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4 Security Tips to Keep Your Business Safe editorial staff editorial staff Member
Updated Apr 14, 2020

Keep your business secure with these four simple tips.

  • There are a number of risks that have the potential to cause extensive damages, or in some situations, completely destroy a business.
  • It is essential that businesses are aware of the risks that pose a threat to their organization.
  • Potential business threats may include hazards to the physical location, such as fires, illegal substance use among employees, technology risks and strategic risks.

Common safety and security risks in business

There are vast arrays of potential risks that may occur within a business.  Some of the potential risks are hazards that may completely destroy a business, while others may result in costly damages. Some of the most common safety and security risks in business may include:

  • Physical risks. The most common form of physical risk are hazards/risks that occur to the building itself, such as explosions or fire. To ensure the safety of employees and reduce the risk of extensive damage or loss of assets, it is essential that employees and management are aware of all exit locations, that the building has efficient (and working) smoke detectors and fire alarms, the building has a working sprinkler system, and that employees know that their safety takes priority.

  • Human risks. The most common (and devastating) risk to a business is the use of drugs and alcohol by personnel in the workplace. Employees and management who are suffering from drug and/or alcohol abuse should be urged to seek treatment, and if available, a company's insurance policies should provide full or partial coverage for treatment. Another common human risk is embezzlement, fraud and theft. To avoid these risks, it is critical that a thorough background check is conducted before an applicant is hired.

  • Technology risks. Power outages are the most common type of technology risk. A power surge may occur during a lightning storm and completely delete all information pertaining to the business. For this reason, it is critical that the business establish and maintain online data backup systems to protect all critical documents.

There's a lot of talk about business performance: how to drive better leads, how to enhance customer care, and all this is great, but what about security? Shouldn't this be a central conversation? How are we keeping our businesses safe and secure from theft, hacking and other malicious behavior? Because we haven't got it figured out.

In a recent study, 78% of people claimed that they were aware of the risks of clicking on unknown links in emails, but clicked them anyway. Clearly, there's a gap that needs to be addressed. Here are four security tips to help make your business more secure.


Make security everyone's business

The first point relates to culture, and it's one that can potentially make a huge difference in ensuring your business is secure. Namely, make sure that security is addressed at your workplace at all levels. Hold regular (at least annual) meetings that educate your staff on common security threats and how they can be neutralized.

Security breaches are often the consequence of people becoming complacent. Regular gatherings that educate and remind will help staff stay vigilant in addressing security threats. Security is not just a matter of strategy or technology; it's also about making sure everybody feels responsible for keeping the workplace safe.

Get the gear

Too often, businesses and business owners fall into the trap of thinking they can handle everything themselves. But, sometimes, it's better to buy or partner than it is to build. Leave security to the professionals who understand its intimate workings so that you can focus on what's important: the day-to-day operation of your business.

Make sure you have robust and up-to-date software, and get it up and running on all computers housing work-related information. Once the software is functioning, you can simply sit back and let it take care of the nuts and bolts of security for you. Don't skimp on security solutions either. While there are several free, decent antivirus and other security software programs available, these may not be comprehensive enough to protect your business from all threats. Do the research and commit to the solution that protects your business best – not simply the cheapest or most convenient option.

Think comprehensively

Just because we're living in a digital age doesn't mean that security simply means internet security. There are numerous levels of security that are important to think about and strategize for.

For example, a business needs to not only have security software but also a good physical security system overseeing the workplace. After all, most threats that exist online can also occur through old-fashioned theft. Make sure your building is also secure.

Moreover, it's a great idea to integrate security concerns into hiring itself. When interviewing prospective employees, make sure this question is at the top of your mind: Is this person trustworthy?

Have policies in place

Probably the very best thing a business can do to keep its workplace safe is simply to have policies and procedures in place that address security needs. Don't leave security up to individual judgment. Research best practices and enforce them across the board.

That way, when confronted with a potential threat, your staff will have a unified and stellar response to meet it with.

For many, security is an anxious topic. Many of us are so anxious at the thought of something going wrong that we're afraid to adequately prepare. But equipped with these tips, a business can make significant strides to ensure a safe, secure workplace.

Image Credit: demaerre / Getty Images editorial staff editorial staff Member
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