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Management Theory of Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Patricia Flinsch-Rodriguez
Apr 09, 2011

Understanding Kanter's Change model to benefit your company

Rosabeth Moss Kanter has written extensively on the subject of change management. Kanter's management theory provides a framework that you may use to improve your organization's efficiency.


Kanter's theory suggests that the way an organization operates is an integral component in how employees derive their attitudes and behaviors. The Moss Kanter theory proposes that employees exhibit different behaviors based upon whether certain structural supports were in place. The following precepts sum up the Management Theory of Rosabeth Moss Kanter:

1. Kanter's theory states power is derived from formal and informal sources.

2. Staff requires access to resources to meet organizational goals according to Rosabeth Kanter.

3. Increase staff knowledge and skills and Rosabeth Moss Kanter believes they will be more productive.


Communicate organizational goals as part of Kanter's change theory

Kanter's change theory states that information must be shared from the top down so that everyone is aware of organizational goals. Spreading knowledge and sharing ideas will lead to innovative ideas and collaboration from the staff.

Foster an environment of alliance per Kanter's theory

At the heart of Kanter's management theories is the idea that people derive power alliances they form within the organization with superiors, with peers, and with subordinates. This means that you have to allow staff to socialize a little so that they can network within your organization. Sometimes the ability to get things done comes down to how you can exert influences on others.
Harvard Business.

Empower your staff as an essential part of Kanter's management theories

Empowering your staff sounds like a no-brainer concept, but many organizations fail to do just that. You cannot give employee's goals without the resources and training to achieve them. Kanter's theory proposes that a staff who feels they have reasonable workloads, some measure of control over their work, and are rewarded for their contributions will be more engaged in their work.

Provide support to increase productivity according to the Moss Kanter management theory

Rosabeth Kanter defines support as receiving feedback from peers and management. Rosabeth Moss Kanter contends that staff who feels they are supported by management will have a greater stake in the organization and will be more productive and happy than those who are not supported by management.

  • This information about Rosabeth Moss Kanter and her management theories has hopefully given you some new ideas for your organization. Consider hiring a change management consultant to implement changes that your organization should make.
Image Credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock
Patricia Flinsch-Rodriguez