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How to Get the Most Out of Your Online Marketing Efforts

Chad Brooks
Chad Brooks Staff
Jun 10, 2019

Marketing expert Rolando Herrera of Insignia SEO is June's community member of the month.

The community is a place where business owners and professionals can come together to learn from each other.

Those looking for advice can solicit it from their peers, while others can share their extensive expertise with those who need it.   

It's that peer-to-peer give and take that makes the community such a valuable part of Overall, the site has more than 190,000 members from around the globe. The community is able to thrive like it does because of our members' eagerness to drive conversations, whether through asking questions, answering questions or contributing articles.

Each month, we spotlight one of our community members for their contributions. This month we are recognizing Rolando Herrera, co-owner and vice president of marketing for the Texas-based Insignia SEO.

Digital marketing advice

Herrera is a frequent contributor to the community. Specifically, he shares his vast knowledge of best marketing and SEO practices via's contributing author program. The program allows expert members of the community to submit their own articles for publication.

Rolando Herrera

In another article Herrera wrote this year, he highlights what small business owners need to know about online marketing. He says the concept of marketing relies on one fundamental objective: building solid relationships with your clientele through effective research and advertising."Digital marketing requires businesses to take a patient, multifaceted approach with a huge payoff on the back end," Herrera wrote in the article. "If you are willing to reconsider the fundamentals of your marketing approach, you can see the traffic numbers that you want."   

"Even if you're selling a time machine or a map to the Fountain of Youth, you won't achieve any financial growth unless your target audience knows what your products or services are," Herrera wrote. "For this, you'll need an effective strategy that will leverage your marketing goals and sustain the profitability of your business."

He says small businesses would be best served by focusing their efforts on three key digital marketing areas: keyword research, content marketing and social media.


  • Name: Rolando Herrera
  • Business: Insignia SEO
  • How long in business: 6 years
  • Community member: 3 years
  • Areas of expertise: SEO, paid advertising, digital marketing, marketing strategy, public relations, sales, social media, branding and concept creation


Q: What attracted you to the marketing industry?

A: My first job was working at Walt Disney Theme Parks, and eventually I had the opportunity for a professional internship in marketing and sales for the Disney Youth Group Programs division.

Working in Orlando and getting to know professionals in the field of marketing for one of the largest companies in the world motivated me and gave me the drive to learn more about marketing and its many different channels. 

Q: What makes Insignia SEO stand out in such a crowded industry?

A: Insignia SEO currently shows up as a first-page result in more than 50 U.S. cities for SEO. What makes us stand out is our focus on the technical aspects of search engine optimization.

For us, it's not about creating content, listings and backlinks, but perfecting each task and doing it as best as is possible. We spend time on research and strategy, and when we have the best understanding of the path ahead, we take it. 

Q: Why did you join the community?

A: I joined because I felt I could learn from the community and impart some of my knowledge through this authoritative channel. 

Q: What do you enjoy most about being a part of the community?

A: I enjoy how selective the community is with its content curation. I like the forum that it has and how it ties in experts in various fields to those starting out or looking for answers from professionals.

Q: How do you decide what to write about when contributing an article? 

A: I usually take on the topics that I feel I master well enough to write about. I want to make sure that the content I write comes from real-life experiences and interactions with clients. 

Q: What is the best professional advice you have ever received?

A: It’s not practice that makes perfect, but perfect practice that makes perfect.

Q: What is biggest professional mistake you have ever made, and how did you overcome it?

A: The biggest professional mistake I made was to remove myself from a substantial business deal because I thought at the time that I couldn't measure up to the responsibilities that came with that deal.

At this point in life and in my career, I find that most things are manageable and it's the perception that needs to adapt to the circumstance in order to overcome it.

Join the community

At, we understand the stress of running a business. You are so bombarded with advice on the importance of marketing, improving your website or training employees that you can barely focus on the day-to-day operations. Our community was created to help cut through the clutter of information and be a place for business professionals to connect and share advice to overcome business challenges. If you would like to be a part of our community, you can join for free here.

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  • Advice. Ask the community anything related to business, or browse our library of advice with more than 6,000 questions and 60,000 answers.
  • Reviews. Get recommendations on the best products and services to accelerate your business growth with our detailed reviews.
  • Articles. Learn from our extensive collection of resources written by our qualified team of writers and experts in the community.
  • Experts. Connect with experienced business professionals available for hire to build your network, get inspiration and learn from their mistakes.

If you are already a community member and would like to be considered for our Member of the Month feature, please send an email to We'd love to help you share your business story.

Image Credit:
Chad Brooks
Chad Brooks Staff
Chad Brooks is a Chicago-based writer and editor who has spent more than 20 years in media. A 1998 journalism graduate of Indiana University, Chad began his career with Business News Daily in 2011 as a freelance writer. In 2014, he joined the staff full time as a senior writer. Before Business News Daily, Chad spent nearly a decade as a staff reporter for the Daily Herald in suburban Chicago, covering a wide array of topics including local and state government, crime, the legal system and education. Chad has also worked on the other side of the media industry, promoting small businesses throughout the United States for two years in a public relations role. His first book, How to Start a Home-Based App Development Business, was published in 2014.