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What is the Point of View of Your Business?

Taylor Ellwood Member
Oct 21, 2015

I've lately been watching Food Network Star, which is a reality TV show where the contestants compete to become the next Food Network Star and have their own show on Food Network. One aspect of the show that stands out to me is the judges commentary on the Point of View (POV) of the contestant. What the judges want isn't just someone who can cook, but also someone who can explain how to cook and just as importantly be able to market themselves as an expert. As I've watched the episodes, I've been thinking about my own POV (or lack thereof) as well as the POV of other people.

Developing a POV seems to be partially based on personality, on how a person shows up. If you want to stand out you have to find a way to make yourself distinct enough and simultaneously do it in a manner that doesn't alienate people (though I know of some people who have pulled that off as well). But a POV is more than that. It's branding and identity around your business that explains how you are different from all the other businesses that offer similar services. A POV clearly communicates who you are and why someone should buy your products or services.

So how do you determine if you have a Point of View? Is it found in your tagline or your logo or your web copy? It partially is, but a POV is more than just your marketing materials. It's an expression of who you are and how you show up. It's your identity and as such it has to be something natural to you, part of who you are, as opposed to something forced. Yet at the same time, you need to be willing to put yourself out there.

I've recently begun exploring how I can change my POV. I find that being identified as a business coach doesn't work very well because there are lots of business coaches and also because what I do is different from the majority of coaches I know of. I've talked with my clients about what I've offered them, but I've also spent some time around my personality and how that shows up in my work. I'm a strategist and an adviser. I don't just coach, I also consult and that combination is important.

In marketing your business, ask the question: "What is my Point of View?" If you can't answer that question or can only answer in vague generalities, then your target audience will have trouble deciding why they should do business with you. Your POV needs to be coherent and focused so that they can understand it and make a decision. What's your point of view and how has it helped your clients choose to do business with you?

Image Credit: NanoStockk / Getty Images
Taylor Ellwood Member
I am a strategic resource for my networking partners and clients. I have more than a decade of experience in business operations and process development, as well as in strategically implementing business plans. I am also one of the premier networkers and business coaches in Portland, and I have an avid passion for connecting people with the right resources to help them solve the problems keeping them up at night. When I'm not working with clients or out networking, I'm writing. I'm author of two books on social media, and I am currently writing a book on networking. I am an innovative thinker, who brings out of the box perspectives to clients to help them assess and run their business in a more effective manner. I offer seminars, speaking, and coaching to help my clients become better business owners, with streamlined business processes. I am a certified coach, and have taught at universities, worked as a technical writer, and offered social media consulting in the past.