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Starting a Business? 7 Tips for Young Entrepreneurs

Smith Willas
Smith Willas Member
Sep 26, 2016

Startups are on the rise and young people are keen to launch their own business as opposed to a nine-to-five job. 

As easy as it might sound, opening a business requires patience and proper planning.

Young entrepreneurs must learn the skills of investing money in the right channels as most startups fail due to a shortage of funds. 

Here are some useful strategies that should be followed by young entrepreneurs when taking their business to the next level:

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1. Continuously Improve Your Skills and Have Confidence in Yourself

For young entrepreneurs, there will be plenty of suggestions and ideas that might question the strategy in place. Inhibitions might start to create confusion and at such times it is necessary to:

  • Take realistic view of own strengths
  • Understand company ideology
  • Maintain focus with sight on set goals
  • Employ latest tools and tactics for better ROI

While opinions do matter, it is necessary to sort what is beneficial for a start-up. Avoid suggestions or strategies which do not synchronize with the business ideology. Pick useful traits of successful entrepreneurs and see what can be done to improve the present methodology in place.

2. Analyze the Prevalent Strategies to Know Market Requirements

Research what is happening in the market and what can be done to better the existing modules. Young entrepreneurs have the luxury of data and information to analyze. Create a brand niche by implementing refined strategies based on the data accumulated.

To better understand market:

  • Observe success stories of other young entrepreneurs
  • Establish network with successful professionals to learn and grow as an entrepreneur
  • Go for surveys or feedback to understand market requirements
  • For digital platform sync your online presence with brand ideology

The strategy employed should take note of future aspirations. Market trends have to be monitored while strategizing for future also keep a close tab on established rivals to understand their success formula.

3. Learn How to Keep Initial Success at Bay

Do not savor the laurels of initial success for too long. Go back to the drawing board and chalk out future course of action. To move on to next phase:

  • Use local and online channels to create hype for the services
  • Start expanding by hiring staff to improve productivity
  • Cater to wide segment of audience by providing diverse services
  • Re-invest the profitable revenue into new business endeavors

Never let the initial success go to your head. The online platform is an ever-changing arena. Analyze what worked and what new tactics can be employed to strengthen the market base.

Related Article: Do These Now: Habits of Highly Successful Entrepreneurs

4. Judiciously Opt for a Bank Loan

Young entrepreneurs can go for a secured loan and make it work to their advantage. A secured loan is one for which the borrower can mortgage their property on agreed terms and conditions.  

How to apply for a benefitting secured bank loan?

Break down your bank loan application into parts and work on it accordingly. You need to:

  • Research: Know the market conditions and what the feasible cost for your idea is. Not only does it eliminate unwanted negotiations but it also gives you a chance to present your side professionally.
  • Know your requirements: In order to prepare an appropriate business plan you have to evaluate your requirements and needs. Research is what helps you do the same. So make sure you research properly to acquire a proper idea about your requirements.
  • Plan: Prepare a business plan which highlights your ambitions, aspirations and makes sure that you are able to sell your idea through your business plan. Once you impress them with your plan, half the task is sorted.
  • Pitch: This is a necessary skill that you need to master. While there is no given formula, it is essential that you sell your idea of professionalism with a dose of your aspirations.
  • Back-up plan: Always have a backup plan to bring you out of any initial disappointments.

5. Plan and Then Invest

Planning and investment go hand in hand. Do not risk your investments by adopting a low ROI strategy. For a startup to maintain an ROI, it is necessary to:

  • First research market conditions with Google Analytics or other available SEO tools
  • Accordingly, analyze feasibility of spending resources on devised strategy
  • Evaluate the productivity of a strategy by running tests or by conducting surveys

Finances play a major role in the survival of any business enterprise. Needless to say, it is always fruitful to plan first and then go about investing in strategies.

6. Lead the Way for Your Team

Young entrepreneurs have to motivate employees and provide assistance at every juncture. For any young entrepreneur who aspires to be a leader it is necessary to be:

  • Honest
  • Dedicated
  • A Team-player
  • An effective communicator
  • Able to inspire confidence
  • Positive 

An entrepreneur who has all the attributes of a leader inspires the employees to contribute to productivity. It is important that the team respects a leader. The aspirations and hunger of the leader to strive for success inspires the employees to put in that extra effort to be successful.

Related Article: 5 Surprising Ways To Work Smarter (And Not Harder) As An Entrepreneur

7. Take Cost-Effective Measures

The sole aim of any business is to reap benefits. The richest of entrepreneurs are known to be misers who save every bit of their earnings. Follow the SEO guidelines right from the beginning while designing a startup business website. This will lower your SEO costs at the later stages of online promotion. Also, save money by cutting down on unwanted expenditures or even cutting down on your own personal spending.

Some simple yet effective methods for cost-cutting are:

  • Installing eco-friendly lighting measures
  • Cutting down on personal expenses
  • Keeping the work in-house but outsource any repetitive work you do
  • Run cost comparisons on revenue spend on utilities
  • Use free cloud storage services instead of spending on office networks
  • Look for cheaper and effective resources
  • Save on taxes by consulting with an accountant

Starting a business is challenging but with the right attitude, it can be rewarding. By keeping the above-mentioned points in mind, many unwanted distractions can be avoided. Once a young entrepreneur starts a business enterprise it is essential to persevere and keep a positive mindset, which can lead to wondrous results for the enterprise.

Image Credit: Monkeybusinessimages / Getty Images
Smith Willas
Smith Willas Member
I have been a writer and world explorer for over 8 years. I write about gems - hotels, destinations, people, business ideas, online business, marketing, latest technologies, health issues - that I find in this wide world of ours! I am highly experienced in exotic travel and luxury adventures and have been lucky to work and travel with some of the biggest celebrities and corporate executives.