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Employee Motivation Programs editorial staff editorial staff Member
Updated Apr 28, 2020

Keep your workers inspired by implementing an employee motivation program.

  • Keeping your employees engaged and motivated is essential to ensuring they stay productive and deliver their best work.
  • Training programs, motivational content and the occasional gift are great ways to incentivize your employees to put in the extra effort.
  • Training programs are especially effective if you pay attention to the interests of your employees and create a program that is informative and engaging.

Your company can benefit from employee motivation. It's important to reward your staff for their hard work through recognition, special privileges or gifts. An employee motivation program shows your staff that your company cares about their success. Motivate your staff, and their production will exceed expectations.

Employee motivation techniques create the foundation that keeps your workforce happy and productive. A supportive work atmosphere leads to positive motivation for employees and improves morale. Further, workers who have a great attitude serve as an example for new staff members joining the organization. Motivating employees can come in many forms.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Consider an employee motivational training program.
  2. Use employee motivational articles and other materials to inspire your workers. Give your gifts as an incentive to increase staff motivation.
  3. Implement a training program to increase employees' motivation.

Training programs use employee motivation theories to offer the best classes and training tools for your company. Some of the most successful companies in the world use training programs for worker motivation.

Tips to motivate employees during training 

A study conducted by the Global Journal of Commerce and Management Perspective found that training is an essential component in the productivity system of a business. Training not only improved employee performances, but it also improved the productivity of the organization as a whole.

Training is an invaluable resource that should be utilized by every business, and it should be an ongoing process to continue growth within the business.

Here are a few tips for creating an employee training program that will show results. 

1. Make it engaging.

Training isn’t very effective if no one pays attention. Subjecting your employees to dry, uninspired educational materials or speakers is unlikely to produce the results you’re looking for. 

Your training program should seek to sell team members on the mission statement and culture of your company. It should clearly articulate the goal your business is working toward and explain why they are so vital to accomplishing this goal. If you do not make them feel connected to your vision, it is harder for them to appreciate the work they are doing. 

2. Invest in high-quality content.

Invest in high-quality content if you're doing video training or printing pamphlets. This doesn't mean you need to hire Steven Spielberg to direct your videos. But putting in the extra effort to invest in production value can go a long way toward keeping your employees interested and engaged in conjunction with the personal coaching you are providing.  

3. Tell your story.

Another way to engage your audience is to tell your story and what drove you to start the business in the first place. Your existing employees already understand the broad strokes of what the company does and what problems it solves. But they may not know your personal motivation behind developing the business.

This is a great opportunity to connect with your team and explain to them your personal goals. It's easy to be indifferent if you feel like you're not personally connected to the objectives of the company. Explaining your backstory or the circumstances that lead to the development of your business can build that personal connection employees need to truly value their work and appreciate the impact their work has on the company and your customers. 

4. Encourage feedback and participation.

Communication is key in an employee-management relationship. Although communication should be a part of your daily work life, employee training is a great opportunity to check and see if there are any issues not being addressed.

If you're doing an in-person training, ask your employees questions about their jobs and what the company could do to help them feel more engaged and supported. If it's an online training, include a feedback section somewhere in the training, where employees can submit their concerns. It also helps to get feedback on the training itself to continually improve and develop your materials. 

5. Make it interactive.

If you simply force your employees to watch an educational video, it may help them learn some technical information, but it's unlikely to affect their overall sense of engagement. If the training is more of an interactive experience, it's more likely to have a positive impact on employee morale.

If you have the web development skills (or access to someone who does), creating interactive videos and online media could be a great way to do training. 

If you not quite as tech-savvy, you could do something like create employee incentives for completing certain trainings. For example, employees who complete a certain training program can work certain projects or accounts. Or even something less formal like offering a free pizza on Fridays to those who participate in a program. It's up to you how to incentivize your employees, but if you want to increase motivation, you have to give them more than just bland educational content. 

6. Inspire your crew with employee motivation articles and posters.

The use of visual aids changes how employees view their success. We've all seen the motivational posters and articles, but these can be more beneficial than you might think. 

7. Create worker motivation with incentives.

Employees love rewards for hard work, and a wonderful motivational tool is gift incentives. Your staff will strive to do their best, and it challenges them to improve productivity through friendly competition and recognition for a job well done.

  • Employees need to feel encouraged, and motivational techniques can achieve the goal of motivating employees daily.
  • Use an employee motivation survey to gauge the morale of your workforce. Ask the staff to indicate what motivates them. Basic choices include recognition, monetary rewards and special privileges.
Image Credit: Chaay_Tee / Getty Images editorial staff editorial staff Member
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