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Top 10 Most Effective HR Solutions for 2017

George Beall
George Beall Member
Mar 17, 2017

HR can present a daunting amount of work for businesses of any size

Running a company is already hard enough without having to deal with people problems. Among recruiting the best team possible, developing a strong company culture, solving problems, keeping track of payroll and related taxes and handling general staff maintenance, human resources can present a daunting amount of work for businesses of any size. 

However, while it may be a difficult task, ignoring this part of your company is not an option. In order to stay on top of your game this year and focus on the part of your business you do love, these are the top solutions which can streamline and improve HR for your company.


Topping this list for most effective HR solution is no easy feat, but this year’s winner has quickly become an industry game-changing darling thanks to its innovative high tech coupled with a trusted personal touch approach. simplifies all the previously inefficient tasks like employee onboarding and offboarding, document e-signatures, benefits management. time off tracking and compliance all in one easy-to-manage, centralized place. It's really simple to use and gives your employees a self service portal. syncs with your existing payroll seamlessly, and will assign an experienced benefit adviser to help you navigate healthcare. The cost is perhaps the best part -- everything is included with the benefits services, so no additional budget is required.

2. JazzHR

While maintaining a strong internal HR program is important, you’ll first need a team, and recruiting can be problematic. JazzHR is an all inclusive recruitment software that will help you on the top hires. It covers the entire recruitment process, from creating a job posting to interviews and screenings to sending out job offers. Jazz lets you rest easy with the knowledge that you are reaching as many people as possible, have all your ducks in a row and don't need to worry about hiring the wrong person for your venture.

3. Bamboo HR

Bamboo simplifies HR by eliminating the need for spreadsheets. With this service, your company no longer needs to keep Excel running with all your employees, salaries, benefits, hours clocked in, payroll taxes and other line-items. 

Keeping all of this data in one easy-to-access place also lets you push out graphs and data so you can better keep tabs on the status of your team and company as well as analyze where you are with greater ease.


If one word can sum up Greenhouse, it is optimization. Greenhouse allows your recruiting process to rely on precise, data-driven hiring decisions. Running more direct and efficient interviews allows Greenhouse to filter through candidates and gives you easily digestible options for hires. 

Between sourcing better candidates and having a plethora of data analysis algorithms behind the software, Greenhouse has proven its worth. It is no surprise that it is used by top firms such as AirBnB, Twilio and Zenefits.

5. Namely

Namely offers an all-in-one product that is tailored for every member of your organization. Employees are empowered and supported to produce better work. Managers can set milestones and accomplishments for their teams. 

The C-Suite has access to a wide range of data, so they can understand the success points of their organization and growth as a whole. In addition to these product-focused features, the software covers payroll, hiring and general HR all in a simple-to-implement manner.

6. When I Work

When I Work was built to help reduce the confusion of working with hourly and part time employees. Rather than constantly having no-shows, late arrivals, and miscommunications, managers and workers can easily monitor and talk about work hours.

The system as a clear calendar system with easy communication tools, which increase accountability and reduce those awkward moments where someone forgot or did not get a memo. Working with customers such as Uber, When I Work has proven itself to be one of the best hourly worker platforms and even more so, a top tier HR platform as well.

7. Trakstar

Every organization needs a solid feedback loop in order to keep an open work environment and foster a strong company culture. Trakstar allows any employee to write reviews, set and meet goals and provide feedback for peers and managers. 

Also, the software is entirely customizable to your organization's structure, so you can adjust it to your specific needs. It even utilizes cloud-based, real-time reporting, which eliminates stacks of written feedback that need to be processed and lets you know exactly where everyone is in the feedback process.

8. JustWorks

While many HR solutions are build for huge corporations, JustWorks prides themselves in offering benefits packages tailored around small businesses and allows employees to manage and choose their benefits, so you don’t have to.

Offering an all-in-one solution covering payroll, benefits, onboarding, taxes and compliance, JustWorks makes the life of a small business owner as easy as possible when it comes to setting up and running HR.

9. Paychex

Paychex makes payroll for small businesses as simple as possible. Offering a flexible program that gives payroll when your organization needs it, benefits as large or small as you want, and a simple fee structure based on company size, Paychex has set up a platform dedicated to freedom of choices for business owners. 

Additionally, it makes setting up insurance and 401(k)s through their software, adding more options for a personalized product, unbelievably easy.

10. Paycor Perform

Paycor Perform is a platform for maximizing your company's performance. Working with you every step of the process, from pre-hire to tax compliance to payroll and HR management, Paycor aims to prevent any imperfections in your day-to-day.

Furthermore, in order to inform their clients and bring them up to speed with whatever they might need to know, Paycor offers a suite of webinars and informational content. This way, you will never feel like you're missing some important piece of the puzzle.

No matter your company size or situation, managing a team is hard. But you can rest easy knowing that there are plenty of top-tier solutions to help you hire and maintain a strong set of employees. Whether it's payroll, benefits, hiring or feedback, you can stop your bootstrapped HR systems and dedicate more of your time to growing your venture.

Photo credit: Shutterstock / Cressida studio

George Beall
George Beall Member
George Beall is a student at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He has a deep admiration for true innovation and has been involved in multiple in technology startups. He was one of the founders of Everipedia and an angel investor in SAMO VR Inc. In his spare time he enjoys horseback riding, discovering upcoming music, and binge watching Netflix.