries of complexity management principles, you'll find various videos and instructional materials, as well as training courses that can help you develop the expertise to put complexity theory to work for your company.

Try a consultant to help you put the complexity theory of management into practice

Consultants with knowledge and experience in complexity management theory can guide you in maximizing the benefit of its principles in your own company's unique environment.

Locate tools and resources that will help you make the most of complexity management theory

Widely available online tools and resources can help you more easily implement business complexity principles. Videos, flowcharts and links to numerous websites offering other products, information and services let you choose the complexity management resources most valuable to your business.
  • You'll likely find the many facets of complexity theory fascinating, as you delve more deeply into them. Take advantage of as much of the information that's readily available online as you can. It will be well worth your while, as you learn to put the theory into practice to help your company grow and mature.
Image Credit: Prostock-Studio / Getty Images
Jeanne Dininni