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How to Make the Most of Management Theory of Henri Fayol

Renee Baumgardner
Mar 11, 2011

Analyze relationships within organizations when making the most of management theory of Henri Fayol

Henri Fayol (1841-1925) was a French management theorist who developed principles of management based on his personal work experiences. Fayol's 14 principles of management include: division of work, authority, discipline, unity of command, unity of direction, subordination of individual interest, remuneration, centralization, scalar chain, order, equity, stability of tenure of personnel, initiative and espirit de corps.

Although viewed as a classic management theory, elements of the Fayol theory of management such as leadership, planning and coordination are still relevant and utilized today even though some of the Fayol management terminology has changed. Making the most of management theory of Henri Fayol in today’s workplace includes the following:

1. Enrolling in leadership training courses

2. Implementing Strategic Planning processes

3. Providing Conflict Resolution and Emotional Intelligence training

Follow Fayol's theory of coordination and control and enroll in leadership training courses

Strong leadership skills are critical to have employees support you in any endeavor. Managers who have the trust, respect and confidence of their employees find that their staff is more willing to go the "extra mile" to complete projects, adapt to changes in the work environment and share their ideas on how to improve work processes.

Implement Fayol's principles of management related to planning

Strategic planning involves identifying the goals and objectives of an organization and taking measures to achieve those goals. This "planning" also correlates to one of Fayol's management principles. Measures taken to achieve goals and objectives can include increasing the number of employees, providing additional training, modifying the existing work processes and benchmarks and acquiring additional resources/equipment.

Promote Fayol's theory of coordination to provide conflict resolution

Fayol's management theory regarding coordination believes that employees (and management) working together as one team with a common goal results in a productive organization. Conflict among individuals is a naturally occurring phenomenon that can cause disruption and lack of productivity. However, educating employees about conflict resolution and emotional intelligence can help them gain an understanding and appreciation of another person's view and enable them to find a resolution without disrupting the entire workplace.
  • Implementing aspects of Henri Fayol's management theory is just one way to foster relations and trust among management and employees. Informal activities such as retreats, picnics, luncheons and sports outings (such as golf, bowling or softball) are other ways for individuals to interact with one another and form bonds of trust that can carry over into the workplace.
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Renee Baumgardner