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6 Things Small Business Owners Need to Do Now to Succeed This Holiday Season
By Rich Rao | October 30, 2020

This holiday season may be make-or-break for many small businesses. Here are six tips for businesses to implement ASAP to make the most of this crucial season.

Understanding and Mastering the Virtual Sale
By Ken Gosnell | October 30, 2020

In 2020, businesses have entered into a new reality. The virtual company is now a norm that customers of all ages and locations embrace. One of the most critical aspects of embracing the virtual...

6 Ways Email Risk Assessment Helps to Reduce Online Fraud
By Matt Shealy | October 29, 2020

For each dollar of fraud, retailers typically spend $3.13 in transaction fees, interest, merchandise replacement and redistribution. Learn how email risk assessment strategies can reduce online fraud.

Growing Your Business? Don't Fall Victim to These 6 Hiring Mistakes
By Peter Yang | October 21, 2020

A poor hiring decision costs a company tens of thousands of dollars, and while we're all bound to make a suboptimal hire at some point, any mistake that can be avoided should be avoided at all costs.

Understanding Employee Monitoring Systems and Privacy Issues
By Aigerim Berzinya | October 19, 2020

Monitoring software can increase worker productivity, but you must implement it ethically.

The Best Video Conferencing Service Reviews of 2020
By Chad Brooks | October 16, 2020

Looking for a video conferencing solution for your business? Read our unbiased expert reviews of the best and most affordable video conferencing services and systems of 2020.

E-Commerce Marketing Strategies for Solopreneurs
By Guy Sheetrit | October 13, 2020

One major challenge among solopreneurs is that they lack the budget and reach that big brands possess. Apply these four that other successful companies have used to boost your business.

Authenticity Sells: 5 Tips for Overcoming Impostor Syndrome
By Dr. Cindy McGovern | October 12, 2020

If you or members of your sales staff feel like they need to adopt an alternate persona, now is a good time to evaluate that notion. Customers tend to buy from people they know, like and trust.

Top 10 Things to Buy for Your Business on Amazon Prime Day
By Simone Johnson | October 12, 2020

Take advantage of Amazon Prime Day to snag some great supplies for your business and help your employees. Consider these 10 items.

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How to Find Funding for Your Small Business
By Jacob Wolinsky | October 02, 2020

Securing funding for your business can be a bit tricky, but with a little bit of work and planning, you can get the money you need to build your dream business.

Improve Your Website's Security With These 5 Tips
By Chris Christoff | October 01, 2020

There's a misconception that hackers only target big businesses. While it's true that the majority of cyberattacks occur with large-scale companies, 43% of attacks are directed at small businesses. 

8 Strategies for Managing Your Remote Team
By Dr. Cindy McGovern | September 25, 2020

Managing a remote team requires a different strategy from in-person leadership. Here are eight ways to get the most out of and be there for your remote team.

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Despite COVID-19 Challenges, Brighter Days Are Ahead for the Middle Market
By Nicole Fallon | September 24, 2020

According to a new report by KeyBank, COVID-19 has shaken middle market businesses, but they're surviving and, in many cases, getting back to a state of normalcy.

Thriving Beyond COVID-19: The New Marketing Model for Small Businesses
By Paxton Gray | September 21, 2020

The effects the pandemic has had on small businesses could be long-lasting. It's crucial to adopt a practical and forward-looking marketing strategy.

How a Divorce Can Affect Your Business
By Chris Porteous | September 16, 2020

There are options to ensure the dissolution of your marriage doesn't disrupt your business. You can sell part or all of the business, make a binding agreement to offer other assets in place of the...

7 Questions to Ask Yourself About Transitioning to a Fully Remote Office
By Mike Kappel | September 15, 2020

To reduce expenses, boost productivity and increase employee retention, consider taking your team fully remote.

Sell Your Team on Safety
By Dr. Cindy McGovern | September 11, 2020

​​​​​​​Your top job right now is to convince employees and customers to follow the rules.

Making a Difference: What You Should Know About Nonprofits
By Chris Porteous | September 10, 2020

Should you start your business as a for profit or nonprofit? Learn which business model works best for you.

Why Small Businesses Need to Digitize Documents
By Emily Watson | September 10, 2020

Learn about the benefits of digitizing your documents and how to do it.

A Pathway to Reopening During COVID-19
By Matthew Loughran | September 01, 2020

Follow these steps for a safe and sustainable reopening.

Mastering the Digital Handshake: Adapt Your Sales Pitch to Virtual Meetings
By Dr. Cindy McGovern | August 31, 2020

Selling during a virtual meeting involves different skills and more preparation than an in-person meeting.

How to Hire a Remote Team Member With Confidence
By Lesley Pyle | August 26, 2020

Is the prospect of hiring new team members daunting when you can't meet them in person? Follow these steps and tips to feel good about your choice.

How to Be a Great Leader From a Distance
By Lesley Pyle | August 25, 2020

Here are the best practices leaders can use to manage remote and freelance workers for the best results.

How Are American Small Businesses Really Doing?
By Joy Gendusa | August 24, 2020

Recently, I surveyed my small business owner clientele to see how they were faring through the pandemic. Here are some takeaways – and surprises – based on their answers.

Making Sure Your Walk Matches Your Talk
By J. Kevin McHugh | August 21, 2020

The leadership style that is the most effective at driving confidence and high performance, according to research, is servant leadership.