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Business Solutions

All of's business solutions compiled in one place. Discover everything you need to solve problems for your business.

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3 Ways to Replace Yourself in Leadership Roles
By George Brooks | February 26, 2020

Letting go is never easy, but as a small business owner, you need to focus on high-level strategy while your team handles the day-to-day work. Use these three strategies to get started.

How to Manage Funding Grants for your Small Business
By Ryan Ayers | February 24, 2020

Many small business owners don't have the finances to fund their own businesses. So they manage their funding and grants themselves.

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Kibris Rent A Car
Kibris Rent-A-Car offer car rental service for holiday makers from Turkey to North Cyprus.
10 Signs That It's Time to Pivot Your Business
By Chris Porteous | February 19, 2020

Pivoting can revitalize a struggling business. How can you tell when it's time for your business to pivot?

Overspending Mistakes Your Small Business May Be Overlooking
By Chris Porteous | February 18, 2020

For small businesses, every dollar counts. That's why it is important to make sure you aren't overspending in areas you can't afford to.

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Lorenz & Lorenz, L.L.P.
Lorenz & Lorenz, LLP is leading Texas personal injury law firm with offices throughout the state. Call us today for a free consultation.
6 Tips to Conduct a Successful Video Interview
By Chris Christoff | February 07, 2020

With enough preparation, you can hold interviews online that are not only pleasant for both parties but also make the process easier and more manageable.

Why a Quarter-Life Crisis Might Be the Best Thing to Happen to Your Career
By Ashley Morris | February 05, 2020

Many people experience a "quarter-life crisis." Luckily, it can be motivation to make a positive switch to reinvigorate your career.

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Assemblies Unlimited, Inc.
Assemblies Unlimited has over 20 years of experience in retail packaging solutions including blister, pouching, clamshell, food packaging, and more.
How to Launch a Podcast on a Shoestring Budget
By Felena Hanson | February 04, 2020

Creating a podcast can be as simple or complicated as you make it.

2020 Trade Show Exhibit Trends
By editorial staff | February 03, 2020

Help your trade show exhibit stand out by keeping an eye on these trends.

9 Best Side Hustle Ideas for 2020
By Chris Porteous | February 02, 2020

Here's a breakdown of nine of the best side hustle ideas for 2020, why this is the year to chase them, and how they'll reward you for your hard work.

SEO Strategies to Implement in 2020
By Chris Porteous | January 30, 2020

Getting your SEO right can play a big role in how well your business performs in 2020.

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Biggest Financial Problems for SMBs and How to Solve Them
By Intuit | January 30, 2020

You don't need to be a financial whiz to stay on top of the threats to your wallet that cause chaos for your small business.

Why Everything as a Service Is a Game Changer for Small Businesses
By Erik Day | January 29, 2020

In today's customer-centric world, businesses need to provide sharing economy-like experiences while maintaining low overhead.

How to Pick the Right Insurance Coverage When You're Self-Employed
By Chris Porteous | January 26, 2020

Don't skip on insurance. Here's how to determine what coverage you need and how to get it.

Environmental Scanning: How CEOs Can Stay Ahead of the Curve and Beat the Competition
By Ken Gosnell | January 24, 2020

A leader’s biggest regret can be missing a clearly identifiable trend or failing to make a single change that would have been essential to making a key pivot or decision. The CEO has the...

5 Ways to Use Automation to Streamline Your Customer Experience
By Matt Shealy | January 20, 2020

Automation allows you to implement complex workflows and business logic so you can cater to individual customers' needs.

How to Automate Your Business
By Ibrahim Hanif | January 16, 2020

Before your business can expand to multiple locations, you need to automate how it runs by establishing a department chart, KPIs and training manuals.

A Primer on Timeclock Apps and Your Business
By Andrew Martins | January 14, 2020

You need an accurate record of when your employees are on the clock. Here are some apps that can help.

How The Cloud Can Help Grow Your Business
By Chris Porteous | January 08, 2020

Cloud-based services and software are giving small businesses an affordable way to grow their operations.

How to Design a Workspace That Improves Productivity
By Katharine Paljug | January 07, 2020

The design of your workplace can have a significant effect on productivity. These tips will help you improve the quality of work you do simply by rearranging your space.

How to Prepare a Grant Letter for Nonprofit Funding
By Ryan Ayers | January 06, 2020

Grant writing is essential for nonprofit organizations looking to acquire the funding they need to stay afloat or grow.

How to Preserve Evidence of Internet Defamation
By Aaron Minc | January 06, 2020

Anyone and everyone is vulnerable to potentially defamatory online statements and attacks.

Why You Should Always Be Following Up With Your Customers
By Clate Mask | January 03, 2020

There are a number of benefits that come from making sure your customers know you are thinking about them.

Trends That Will Shape Market Segmentation in 2020
By Anthony Lamot | December 31, 2019

Learn how these five market segmentation trends will help your business compete in 2020.