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Latest: Advice, Tips and Resources

3 Ways to Build Brand Awareness Through Storytelling
By editorial staff | April 15, 2020

Telling focused stories can drive traffic to your business.

Do You Know Where Your Best Hires Are Coming From?
By Chris Lennon | August 08, 2018

Learn the benefits of tracking and then leveraging your best hiring sources.

The Best Time of the Year to Take Vacation
By editorial staff | March 12, 2020

Don't waste your time off; just make the most of it without leaving a disaster at work.

UN's Sustainable Development Goals for Small Businesses
By Carlyann Edwards | August 07, 2018

The hope is to have all people, governments and businesses following the agenda by 2030.

Commercial Real Estate Lessons From McDonald’s
By editorial staff | April 10, 2020

Small business owners can learn from the McDonald's business model of owning their own business real estate.

Leadership During Prosperity Can Prepare You for Tough Times
By Dr. Richard Nongard | August 06, 2018

Planning for economic downturns helps set your business up for long-term success.

Vacationing from Your One-Person Business: 7 Tips to Unwind Without Worry
By editorial staff | June 19, 2020

As a hard-working entrepreneur, you deserve a break like everyone else.

6 Ways to Market and Grow Your Facebook Group
By Syed Balkhi | August 06, 2018

A Facebook group is the ultimate way to market your business.

6 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Transform Your Small Business
By editorial staff | April 10, 2020

Learn how you can leverage AI to better serve your business and your customers.

How to Create Hiring Practices to Tackle the Tech Skills Gap
By Jeff Mazur | August 03, 2018

Your business needs to think creatively to hire the best new tech employees.

How to Prepare Your Business for the Future of Technology
By Andriy Skoropad | August 03, 2018

Embracing technology will set your business up for long-term success.

6 Things to Know About Using Long-Tail Keywords
By Katharine Paljug | August 03, 2018

You don't need to be a marketing genius to make effective use of good SEO techniques.

5 Ways to Start the Mental Health Conversation in Creative Industries
By Justin Gignac | August 03, 2018

You don't have to run a company to advance the conversation around mental health at work.

How to Send Better Professional Emails and Texts
By Stacey Hanke | August 01, 2018

If customers aren't opening your emails or texts, change your strategy.

Business and Product Names: A Guide to Choosing or Changing Them
By editorial staff | June 16, 2020

Your business name is more than just a catchy phrase. Here's how to choose the right one.

How AI and Automation Technology Can Help Accountants
By editorial staff | March 26, 2020

There is a right way to strike a balance between human brainpower and modern technology.

3 Ways Staff Augmentation Solves the Hiring Problem
By Nacho De Marco | August 01, 2018

These are the three biggest issues with the hiring process and how augmentation can help.

How to Handle Internal Communications During a Merger
By Michael DesRochers | November 06, 2020

M&A deals are on the rise. How should entrepreneurs and business leaders prepare their workforce when going through a merger?

Why Your Business Should Implement Horizontal Management
By Vlad Dobrynin | July 31, 2018

Vertical management can stifle employees, but horizontal management boosts morale.

Why Adding AI to Your Mobile App Is a Must in 2020
By editorial staff | May 11, 2020

Artificial intelligence can improve your business's mobile application.

The Top E-Commerce Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
By editorial staff | April 14, 2020

Don't make these common mistakes when launching your online business.

How to Set Up a Marketing Calendar That Actually Works
By editorial staff | April 20, 2020

Manage your promotional content with a schedule strategically designed for success.

How to Engage Millennials Using Instagram
By Zach Benson | July 30, 2018

6 tips on how to successfully woo this large, often untapped customer base.

Want to Invest in Digital Real Estate? How to Get Started
By Syed Balkhi | July 30, 2018

You've seen people making money from owning websites. You can do it too.

5 Metrics That Amp Up Agile Team Productivity
By Aakash Gupta | July 27, 2018

Agile team metrics let you extract the right skills in time for the right projects.

Delegate or Die – The Only Way to Grow Your Business
By Harrison Rogers | July 27, 2018

Learn how to effectively delegate tasks to qualified employees.

How to Tell If Your Business is Growing Too Quickly (and What to Do About It)
By Adam Uzialko | July 26, 2018

If you notice these signs, it could be time to slow down.

What Is the Triple Bottom Line?
By Paula Fernandes | April 10, 2020

The triple bottom line is a sustainability-based accounting method that focuses on people, profit and planet. Here's how it works for businesses.

Which Microsoft 365 Platform Is Right for Your Business?
By Matt D'Angelo | July 26, 2018

There are several plans with different features. Choose the one that's right for you.

6 Things Entrepreneurs Should Know When Acquiring Clients
By Keren Lerner | July 26, 2018

Learn how to create and build relationships with customers.

The Risks Associated With a Personal Guarantee
By Jennifer Post | October 02, 2020

Should you personally guarantee your business loan? There are risks with the rewards.

How Starting a Business is Similar to Starting a Marriage
By Malini Bhatia | July 25, 2018

Building a business is a lot like building a relationship.

How to Apply for Government Grants
By Derek Walter | April 20, 2020

Applying for government grants can be a confusing and lengthy process, but the end result could be a monetary award for your business. Here's how to apply for a government grant.

Big Data, Big Impact: How Data Improves Your Social Media Marketing
By editorial staff | April 08, 2020

Big data has significantly changed the way businesses market on social media.

Fact or Fiction: Five Common Downfalls of Data Visualizations
By Sanket Shah | July 23, 2018

They say a picture is worth a 1,000 words, but what if that isn't the full story?

Unlocking the Power of Trade: How to Identify and Monetize Your Excess Capacity
By editorial staff | April 07, 2020

Waste is bad for business – and society as a whole.

How to Protect Your Web Application – Even If You Don't Own Sensitive Data
By Jon Schram | July 20, 2018

Keep you web application and customer data secure by following these 4 steps.

Why Adopting a Zero-Friction Approach is the Key to Success
By Scot Wingo | July 19, 2018

Reduce friction to please customers.

5 Tips for Building a Globally-Minded Creative Team
By Justin Gignac | July 19, 2018

To reach an audience on a global scale, you need to consider global perspectives.

How You Can Rebrand Your Retail Business to Gain Customers
By Michelle Arbeau | July 19, 2018

Retail customers have different needs than they did decades ago.

Naming a Product: What You Need to Know
By editorial staff | March 31, 2020

Product names can make or break sales. Here's how to choose the right one.

Why Companies Are Choosing Freelancers Over Full-Time Employees
By editorial staff | April 06, 2020

On-demand workers are an increasingly popular option for corporations.

The 10 Biggest Litigation Mistakes Companies Make
By Joseph Saltiel | July 18, 2018

Should your business find itself in legal trouble, avoid these pitfalls.

How Much Does It Cost to Start an Online Business?
By Zac Johnson | February 22, 2021

Everyone's startup is different, but these expenses are typical and usually necessary.

Amazon Alexa at Work: 12 Skills for Small Businesses
By Michael Georgiou | July 17, 2018

Amazon has found a way to integrate Alexa into your business.

Poor Connectivity Stifles Technology Growth for Rural Businesses
By Sue Marquette Poremba | July 17, 2018

Rural businesses often lack access to reliable internet and tech services.

How to Create Community Around Your Brand
By editorial staff | April 14, 2020

Using online and in-person methods can help you grow a loyal brand following.

Should Your Business Hire an SEO Expert?
By editorial staff | April 14, 2020

You can try to go it alone, but it's worth it to improve your revenue through better SEO.

Why Business Are Still Sending Faxes in 2018
By Naoimi Young | July 16, 2018

For some businesses, faxing is more important than ever.

How Offering Professional Development Opportunities to Employees Helps Your Small Business
By editorial staff | June 23, 2020

Continuing education platforms are a great way to develop employee skills, boost morale and improve recruitment efforts.