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Latest: Advice, Tips and Resources

In the Can: 5 Types of Presentations Every CEO Needs to Have
By Peter Arvai | February 10, 2016

Be prepared to give your company what it needs, when it needs it.

The Art of Being Present: Building a Company Culture Rooted in Mindfulness
By Victoria Heckstall | February 10, 2016

Your company should have a company culture rooted in mindfulness. Find out why this is important and how to achieve it.

5 Key Things to Include in Your Business Plan [FREE DOWNLOAD]
By editorial staff | February 10, 2016

It doesn’t matter if you are creating your first business plan or reassessing the one you have, some details are too important to miss.

Dizzying Data: What the Rise in Data Complexity Means for Business
By Saar Bitner | February 10, 2016

Companies look to analyze data complexity from many new and disparate sources as part of their decision-making.

Changing the Game: How Deal Desks Are Shaking Up Sales Organizations
By Michelle Seger | February 10, 2016

There are untapped opportunities to leverage this function to drive sales engagement, performance, and results.

Business and Boomer-nomics: Marketing to Younger Generations
By editorial staff | February 09, 2016

Many costs of living the Boomers may take for granted are too expensive for Gen Xers and Gen Yers, even adjusted for inflation.

Making Meeting Magic: 3 Tips for Impressive C-Level Presentations
By John Meyer | February 09, 2016

You know your job, you know your work, and you know the value you provide--so how do you communicate that up?

Leading by Bad Example: Famous Leaders You Want to be Nothing Like
By editorial staff | February 09, 2016

Some people lead by example — bad example.

Ways to Pay: Credit Card Processing Tools All Small Businesses Should Use
By editorial staff | April 22, 2020

Small business owners compete with their peers for customer dollars. Here are credit card processing tools you should be using.

Fake E-Book Reviews: A Legal Guide to Understanding & Navigating
By Dan Warner | February 08, 2016

We review the legality of fake Amazon e-book reviews and ancillary practices. How to spot one and what not to do.

Tips From Closers: 8 Pro Techniques Top Sales Professionals Use When Selling
By Doug Dvorak | February 05, 2016

Learn the skills of becoming a top sales professional in any industry. True sales professionals always do certain things that others miss.

10 Sunday Night Must-Do Activities: Set Yourself Up for a Productive Work Week
By Laura Schaefer | February 05, 2016

Discover how 10 Sunday night productivity rituals can set you up for a more productive work week. Get ready to make next week awesome!

Mobilegeddon Again: How to Survive Google AMP and Facebook Instant Articles
By Silvio Porcellana | February 05, 2016

With Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and Facebook Instant Articles, you can now access news on mobile in milliseconds.

Smarter Not Harder: How to Double Your Output in Half the Time
By Laura Schaefer | February 04, 2016

Find ways to your double output, productivity, to-do lists, technology and just get stuff done from experts in time management.

Go Live: 4 Tools To Reach More Customers With Live Streaming Video
By Mari Smith | February 04, 2016

Four awesome tools to use live streaming video to grab the attention of customers who were once out of your reach!

Selling on Amazon and eBay: How Can Online Marketplaces Help You Bring in More Revenue?
By Angela Ruth | February 04, 2016

Bringing in additional revenue through the online marketplace

A Gesture You Can't Refuse: 8 Power Moves to Help You Sell
By Kade Call | February 04, 2016

Demand their attention, take control of your audience, and own what you're selling. Here are eight power moves that are guaranteed to pay.

Double Duty for Jack Dorsey: Is It Possible to Successfully Run Two Companies?
By Tom Ireland | February 03, 2016

Twitter took a gamble on Jack Dorsey's return. Has it paid off? A look at how Dorsey has handled being a CEO twice over.

"Bad" Business Ideas That Laughed All the Way to the Bank
By Traci Cox | February 03, 2016

Against all odds, these once-laughable business ideas defied logic, market expectations and even common sense.

Implementing ERP Solutions: Get Your Employees Excited About the Change
By Aaron Continelli | February 03, 2016

Change is hard. Get employees excited about ERP system implementation with the following tactics. Your work is about to get streamlined!

Game Changers: 20 Essential Online Tools to Use in 2016
By Larry Alton | February 02, 2016

Here is a comprehensive list of 20 amazing online tools for entrepreneurs. Hopefully you will give them a try in 2016.

Before You Sign: Can A Business Loan Help You Buy Out a Partner?
By Meredith Wood | February 02, 2016

If you're looking to buy an existing business or buy out a partner in your current business, you’ve got a bit of a challenge ahead.

White Collar Criminals: The Most Famous Tax Frauds in History
By editorial staff | February 02, 2016

These long fabled tales should serve as a cautionary lesson before tax season. Learn how to avoid making the same mistakes they did.

5 Reasons Why Your PowerPoint Presentation Failed Miserably
By David Gilman | February 02, 2016

Are you familiar with the 5 biggest reasons why most PowerPoint presentations fail miserably? If you are doing one of these, you may need to rethink your presentation.

Advice for Women Interested in Launching Their Own Business
By Alison Napolitano | February 01, 2016

Since 1997, women-owned businesses have increased in number by 74 percent and grown revenues by 79 percent. Be a girl boss with these tips!

One Size Fits All: How Responsive Web Design Helps Get You More Conversions
By Keith Schilling | February 01, 2016

Since April 2015, Google's algorithm have been incorporating the mobile friendliness of a website into its ranking factors.

Effective Product Creation: Tips Used by Seasoned Entrepreneurs
By Jimmy Rodela | January 28, 2016

Make your products standout! Bulletproof your product development process using these tips from entrepreneurs that learned by doing.

Build Better Ads: 7 Ways to Improve Your Facebook Ad Campaign
By Jerry Low | January 28, 2016

Social media advertising is a low cost, high impact option. Here are tips and tricks on how to improve your Facebook Ads campaign.

How Dave Goldberg's Legend Lives On In Millions of Startup Founders
By John Rampton | January 28, 2016

Here is the story of how a personal hero changed the lives of countless people

Let It Go: What You Need to Know About Selling Your Small Business
By Anna Johansson | January 28, 2016

Ready to sell your small business? Regardless of how you may feel, it’s important to learn how the sale process works.

Male vs. Female Voiceovers: Which One Is Really Better for Your Video?
By Matt Byrom | January 27, 2016

We look at the real facts to help you decide which voiceover you should use to represent your brand: male or female.

Old Dog, New Tricks: Is It Too Late for a Career Change?
By Suzanne Lucas | January 27, 2016

Is it too late to change careers? The answer is maybe. Learn what it takes to successfully navigate onto a new career path.

Better Than Coffee: 14 Podcasts That Will Inspire Your Mornings
By Scott Gerber | January 27, 2016

Need an extra shot to get you going in the mornings? Get the creativity and energy boost you need to tackle your day.

The Name Game: Strategies for Naming a Company and Picking a Website
By Tommy Wyher | January 27, 2016

Picking a name for a business or website can make or break a business before it even starts. Before you play the name game, read this.

Baked to Perfection: The Secret Recipe for a Successful Customer Loyalty Programs
By Megan Totka | January 26, 2016

Research shows it costs businesses an average of five times more to acquire a new customer than to market to an existing one.

Finance First: How the Financial Industry Goes Paperless and Stays Compliant
By Matt Peterson | January 26, 2016

Implementing document management software is not yet a legal necessity, but that could change during fiscal 2016. Learn more.

Just Breathe: Utilizing the Power of Mindfulness to Achieve Peace in Business
By Marisa Sanfilippo | January 25, 2016

Stress kills. Learn how to reduce it with a free and effective technique proven to make those who practice it feel more at peace.

Global Domination: Reinventing Your Small Business in an Ever-Expanding International Marketplace
By Joseph Ram | January 25, 2016

Want to tap into the big business in other countries? Follow these three steps to take your small business from local to global.

Come Together: 5 Tips for Better Teamwork
By Xavier Morales | January 22, 2016

Come together, team! Tips for creating the right conditions that will encourage everyone on the team to share ideas and work together.

Tricks for Memorization: Wow Them With Your Next Speech
By Anthony Metivier | October 26, 2020

For some, the prospect of delivering a memorized public speech seems nearly impossible. The Memory Palace method, however, can be an indispensable tool for delivering a focused, effective speech.

A Dose of Honesty: Is My Business Idea Stupid?
By editorial staff | January 22, 2016

Have a crazy idea for a business venture? To avoid a shark attack, start by evaluating whether or not you can explain your services clearly.

10 Principles of Success: Quotes to Inspire from Jim Rohn
By Christy Rutherford | January 22, 2016

Studying and applying long-standing principles from Jim Rohn will give you clarity and a model of high success to emulate.

The Psychology of Choice: How Your Business Can Leverage Customer Decision Making
By Aaron Agius | January 21, 2016

People love having choices, but facing too many leads to overwhelm and inaction. Here's how business owners can use choice effectively.

The Show Must Go On: The Importance of Business Succession Planning
By Fred Cohen | January 21, 2016

Plus, How to Create a Succession Plan for Your Company

Eyes on You: Which Social Media Site is Best for Your Visual Content?
By Sheena White | January 21, 2016

Not all platforms are created equal! Dive into the demographics and figure out which visual platform is best for your company's content.

Come Together: 6 Web-Based Collaboration Tools for Writers and Content Marketers
By Ann Smarty | January 21, 2016

There are great benefits to combining the efforts of numerous experts. Expand your ideas by working together. Tools to help inside.

Give Your Brain a Boost: 12 Books Guaranteed to Make You More Intelligent
By John Rampton | January 20, 2016

Want to be smarter—or at least, feel like it? Pick up one of these great reads for great minds.

5 Crucial Elements of an Effective Online Lead Generation Strategy
By Jawad Khan | January 20, 2016

If you look closely, every successful lead generation campaign has these five elements. Get ready to give your strategy an overhaul!

One-Click Purchasing: How Click to Buy Is Revolutionizing E-Commerce
By editorial staff | January 20, 2016

Back in 2000, Amazon introduced one-click buying to circumvent the typical shopping cart form (name, address and credit card information) and allow people to make purchases with just one click.

All Talk, No Action? A 5-Step Guide to Make Change Happen Within Your Organization
By Lisa Cozad | January 20, 2016

Making a change is much easier said than done. Here's how to encourage conversation and inspire action within your company.