The Best Website Security and Performance Services of 2020

By editorial staff
, Member
| Updated
Nov 05, 2018

Website Security and Performance Service Comparisons

Do you want to keep your company website safe and increase website performance? That's a loaded question since every site owner wants their site to be safe and fast, but what are you doing to protect your website from hackers? If your website doesn't transact millions of dollars you may think you are beneath the notice of hackers. That isn't the case, and without even knowing it a hacker could infiltrate your site and leave behind malicious software that slows down your site, compromises the security of your visitors and even siphons off profits. The website security and performance servicesin our lineup don't require you to install and manage security software on your own servers, which takes the burden of managing it off your shoulders and speeds up your site since it runs entirely on the cloud. With these services you can optimize website security and performance.

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There are a lot of things to keep in mind when looking for a website security and performance service that fits your needs. Since some are more comprehensive than others, there are a few key points to keep in mind. We looked at the security tools, the performance features, the management tools, and the help and support options. Be sure to take all of these into consideration when you're looking for the best website security and performance service.

There are a lot of things to keep in mind when looking for a website security and performance service that fits your needs. Since some are more comprehensive than others, there are a few key points to keep in mind. We looked at the security tools, the performance features, the management tools, and the help and support options. Be sure to take all of these into consideration when you're looking for the best website security and performance service.

There are a variety of security options to keep in mind, not just the malware and malicious bot blocking. We wanted to make sure you got protection from SQL injection and cross-site scripting, as well as support for SSL websites. The products that have threat statistics are useful to keep on top of any problems that may arise.

The performance features make sure that your website doesn't have long loading times that will frustrate your customers. In this section we looked at whether the service provided caching or compression. We also checked to see if they had a content delivery network. All of these features will make sure that your site doesn't drag.

Keeping on top of your website statistics can make the difference between a good website and a great website. If you have a dip or a surge in your visitors then you can see if anything has affected your website to cause this. We also like to have real-time notifications in case a problem does arise.

Help & Support
Though the majority of the website security and performance services don't need a lot of help, you will find it useful on occasion, especially if there is a new virus making the rounds. The companies that provide community help and training videos give you the support structure you need to keep your website running at full speed.

After looking through all of the products you can see the advantages to having a cloud-based website security and performance service. You want to look for services that offer comprehensive security and that don't just keep your website running as well as you expect, but better than it did before. The real trick is finding a service that enhances both security and performance.