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The 6 Types of People Every Business Owner Needs on Their Team editorial staff editorial staff Member
Updated Apr 27, 2020

A strong team can support and grow your business. Here are the six types of people you need on your team.

  • To succeed as a business, you must assemble a team that has great chemistry, enhances others' strengths and balances out others' weaknesses.
  • There are several key personality types every strong business should look for in potential or current employees.
  • Effective managers will know how to balance these personality types to achieve lasting results.

Independent businesses are only as strong as the team members that work behind the logo. As a business owner, you simply can't do everything yourself, nor should you want to.

Having a strong team to support your business allows the business to be better and stronger by combining everyone's strengths and talents. 

A strong, supportive business team needs several key personality types to achieve the maximum potential for growth and success for your independent small or medium business. Whether you're looking to fill a few key leadership positions or do some strategic, larger team-building,  have these four essential components covered!

1. The dreamer

Every team needs someone very, very optimistic, with big dreams and aspirations for the company. They will help you make ambitious long-term goals, and keep going when things get tough. Most of your employees will probably fall into the habit of focusing only on the day-to-day or week-to-week tasks to get through their quarterly or monthly objectives. It's great for officewide morale to be reminded of the big dreams and bright future for your company. Such positive, aspirational reminders give the day to day tasks more meaning and provide excellent motivational energy for your team. If you do not have one or more zany, dreamy co-founders or managers on your team, seek out a cheerleader type to round out your team-building efforts.

2. The do-er

Big dreams are positively essential for any company, but equally important is the do-er who can translate those big plans into concrete plans of action. This is the perfect team member to run your meetings as they can turn conversation points and agreements into follow-up tasks or specific assignments. This person might already exist as the project manager at your company, and if so, definitely keep them in mind for larger opportunities and central roles in growing your business. Ask for their assistance turning your "big picture" vision into a year-by-year action plan.

3. The data connoisseur

Overall, all small businesses should be moving towards more data-centric and data-informed operations. Make sure your business is on the most direct and smoothest path with the data connoisseur! There are lots of different data points one can capture, especially in the digital space, but which ones matter most for your company, your goals and your industry? The data connoisseur is more than an expert or simple aggregator, they love data and understand each point's intricate strengths and weakness, as well as how they all relate to one another. If you are seeking out a data connoisseur, look for passion, not just a mathematical background. These days, any good data connoisseur will also be incredibly digital and software savvy too! No matter what your industry, data is the key to growth!

4. The friendly smile

People, and customers, still make up the very foundation of most businesses. The friendly smile is essential to putting your best foot forward with those who use, interact with or partner with your business. Robots or automated systems will never be able to ease the tension or create a lasting relationship the way a friendly smile can. Whether you utilize this person as your spokesperson, customer service representative, or perpetual MeetUp meeting attendee, this essential team member will help your business grow by being the master of the human-to-human connection. No team-building is complete without the friendly smile!

No matter where you find these key components, with a little training and individual attention, you can cultivate these team members into strong leaders for your company. When brought together, the power and impact these four team members will have on your business will be astounding! What other personality types have you found to be essential to your company's team building?

5. The communicator

According to a study on professional skills conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, participating businesses rated verbal communication skills as the No. 1 trait an applicant can possess.

Communication is an essential skill in today's professional landscape. Every business needs a strong communicator who can articulate the company's vision and value proposition to the world. Whether that be in person, or through digital content, solid communications skills are the sign of an adept critical thinker and having someone who possesses this trait on your team will make it much easier to achieve your goals.

You may have a startup that could truly change the world.  But if the concepts that drive it are too esoteric and complex, it will be difficult to get your vision across to others. Having a great communicator in your business can go a long way toward building support for your idea and explaining your potential value to investors. 

6. The problem-solver

Although similar to the doer, the problem solver is a slightly different personality. While the to-doer is responsible for leading the team to take on actionable goals, the problem-solver can in when things don't go quite as planned.

Every business encounters issues along the way. It's important to have at least one team member who thrives on adversity and can lead the company in times of crisis. Problem-solvers help the group to see the glass as half-full where others see it empty. They look at the potential opportunity in a situation, rather than focus on the negative, and they help rally the troops to push through challenges.

Good problem-solvers are hard to come by, so if you find one, hold onto them. When interviewing applicants, ask about any difficulties they've experienced in past positions. Good problem-solvers clearly articulate their strengths and demonstrate how they handle high-pressure situations.

Image Credit: Prostock-Studio / Getty Images editorial staff editorial staff Member
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