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The 5 Types of Decision Makers and How Each Can Thrive in Business
By Timothy Carter | April 04, 2016

Decision making is the best skill you can learn and the hardest skill to actually master. Learn what type of decision maker you are inside.

Winning Writing: 5 Proven Tips for Becoming a Better Content Writer
By Jaykishan Panchal | April 01, 2016

Here are top 5 tips that will help you emerge as a top content writer and enjoy an enviable life.

Divorce Is a Business Threat: Protecting Your Company With a Prenup
By Erik Episcopo | April 01, 2016

Discussing whether your business should be separate or marital property with your partner may not be romantic, but is absolutely necessary.

Turn It Up: Aggressive Marketing Strategies for Startups in Any Industry
By editorial staff | April 02, 2020

If you've got a product ready to go, how do you market it so that you can sell as many as possible in a short amount of time?

Recruiting the Best Talent: Tips and Tricks for Finding "The One"
By Rick Riddle | April 01, 2016

If you want to know how to convince the top talent to join your team here are several tips and tricks you should consider.

Sending Sanity: How to Organize Your Inbox to Be More Productive
By Niraj Ranjan | March 31, 2016

According to a survey by AtTask, U.S. employees at large-sized companies spent 14 percent of their work week on email.

Building Blocks to Success: 8 Steps to Finding Your Strengths As An Entrepreneur
By Ryan Robinson | March 31, 2016

It's hard to know what you're good at, without years of experience. Here's the process to finding your true strengths as an entrepreneur.

Time to Get Deep: Why CEOs Need to Embrace Mindfulness
By Ray Williams | March 31, 2016

Lonely CEO's may have a negative effect on their performance and their organizations success. Embracing mindfulness behavior can help.

Growth Hacking 101: The Process & Techniques Used For Success
By Cody Bollerman | March 30, 2016

While the term “growth hacking” is being thrown around the online community as a buzzword, what does it really mean!? Here you have it.

Follow the Leader: Top 50 Features Every Small Business Website Must Have [INFOGRAPHIC]
By Piyush Mangukiya | March 30, 2016

Before you design your site, be sure to check out this Infographic on 50 features every small business website must have.

From Offline to Online: How to Take Your Brick & Mortar Business Online
By for Insightly | March 30, 2016

Even as brick and mortar stores push back against online retailers, e-commerce continues to thrive. It's time to transition online.

From the Classroom: A Strategy for Applying the Growth Mindset Concept to Your Business
By Shirley Tan | March 30, 2016

The growth mindset can be applied to the business model to encourage happy and more motivated employees and a more successful business.

You Can Do It: The 8 Best Jobs For Making Money in Your 20's
By Julie Ellis | March 29, 2016

Some say that your 20's are for learning and 30's are for earning, but there are jobs that allow you to earn a healthy salary in your 20's as well.

Networking Ninja: 4 Tips for Getting the Most Out of a Conference
By Rob Stirling | March 29, 2016

A professional conference can be an incredibly valuable learning experience in more ways than one. Here's how to maximize the experience.

Managing Resources: ERP Industry Trends That Impact Bottom Line
By Aaron Continelli | March 28, 2016

Businesses of all sizes can benefit from a well-integrated ERP software through noticeably simplified and enriched business interactions.

Dress to Impress: Work Wardrobe Staples Every Professional Woman Needs
By Marisa Sanfilippo | March 28, 2016

You don’t need 100+ outfits, just a few that can be mixed & matched. Save space & money while looking fabulous with these work staples.

Reaching the Masses: The Secret Guide To Instagram Influencer Marketing
By Shane Barker | March 28, 2016

An Instagram influencer marketing strategy can get you high traffic and engagement, which ultimately brings high returns/conversion.

How The Rapidly Changing Business Ecosystem is The Harnessing 360-Degree Feedback System
By Anthony Carranza | March 28, 2016

If you are not using 360 degree feedback you could be falling to traditional workplace dynamics.

Payments Suck: Breaking Down the Current Landscape of Payment Processing
By Peter Daisyme | March 25, 2016

Mobile payments present a world of opportunities, yet despite the possibilities, the payment industry has yet to catch-up. Learn more.

Reality Check: Here Are 5 Signs Your Customer Service is Broken
By Christine James | March 25, 2016

Businesses sell products or services to customers.

In Search of Side Work: 6 Lucrative Career Opportunities to Consider
By Faizan Raza | March 25, 2016

You can start your business without requiring any space for your office. Use the Internet to start your business from home today.

Workplace Accidents: How to Avoid Them and What to Do When They Happen
By Simon Brisk | March 24, 2016

The truth about workplace accidents, how to avoid them, and what to do if they happen.

Tap Into Your Emotions: Why EQ Could Be More Important Than IQ
By Suzanne Lucas | March 24, 2016

Having a high IQ can be very helpful to a successful career, but it might not be the most helpful thing. A good EQ could be even better.

A Strong Foundation: 5 Books to Read Before Starting Your Business
By editorial staff | April 07, 2020

An easier way of starting a business is to gather more knowledge and motivation. Here are five masterpieces that will help you.

Communication Styles: How to Mentor the Introverts in Your Organization
By Janice Chaka | March 23, 2016

Just because someone isn’t a loud, confident person, it doesn’t mean that they cannot bring something positive to your business.

Becoming a Sponge: How to Use Your Learning Style to Your Advantage
By Andrew Lovasz | March 22, 2016

It can be difficult to force yourself into a learning environment that isn’t conducive to how you best retain knowledge.

The Inside Scoop: 3 Secrets No One Told You About Pitching Guest Posts
By Nadya Khoja | March 22, 2016

If you’re looking to get started in the guest-blogging game, but you have little to no experience, learn 3 secrets to getting started.

Together Forever: 6 Challenges Every Family-Owned Business Faces
By Dan Steiner | March 22, 2016

Working with family can be a blessing and a curse. These are a few challenges common in family-owned businesses.

Analytics and Beyond: 7 Best Tools for Managing Your Online Presence
By Amie Marse | March 22, 2016

Not all analytics are created equal. While analytics are good, you need other tools to make your website truly stand out.

Sale Inside: How Retailers are Using Online Promotions to Dominate Sales
By Mike Wood | March 21, 2016

If you sell a product or service online, then you need to make sure you understand online promotions and how they can impact your business.

5 Surprisingly Cheap Forms of Small Business Financing
By Marc Prosser | March 21, 2016

Looking for small business financing options that won't break the bank? These five inexpensive options might be work a look.

How To Write Content for Each Section of Your Website
By Tommy Wyher | March 18, 2016

There is no one size fits all content template as it changes with company feel, size, and industry, but there are some general rules.

What Budget? 4 Marketing Challenges Only Non-Profits Understand
By Blair Nicole | March 17, 2016

No one understands the challenges of marketing on a shoestring budget quite like a non-profit.

CEO on the Go: 17 Tools You Need to Run Your Business From Your Phone
By Leo Welder | March 17, 2016

These 17 tools will enable a business owner to run their company from a smartphone.

5 Psychological Triggers To Boost Your Online Sales and Drive More Conversions
By Jawad Khan | March 17, 2016

Here’s how you can leverage these psychological triggers that make people take action to increase conversions and boost your sales numbers.

Stop Yourself Now: 4 Bad Habits That Will Make Your Business Plummet
By Rich Kahn | March 16, 2016

Any business owner knows, perception is reality. Bad habits could affect how your clients perceive you, causing your business to plummet.

How Does Influencer Marketing Fit into Your Monthly Marketing Strategy?
By Shane Barker | March 16, 2016

Influencer marketing is a fast-emerging and profitable channel for marketers with higher return on investment than traditional marketing.

Time Is Money: The 10 Best Time Tracking Tools for Freelancers
By James Richman | March 16, 2016

The traditional model of employment, including the good, old-fashioned nine-to-five office job, are coming under fire.

Leave a Lasting Impression: Lessons on Presenting from Steve Jobs and TED Talks
By Rob Stirling | March 15, 2016

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, sooner or later, you will need to give a presentation at work or in an offsite meeting. Here's how to make it amazing.

The Rise of Toxic Leaders And What We Can Do About It
By Ray Williams | March 15, 2016

Toxic leaders are on the rise in our organizations. Effective strategies need to be put in place to fix the problem. Here's what to do about

Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary Isn’t Always Right About Licensing: Here’s Why
By Larry Alton | March 15, 2016

Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary loves licensing, but is it always the best option? Not exactly, and here's why.

Telecom Companies says Content Marketing is 'WORTH' their Fortune
By Barbara McKinney | March 15, 2016

Stories appeal to emotion. Learn how did these Telecom giants succeed in their business venture with the help of CONTENT MARKETING.

Corporate Relocation? 8 Apps to Make it a Smooth Move
By Angela Gonzalez | March 14, 2016

Office relocation can be a headache, but these 8 apps can help you keep your cool and make this move efficient and strategic.

Nine to Five Fitness: 10 Ways to Exercise at Work
By Kim Tracy Prince | March 14, 2016

Getting your workout in during the day saves time, improves your health, and increasing your productivity. Here's how to do while working.

Part of the Job: 7 Skills All Entrepreneurs Must Master
By Aaron Agius | March 11, 2016

There are a few other unexpected skills that entrepreneurs will need to succeed, you just might not be thinking about them yet.

You've Been Hacked: Now What?
By Sarah Landrum | March 11, 2016

And about a third of chief information officers reported that they saw a 51 to 100 percent increase in cyber attacks in 2015.

Steps to Success: 9 Important Life Rules Millennials Should Follow
By Matthew Toren | March 10, 2016

Millennials already dominate the workforce, but those who follow these nine life rules will be able to easily forge a path to success.

4 Reasons Why Your Facebook Ads Are Not Converting
By Mari Smith | March 10, 2016

Facebook ads are the most targeted traffic your money can buy. Here are a few critical tweaks to convert your ads.

3 Ways Technology is Improving Customer Service in the Auto Industry
By Blair Nicole | March 10, 2016

Technology is changing the way consumers interact with their auto service providers.

The C-Suite Responds: Are Piercings & Tattoos in the Workplace Still Taboo?
By Suzanne Lucas | March 09, 2016

If you ever want to get a job, you can't have tattoos or piercings, right?