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Top 5 Positive Business Affirmations

Ewa Kasiak
Ewa Kasiak Member
Jan 19, 2017

Staying positive has many advantages. It helps to attract new clients, continue working successfully with your existing clients, and build good relationships with your employees and business partners.

It is crucial for entrepreneurs to know positive business affirmations. A quick Google search reveals that there are a lot of positive business affirmations on the internet. Of course, it is hard to remember all of them so, I would like you to pay attention to the most important ones.

Here is the list of the top 5 positive business affirmations for every entrepreneur to remember. In addition, I am going to explain what each of these business affirmation means to an entrepreneur.

1. I Provide a Product/Service That People Want and Need.

You need to believe that the service or product you have built and now offer brings value to your clients. It is not easy to build such trust in what you have personally made, but it is a key factor to success.

You have two ways of measuring that the product or service you provide brings value and it is something your potential clients will be interested in. One way is the trust internally that as long as you put love, energy and effort into doing it – it will pay off and people will appreciate it. Number two is a more pragmatical, strategical way of assessing whether your offering brings value for end clients. This is where some strict ground rules for defining your product or service strategy comes into play.

It is smart to a start business off of market research and defining your competitors before establishing a product or service and the value you will bring with it. It is of the same importance to establish what will make your product or service different and why companies should use it. Nevertheless I believe number one comes hand in hand with number two. It is difficult to build something robust and to fulfill a need, if you don't trust that your idea is good.

2. I Am Making a Difference in This World with My Business.

It’s essential for every entrepreneur to believe that you are making a difference in this world with your business. If it was opposite then why would you bother? Only when you put this strong belief in place and when this is one of the key motivators for you – will you succeed. Making a difference is a fundamental driver for everyone who decides to create his/her own business. This is what everything stems from. This is what will keep you motivated along the way when you are faced with difficulties and various challenges. When you doubt yourself, when you feel overworked or tired – the prospect of making difference in this world with your business – will keep you going.

3. The Passion I Have for My Work Enables Me to Create Real Value.

You will manage to achieve business success only if you have passion for the work that you are doing and can create real value for your customers. Through your passion you will either support your business or break it. It is easy to recognize people with real passion for what they are doing. We prefer to work with such individuals or companies because we trust their passion will be something which will result in our own business success.

It is not trivial to build it – I believe that you either have the passion or you don not have it. Passion is something which comes out of our hearts and cannot be developed. That is why it is important to launch a business and do work in which you have passion for, you enjoy, and holds your interest over time. Only then will you be able to work with passion and engagement. And this is what your clients will buy from you.

4. I Have the Ability to Adapt to Changes as They Occur.

Business is constantly evolving. Some say that if you do not make progress, then you are regressing in your business. While your competitors are progressing and developing their businesses, you may not be doing the same. From there it is short way to realize that a market may not need your service or products anymore because it has received a better offer elsewhere.

Adopting to change is key in both your personal and business life. There is nothing bad with change, as long as you realize that good can come out of it. Be open to change, do not hesitate to take it when life offers you the opportunity. Some of us are afraid of change because we like to stay inside our comfort zones, which we know best. It is the brave that open themselves for change, and it is the brave that win.

5. I Invest in Myself and in My Business Every Day.

As an entrepreneur, you have to do everything that you can to take your business to the next level. This means investing in your business, but also investing in yourself. This will require self-growth and knowledge-growth. As a business owner, you will develop a strong personality which will help you be a leader and team player to those that support you in your business. Having self confidence when you are faced with new events, will help you better manage these situations.

Lastly, developing strong communication skills will give you the ability to understand different individuals you meet along in your business because every person will be different.

Ewa Kasiak
Ewa Kasiak Member
Io/oo۪m innovative manager working with small and medium companies to help streamline management and operations processes. Io/oo۪m working mostly with UK and US based entrepreneurs on the consultancy services and on management services. I specialize in following: * Remote teams management * Agile frameworks customization, implementation * Agile frameworks and operations audits and recommendations * Scrum trainings * SEO audits * SEO implementation * Business Consultancy * Mentoring Recently started to cooperate with business women networks and is keynote speaker on women related events. If you are looking for the guidance and audit on how to redefine existing frameworks and processes in your company or would like to introduce tools to manage projects of different scopes and sectors in organized manner Io/oo۪m the one to contact with. I do this by applying: operational improvements KPIo/oo۪s o/oo�� in the aspect of measured performance indicators SMART goals tools custom workflows and consultation on managerial improvements inside of the distributed team. If youo/oo۪re company owner or representative, would like to improve the way how your team works or would like to create dedicated framework for your newly established team o/oo�� Io/oo۪m here to help. How I work? Here is high level breakdown of how I usually work (this is subject for change depending the type of assignment and the requirements given) * Current overview o/oo�� analyze current situation * Establish SMART goals for the engagement and what will be final outcome of my work * Come up with action plan split into work stream areas o/oo�� split for operational improvements, communication, tools, processes and others * Agree on the action plan and time needed to execute the plan * Kick of the implementation part * Monitor * Analyze the results * Improve and repeat the same cycle again