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Latest: Advice, Tips and Resources

How to Pay LLC Taxes
By Skye Schooley | June 29, 2020

An LLC can be taxed as a sole proprietorship, partnership, S corporation or C corporation.

The Roadmap to Peer-to-Peer Lending
By Joshua Stowers | July 01, 2020

Looking for a loan or other business financing options? Find out which loans and lending platforms are right for you.

FAQs About the IRS 1040 Tax Form
By Mona Bushnell | June 26, 2020

Here's everything you need to know about tax form 1040 and reporting income.

What Makes a Good Logo?
By Sean Peek | March 02, 2020

Create a memorable logo that clearly communicates your brand. This guide offers everything you need to know about making a good logo for your business.

How to Discover New Consumer Pain Points
By Thomas Griffin | March 01, 2020

In order to best serve your customers, you need to know the problems you are trying to solve for them.

What Is Contextual Targeting? How It Works (in 5 Steps)
By Arjun Kohli | February 29, 2020

Your ads don't do any good if the intended people don't see them. Contextual targeting is all about serving relevant ads to the right people.

The Role of a Strong Accounting and Finance Team in Seeking Capital
By Matthew G. | February 28, 2020

You may be tempted to neglect the accounting side of your business, but you might also be hurting your access to capital.

How to Build Trust With E-Commerce Customers
By Ming-Yi Wu | February 28, 2020

Building trust online is essential for e-commerce businesses. Here's how to gain repeat business and build brand loyalty.

Loans You Can Get With Bad Credit
By Adam Uzialko | June 30, 2020

If you have a bad credit score and need a business loan, these financing options could help you secure the funding you need.

Everything You Need to Know About Cash Flow Statements
By Mona Bushnell | February 27, 2020

Find out what makes up a cash flow statement and why it's important for your business.

8 Influencer Marketing Tips for Small Businesses
By Neal Schaffer | February 26, 2020

Influencer marketing is not limited to just large brands. Even the smallest of businesses can leverage influencers as part of their marketing. Here's how.

3 Ways to Replace Yourself in Leadership Roles
By George Brooks | February 26, 2020

Letting go is never easy, but as a small business owner, you need to focus on high-level strategy while your team handles the day-to-day work. Use these three strategies to get started.

4 Tips For A Wildly Successful Website Launch
By Thomas Griffin | February 25, 2020

Learn what you need to do to ensure your website launch is a success.

The Solopreneur's Guide to Retirement Funds
By Simone Johnson | July 01, 2020

Find out which retirement savings plans solopreneurs can use and how to get started with them.

17 Tips for Engaging With Your Customers on Social Media
By Scott Gerber | February 24, 2020

Here are some ways brands can build stronger connections online.

AI and Machine Learning Could Be Saviors in the Coronavirus Outbreak
By James Warner | March 17, 2020

Doctors, scientists and other experts are embracing the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to reduce the impact of COVID-19.

How to Manage Funding Grants for your Small Business
By Ryan Ayers | February 24, 2020

Many small business owners don't have the finances to fund their own businesses. So they manage their funding and grants themselves.

How to Choose the Best Document Management Software for Your Law Firm
By Skye Schooley | February 24, 2020

Learn what specific features to look for in a legal document management system.

Should Your Small Business Bank Online?
By Andrew Martins | June 30, 2020

Some banks have eliminated physical branches in favor of computers and mobile devices. Is such an option good for businesses?

Capital vs. Operating Grants: Which Does Your Business Need?
By Kiely Kuligowski | February 21, 2020

Learn the differences between capital and operating grants, and how to know which option is right for your business.

Tax-Filing Tips for Independent Contractors
By Andrew Martins | July 21, 2020

Striking out on your own as an independent contractor comes with its own set of tax hurdles. Follow these tips to help you file your taxes the right way.

How to Start Budget Planning for Your Business
By Joshua Stowers | June 30, 2020

Need a business budget? Find out why your business needs to start budget planning.

PEO Software: How to Choose the Best One for Your Business
By Joshua Stowers | October 26, 2020

Find out how to choose the right PEO software for your small business.

10 Signs That It's Time to Pivot Your Business
By Chris Porteous | February 19, 2020

Pivoting can revitalize a struggling business. How can you tell when it's time for your business to pivot?

What Should Employers Know About Their Payroll Records?
By Simone Johnson | August 24, 2020

Your business needs to keep payroll records but for how long? Here's what you need to know about storing payroll records.

What Is Document Control Software, and Do You Need It?
By Skye Schooley | February 18, 2020

Find out if you need document control software and how it can benefit your business.

Overspending Mistakes Your Small Business May Be Overlooking
By Chris Porteous | February 18, 2020

For small businesses, every dollar counts. That's why it is important to make sure you aren't overspending in areas you can't afford to.

What is the Cost of Software Development?
By Andrew Kurilo | February 17, 2020

Do you think the cost for software development is too high? There are many factors that affect the final price.

Financial Formulas Businesses Can Use in Excel
By Mona Bushnell | February 17, 2020

Learn business math basics and how to deploy them in Excel.

Hidden Gotchas in Your Business Loan Repayment Terms
By Adam Uzialko | July 20, 2020

There's more to a loan than paying your monthly installment. Look for these hidden terms and fees a lender might include in a loan agreement.

5 Reasons Why Your Social Media Marketing Campaign Is Failing (and How to Fix It!)
By Syed Balkhi | February 13, 2020

Are you struggling to gain traction on social media? These five reasons could be why, and luckily they are easy problems to fix.

What Are Chargebacks, and How Can You Avoid Them?
By Skye Schooley | July 22, 2020

Learn what a chargeback is, how much it costs, and how you can prevent it from happening.

The Complete List of Small Business Tax Deductions
By Joshua Stowers | July 22, 2020

Looking to save money? Find out about the top tax deductions for your small business.

How to Write a Self-Service Article That Actually Works
By Ian Landsman | February 12, 2020

Learn how to write a self-service article that helps your customers solve an issue themselves.

How Customer Support Improves B2B Customer Retention
By Robert Johnson | February 12, 2020

Learn how positive customer service interactions with your business can help you retain your B2B customers.

Top Small Business Grants of 2020
By Simone Johnson | July 03, 2020

Looking for a business grant? Find out which grant programs can help you grow your business.

18 Tech Tools to Help Boost Customer Engagement
By Scott Gerber | February 10, 2020

Today's technology can help you reach more customers than ever before.

4 Mobile Marketing Tips for New Business Owners
By Thomas Griffin | February 10, 2020

You're missing a huge opportunity if you aren't trying to connect with your customers on their mobile devices.

6 Tips to Conduct a Successful Video Interview
By Chris Christoff | February 07, 2020

With enough preparation, you can hold interviews online that are not only pleasant for both parties but also make the process easier and more manageable.

What Are Merchant Cash Advances and Working Capital Loans?
By Simone Johnson | June 15, 2020

Should you consider a merchant cash advance or working capital loan to alleviate your cash flow problems? Or would that make things worse?

3 Lessons Modern Marketers Can Learn From History's Greatest Advertisers
By Matt Shealy | February 07, 2020

Modern marketers rely heavily on martech and analytics to drive results, while in the past advertisers used things like broad demographics data and creative copy to move the needle.

Expect These 6 E-Commerce Tech Trends to Have a Heavy Impact in 2020
By Lucas DiPietrantonio | February 06, 2020

In 2020, you can confidently expect these six tech trends to change how products are pushed online.

5 Ways to Collect Data Responsibly
By Jared Atchison | February 06, 2020

Abiding by the laws when collecting user data for digital marketing purposes is crucial.

Why a Quarter-Life Crisis Might Be the Best Thing to Happen to Your Career
By Ashley Morris | February 05, 2020

Many people experience a "quarter-life crisis." Luckily, it can be motivation to make a positive switch to reinvigorate your career.

What Serving in Combat Taught Me About Startups
By Jeffrey Chapman | February 05, 2020

Jeffrey Chapman, CEO of Babel Street, shares how his combat experience prepared him for startup life and the lessons he learned building various businesses.

How to Choose the Best Business Loan
By Larry Alton | February 04, 2020

Small businesses have a lot of funding options, but choose wisely.

How to Launch a Podcast on a Shoestring Budget
By Felena Hanson | February 04, 2020

Creating a podcast can be as simple or complicated as you make it.

How Negative Reviews Can Be a Positive for Your SEO
By Christine James | February 03, 2020

Maybe we've been thinking of bad reviews all wrong. It turns out they can be a boon for your SEO as well as a chance for your customer service to shine.

9 Best Side Hustle Ideas for 2020
By Chris Porteous | February 02, 2020

Here's a breakdown of nine of the best side hustle ideas for 2020, why this is the year to chase them, and how they'll reward you for your hard work.

How Women-Owned Businesses Can Use Social Media Marketing
By Ryan Ayers | January 31, 2020

Social media is an invaluable tool to help businesses grow their brand awareness and customer base. Women-owned businesses should use it to highlight the unique aspects of their businesses as well.