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Putnam County Courier
Published by Elizabeth Ailes, Putnam County Courier is the leading news source for Putnam County, Carmel, Kent, Southeast, Brewster, and Patterson.
Protect Yourself, Before You Wreck Yourself: Business Insurance for B2B Manufacturers
By Hannah Corbett | February 12, 2015

Imagine your manufacturing plant falls victim to a arson attack damaging everything... and you don't have business insurance. Now what?

Feng Shui & Fuzzy Feelings: Creating Company Culture Through Office Design
By Lee Parsons | February 06, 2015

Creating company culture in the workplace isn’t just about slapping walls with company logos and setting up beanbag chairs in meeting rooms.

Slaying the Goliaths: Small Business vs. Big Brands
By Pratik Dholakiya | February 04, 2015

How Can We Succeed in Spite of the Giants?

Write Your Way to a Win: Business Proposal 101
By Preisler Andy | January 30, 2015

We're going to teach you how to propose. No, not that kind of proposal; we're going to show you how to write an excellent business proposal.

How to Improve Workplace Communication to Further Success
By Tim Sorweid | January 22, 2015

Communication skills are often undervalued in the workplace. If your business has hit a roadblock, it's time to improve communication.