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How to Repurpose Your Blog Content for Improved Engagement

Syed Balkhi
Syed Balkhi Member
May 21, 2020

Your blog is one of the most important parts of your website. We are going to show you how to repurpose your posts so you can get even more engagement and sales.

If you're a business owner, there's a good chance you have a blog on your website. Blogs are a great way to keep consumers interested in your brand while actively providing them with free information designed to resolve pain points or help them reach their goals. The result of these interactions is more sales, social proof and engagement across the board. 

Research shows that once you publish 24-51 blog posts on your website, you can expect to see a traffic boost of about 30%. The reason for this boost is simple: The more content you have available, the more chances you have to connect with your customers. Also, companies that blog see 55% more traffic on average than businesses that don't bother. 

You might not realize it, but your blog posts' benefits don't have to end once you hit Publish. There are plenty of fantastic ways you can repurpose your blog content for improved engagement. 

Let's take a look at six ways you can start repurposing your content today. 

1. Refresh your drip campaign.

First, we are going to explore ways to fit your blog content into your email marketing campaign. Email marketing is, without a doubt, one of the best ways to grow your business. On average, marketers see a 4,400% return on investment with their promotional emails. So there's no question that certain segments of your audience are interested in reading your content. 

Start by curating lists to go out to your email subscribers based on their interests or behavior on your site. For example, if you have an online gardening shop, you would want to create lists for growing vegetables to send to people who have shown interest in that topic. Delivering relevant content to your audience at the right time is vital for building rapport and trust. 

Your second option is a little more detailed but useful for improving sales and click-throughs. Go through one of your most popular blog posts and create a drip campaign that relays the information conversationally and informally. If you've researched your target audience, the message in your emails should resonate with subscribers, just like your blog posts. 

A drip campaign is a series of emails designed to get people interested in what you have to say and your product selection. Most campaigns close with a special promotion or call to action that invites a sale. Your strategy may have a different endgame, but you can use your blog posts to craft reputable and interesting emails. 

2. Create a brand-new lead magnet.

Lead magnets are pieces of content you give to consumers in exchange for signing up for your email list. In many cases, your lead magnet will include some or most of your blog content, depending on the type you make for your business. 

For example, you could create an infographic that compiles statistics from all of your most popular posts. This piece of content could help someone who wants to do research but isn't sure where to start. 

Another smart way to use your blog posts in a lead magnet is to create an ultimate guide. Let's say you're the owner of an email marketing business. You could create a tutorial for beginners with all of your relevant posts transcribed into one e-book or guide. Again, this is helpful when someone finds your website for the first time and needs more information. 

You could also use a learning management system to create a class for people who are new to your product or want a guide on the industry as a whole. You can choose to make these classes free or paid, but this is certainly worth considering: LMS business is expected to grow in value to $22.4 billion by 2023.

3. Promote engagement on your website.

Our next tip doesn't involve you manipulating your original blog post in any way. Many companies have decided to add what's called a slide deck to their website. These decks show all of the most popular blog content, regardless of which page the consumer is on. 

This tool can help you repurpose your blog content by showing your audience posts that they didn't know existed right on your homepage. When someone lands on your website for the first time, they will be able to see all of the most popular posts and pages on your site. Depending on how relevant the content is to their lives, they'll feel inclined to engage and share your posts. 

Creating customer personas can help you make better blog content to promote through your slide deck. If you recently released a new product or service, you could write about the benefits of using this service and include it as a featured post on your slide deck.  

4. Partner with other businesses.

The rapid growth of the online business world has taught us many things about marketing. One such lesson is the benefits of working with other companies. Sure, businesses implemented partnerships before the internet, but never on this scale. More businesses are now available for partnerships than ever before. 

If you would like to repurpose your blog content, you could consider forging partnerships with other businesses in your industry. Let's go back to the fictional email marketing firm we mentioned earlier: The owner of that company would likely look for a hosting company, form builder or theme website for partnership opportunities. 

You could offer to host some of your partner businesses' previously published content as featured posts if they are willing to do the same for you. This trick will help you generate more traffic to your website and increase brand awareness by exposing your content to a new audience. 

5. Host live events.

You may have hosted live events where you engage with your audience in the past. These events are excellent for engagement and building brand trust. But you can provide even more value to your audience by inviting them to talk to you live about the posts you've published. 

You could host a weekly hourlong event where you talk to your followers on social media about why you wrote your post, give any additional advice you might have, and open up the floor to your audience. Allowing people to ask questions and providing knowledgeable answers will help you get consumers on your side. 

When you base your live events off of existing content, you give people a reason to visit your website, talk to you on social media and check out your future content. You can take this tip to the next level by hosting an AMA (Ask Me Anything) event on your profile. Tell your fans to read through your blog posts and come up with questions they want you to answer. This little activity will go a long way in improving customer engagement and your sales. 

As you can see, there are plenty of ways you can get more value from your blog posts. You don't have to settle for clicking the publish button and sharing your post once on social media. Start using these tricks today to get more people interested in your brand and what you have to say. 

Image Credit: DMEPhotography / Getty Images
Syed Balkhi
Syed Balkhi Member
Hello, I'm Syed Balkhi, a 27 year old award-winning entrepreneur with a strong 8 figure online business. I was recognized as the top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by the United Nations. I was born in Karachi, Pakistan. At age 12, my family immigrated to the United States. Ever since I can remember, I have been extremely competitive which makes me hustle at everything that I do.