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Mobile Marketing Analytics: Which Metrics Measure Success? editorial staff editorial staff Member
Updated Mar 30, 2020

So you've decided to invest in mobile marketing (good call), but how do you know if your efforts are working? Here's what you should measure.

  • Phones have rapidly become one of the most convenient sources for modern-day shopping.
  • If your website is mentioned on social media, such as Facebook or Twitter, it can boost your search engine rankings.
  • Strive to not only get traffic to your website but to keep visitors there once they have arrived.

Mobile market analytics

The new iPhone features a bigger screen, and competitors tout even larger "phablet" sizes. Still, phone keyboards are smaller than those on standard laptops and mistaps frequently occurs. Why should that matter to your mobile marketing analytics? Because if you rely primarily on click-through rates (CTRs) to measure mobile ad performance, or, worse, pay for ads based on CTR, some 20 to 40% of those clicks are probably accidental due to mistapping. More troubling is a Nielsen study that reports the higher the CTR, the lower the rate of ad interaction.

What other kinds of mobile metrics provide a more accurate picture of how successful you are at reaching your target markets?

Secondary action rates and store visitation lift

Secondary action rates (SARs) measure user actions that follow an ad click, such as calling a number or requesting directions. Related to this is store visitation lift (SVL), which measures in-store traffic that results from a geotargeted mobile ad campaign (relevant, obviously, only to brick and mortar retailers).

While cautioning that mobile's role in driving purchase decisions varies by industry, a recent xAd study indicates that SAR and SVL are better indicators of purchase intent.

Mobile app tracking

Increasingly, mobile users are choosing apps over web browsers to find what they need because apps are generally easier and quicker. From the marketer's view, apps more precisely control and direct the user experience to minimize the likelihood of clicking links that lead off-message. Apps also allow for push notifications and similar interactions that increase user engagement.

If you have an app for your business, you can define and track specific user actions to determine conversion rates and what strategies result in a sale or a request for information. You can also measure the effectiveness of certain events. For example, you can compare the number of in-app purchases to the number of app screen views. If you discover that the ratio is low, that's a valuable metric possibly indicating a design flaw that prevents or inhibits users from making a purchase.

Another thing to consider is the app activation rate. Users frequently download an app, but then never use it. If you find your app activation rate is low, then it's time to consider following up with email reminders to stimulate engagement. You'd also want to contact those who have activated the app and solicit feedback to improve their experience.

Text message marketing campaign tracking

One of the best marketing vehicles is text messaging that contains a code to unlock a special offer or discount. Each code is associated with a different kind of offer, which allows you to track which offers generate the highest response rates. Services such as Clickatell can design, implement and measure such mobile marketing campaigns for you.

Benefits of mobile marketing

Mobile marketing has quickly become a popular marketing strategy. It provides an opportunity for you to connect with as well as interact with your customers. Here are a few more benefits that come with this type of marketing strategy.

Potential for viral posts  

Posts that go viral are similar to a chain reaction; if one person shares your post with just five people, those five people may also share it with 10 people and those 10 will also share, and it continues until thousands know about it. Mobile marketing makes it easy to share content that may potentially go viral and the more people that see your advertisement, the more potential customers your business will have.

Boosts search engine rankings

If your website is mentioned on social media, such as Facebook or Twitter, it can boost your search engine rankings. When you have your website attached to your Facebook page it means that both your website and Facebook page will pop up when the website is searched for, which means your business will get noticed more. The more your business is noticed, the higher it will rank on the search engines.

Convenient to use and easy to work with

Phones have rapidly become one of the most convenient sources for modern-day shopping. Your phone can store everything from your credit card information to coupons, as well as keep track of where a product you wanted was being sold at. All of this makes it much more convenient for your customers to find and buy from your business.

The best benefit is that placing an ad, even a simple, basic ad on the phone can find its way to a number of other platforms, including laptops and tablets. With the click of a few buttons, you can reach thousands of customers that can easily shop on and buy from your website.

Tips for mobile marketing

Know your audience.

One of the most important factors of successful marketing is to know your target audience. You'll need to think of several scenarios in which your audience is using their mobile device. For instance, are they parents who are searching on their phone while waiting in the parking lot for their kids to finish soccer practice? It's essential that you think about the mindset of your target audience is in while using a mobile device as well as their environment.

Get the attention of the consumer.

People who are using a mobile device are on the go, plus they have numerous distractions, and are multitasking. It's essential that you keep this in mind when you are creating content for mobile devices. The content is being shown in the midst of surrounding noise and distractions, so it's critical that you focus on capturing their attention.

Use complementary colors, eye-catching images and captivating text; providing content that captures the consumer's attention will allow your marketing as well as your business to stand out.

Keep it simple and easy to navigate.

The most important thing to remember about mobile marketing is ease of use. Mobile users want simple apps and websites that are easy to navigate. The goal is to not only get traffic to your website but to keep them there once they have arrived, and simple apps are easy to navigate and they load quicker.

If it takes more than a few seconds to download, you are increasing the risk of losing potential customers. You should also include mobile-friendly calls to action, such as download now or tap to explore. Make sure the website is easy to navigate as well. For example, don't encourage potential customers to have to go through several channels in order to get to their destination; instead, make info easy to locate.

Mobile phones allow people to have their phone or other mobile device with them at all times, so mobile marketing is a source of direct marketing. This means you can have instant contact with thousands of potential customers and you will be instantly updated on everything related to your business.

Image Credit: Zephyr18 / Getty Images editorial staff editorial staff Member
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