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10 Social Media Networks to Use for Personal Branding

Nora Leary
Nora Leary Member
Apr 29, 2019

Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are just the tip of the social media world.

There's far more to the world of social media branding than just posts, likes and comments.

Personal branding is crucial for all industries because it helps increase sales, boost an online reputation and build trust. Social media plays a significant role in personal branding efforts, so most executives, CEOs and founders post on a range of networks.

Remember: you don't have to post on all networks. Before launching a social media campaign, take a look at where your target market spends time online. You'll want to be on the networks that they're on so you increase your visibility. For personal branding efforts, most people use two-to-five social media networks, depending on time and resources.

If you're wondering what the options are or just want an all-encompassing look at the social media networks, here are 10 to consider when launching a personal branding campaign and how to manage and grow followers on each.

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1. Facebook

Facebook is a popular social networking website where users can post comments and share all types of content, from photos to news. Keep your audience interested in your brand by sharing updates regularly. Posting once a day is ideal, but at least three times a week may be more manageable.

Inviting people to like your page is one of the easiest ways to increase your followers. You can also run Facebook ads and target your demographic by gender, age or location. It's important to engage with your Facebook community by liking and regularly commenting on quality content to build your following.

2. Twitter

Twitter is a powerful personal branding tool for startup founders. Nearly 40% of Twitter users say they've made a purchase as a direct result of a tweet from an influencer. Being active on Twitter every day is a good rule of thumb. One to five posts a day will increase your audience engagement dramatically.

Following people is one of the best ways to gain followers. It's a good idea to follow at least two people a day in your industry when you're just starting on the network. Participating in Twitter chats is another way to increase your following.

3. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is an absolute must for any professional. Get started by creating a profile that lets others know who you are. Be sure to also create a company profile if your business doesn't already have one so you can add it to your profile.

LinkedIn offers a little more leeway in posting frequency than other social media channels. According to CoSchedule, founders should post at least once a week, but no more than five times a week. Consistency is crucial in growing connections, so you should post articles and engage with groups and connections regularly. Pick a schedule (daily or alternate days) and stick with it. [Interested in social media management software for your small business? Check out our best picks and reviews.]

4. Instagram

Instagram is a visual platform, so it's important to come up with a personal branding strategy for sharing your expertise via photos, videos and text captions. Create an Instagram account that is a blend between your personal and business life.

Founders should try to post on Instagram once or twice a day. Using hashtags is one of the best ways to help others discover your content. This generates new Instagram followers, potentially leading to new clients. Just be careful not to overuse hashtags, as your content may be mistaken for spam. Try to stay within 5-12 hashtags. Be sure to like and comment on others' content to increase your following.  

5. Snapchat

Founders can use Snapchat as a powerful storytelling tool in building their personal brand. Post pictures, videos and captions to craft a narrative that lasts for 24 hours on your Snapchat "story." Posting content daily will keep your brand fresh in the minds of your followers. Update your Snapchat story about three times a day, every four or five hours.

Increase your followers by having an influencer take over your account for the day, or you can take over another account. Promote the takeover amongst their followers and your own. You can also promote your Snapchat account on other marketing channels so your existing audience knows where to find you.

6. Quora

Executives can use Quora to demonstrate their industry expertise, build their credibility and elevate their personal brand. There is no set rule for how often you should post on Quora, but it's vital to be consistently active. Try to answer questions, leave comments and upvote others' answers at least three days a week. Focus on positioning yourself in one niche so people will know what to expect and want to follow you. Gain exposure by asking insightful questions that resonate with people.

7. Reddit

Also known as "the front page of the internet," Reddit is a massive collection of forums where people can share content, comment, and upvote or downvote others' posts. Communities are broken into "subreddits" that each cover a different topic. Founders can join the community and make friends on the platform to help build their personal brand. Focus on being active in topics (subreddits) related to your expertise by asking questions and providing detailed answers.

Try to post a couple of times a day on subreddits. It's essential to build a following in order to begin building a personal brand on Reddit. Add value with every post and comment to grow your following.

8. Medium

Medium is an online publishing platform where users can read and write articles. The website allows anyone to create content and establish their brand as an industry expert without dealing with the details involved in setting up their own blog. Use Medium to publish content focused on a theme related to your brand or business. Plan a consistent blogging schedule, whether it's once a week or once a month, to stay relevant and grow your audience.

9. Pinterest

Start growing your personal brand on Pinterest by setting up a business account, which is necessary to track analytics. Be sure to confirm your website so your Pinterest picture will automatically appear on all pins from your site. The main goals of your profile are to drive traffic to your site, store all original pins from your site, and appear credible and knowledgeable.

Pin consistently to build your personal brand and increase website traffic. Pinning a handful of times every day or every other day will be more effective than mass pinning once a week.

10. YouTube

YouTube's platform allows you to create your own channel and post videos to build your personal brand. Be sure to define your personal brand first, and publish videos based on your interests and profession. For example, if you're a marketing expert, you may want to share videos that focus on specific areas of marketing, such as the benefits of email marketing.

As on many other social media channels, posting consistently on YouTube will provide the best results. If possible, post once a week. If this isn't realistic, you can post every two weeks.

Always automate social media content

Building your personal brand through social media can be tedious and time-consuming. Use social media automation tools to schedule all of your social media posts ahead of time. While automating your social media posts can certainly save you time, be sure to keep the above tips in mind.


Image Credit: SFIO Cracho/Shutterstock
Nora Leary
Nora Leary Member
I'm the co-founder of Launchway Media, a digital market and PR firm that helps startups and SMEs grow their presence in the US market.