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Management Theory of Tom Peters

Geraldine McGowan
Aug 11, 2011

Tom Peters's theory: In search of excellence

Tom Peters's management theory "In Search of Excellence" was published in 1982, in which he examined 43 companies that embodied excellence. The management theory of Tom Peters is based on leaderships qualities. Good leaders believe in productivity through people, are hands-on and value-driven; they only do what they do best.

Tom Peters' theory of leadership also includes the "Seven S Framework." Strategy, Structure and Systems (hard S's) and Staff, Style, Shared Values and Skills (the soft S's). These tips are the means for a company to analyze itself. Tom Peters is considered one of the gurus of business management and the most influential business theorist of our time. Over time he has added, modified and continually grown his original theory.

1. The 43 excellent companies originally used in his book did not stay excellent.

2. Tom Peters management theory is nevertheless considered one of the most important management theories in business management studies.

3. Tom Peters' management theory changed the emphasis in management from analyzing accounts and numbers to examining the role of leadership in productivity and business success.

Hire a Tom Peters management strategies consultant

A Tom Peters management consultant can give a boost to your business and enhance your leadership skills.

Train yourself in Tom Peters quality management techniques

Investing your time in learning more about Tom Peters on management is not a waste of money. Continuing education for company managers and leaders is always a wise investment.

Read and research as much as you can on Tom Peters theory of leadership

Reading and keeping up with the latest research on business management is another way of keeping a step ahead of competitors.
  • Tom Peters is often booked as a speaker at various business events. Check his website to see if he will be giving a talk near you. It is well worth hearing him speak.
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Geraldine McGowan