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To File or Not to File: A Business Insurance Claim
By Arthur Murray | July 10, 2015

A small business owner purchases commercial insurance so that he or she can file a claim if something goes wrong at the venture.

What Are You Doing to Nurture Your Most Valuable Asset?
By Anna Johansson | November 20, 2020

Employee development is critical to the success of your business.

Power to the People: How to Launch and Maintain a Referral Marketing Program
By Samuel Edwards | July 09, 2015

A well-run referral program will not experience diminished profit margins. As the program scales, it will naturally become cost-effective.

Motivational Superhero Quotes to Give You Power
By Carolyn Smurthwaite | July 09, 2015

In honor of Comic-Con International, here are ten motivational quotes from superheroes to give you the power boost you need for your day.

What's Your Disaster Recovery Plan?
By Eric J. Naiburg | July 06, 2015

The Factors You Must Consider When Computing In the Cloud

Do Awards Really Do Anything for Your Company?
By editorial staff | July 01, 2015

Yes, but Tooting Your Own Horn is an Art Form

10 Interview Questions to Ask When Hiring a Product Manager
By editorial staff | June 10, 2020

Ask these questions when looking for the right person to take on the essential role of managing your business's products.

It's Not All Paperwork: How Does HR Really Spend Their Time?
By Ian Burke | June 26, 2015

From recruiting to management, the Human Resources department drives business.

The Most Common IT Mistakes - Which Ones Are You Making?
By Anna Johansson | June 25, 2015

Technology is the heart of a business, but lack of a knowledgable technology department could yield disastrous results for your business.

Need a Business Phone Number, but Not a Business Phone?
By editorial staff | May 06, 2020

You already have a cell phone to make calls. You don't need another phone for business. You need a business number to work on your phone.

Company Culture Metrics: What You Need to Be Tracking and Why
By Sarah Landrum | June 24, 2015

Four important measures of performance in the office and components of company culture that you need to be tracking.

Social Workers for Business? How They're Helping the Private Sector
By editorial staff | April 06, 2020

It's not just corporate responsibility where social workers can help businesses.

14 Tools to Track Key Performance Indicators for Your Business
By Scott Gerber | June 23, 2015

These Attractive Dashboards Give a Reader-Friendly Overview of Your Company's Objective

The More the Merrier: Using Crowdsourcing for Your Content Marketing Efforts
By Mark Gadala-Maria | June 23, 2015

There has never been as inexpensive and powerful a tool for developing content for users as that found in crowdsourcing.

Is Wholesale Over? The Death of the Middleman
By editorial staff | June 10, 2020

Companies like Warby Parker are changing the game.

Why It's Time To Change Your Company's Dress Code
By Suzanne Lucas | June 22, 2015

Dress Codes Do Not Dictate Skill in 2015

Are Hashtags Intellectual Property?
By Daliah Saper | June 19, 2015

Hashtags began on Twitter and have now spread to other major social media websites like Facebook, Google+ and Instagram—and to communication in general.

Cracking the Code: The Pros and Cons of QR Codes
By editorial staff | April 09, 2020

QR codes have many benefits, but before deciding if they are right for your business, understand their disadvantages as well.

What Is the Number One Trait That Makes For Employee Satisfaction?
By Amy Blackburn | June 18, 2015

Plus, four more that matter—A lot

14 Apps That Help You Manage Your Business On the Go
By Scott Gerber | June 17, 2015

The members of Young Entrepreneur Council swear by these apps to stay connected to their business. Which should your company use?

The Future of Work: Freelancing Goes From Rags to Riches
By Nik Badminton, Futurist and Growth Consultant | June 17, 2015

The Contingent Workforce is Growing and Opportunity Abounds for All

Get a Whiff of This: Research Proves Marketing With Scent Increases Sales
By editorial staff | June 01, 2020

Consumers are plagued with oversaturation of visual content. By adapting your marketing strategy to include scent, you can improve your ROI.

Top Tips to Ensure Clients Pay on Time and Increase Your Cash Flow
By Loren Baker | June 15, 2015

Keeping track of cash flow is critical for your business, and we have found the 12 best tips to ensure your customers pay you on time.

Things to Consider When Launching Your App in the Cloud
By Eric J. Naiburg | June 11, 2015

Cloud computing is on everybody’s mind these days and this article will look at four things to consider before you move to the cloud.

Researchers Identify the 14 Key Areas of Employee Disengagement
By Amy Blackburn | June 11, 2015

Plus, how to improve waning employee engagement.

Buying a Business: The Pros and Cons of Seller Financing
By editorial staff | June 12, 2020

Buying a business through seller financing is an overlooked option. How does it work? How do both parties get a good deal?

From Mall Madness to Sadness: Why Shopping Centers Will Soon Be Obsolete
By Sudeep Banerjee | June 03, 2015

Retail shops need to act fast. Ecommerce is on the rise, while brick and mortar shops around the country are closing their doors.

No Rest for the Weary: How to Stay Happy & Healthy While Business Traveling
By Kim Tracy Prince | June 03, 2015

Here are some recently crowd-sourced tips from true road warriors on how to minimize the pain of business travel, and maximize the results.

Digital Disrupt: What We Can All Learn From the Netflix Model
By editorial staff | June 03, 2015

Adoption of new digital technologies has been a catalyst for business success stories. Spotting trends is key for survival—innovate or die.

How to Make Your Direct Sales Business Explode in No Time
By Lucinda Watrous | June 02, 2015

Are you a direct sales consultant struggling to get your business off the ground? These tips can help.

Strike a Chord: Is Banjo Your Next Secret Weapon for Social Media?
By editorial staff | June 01, 2015

The Banjo app reports on what is happening right now, anywhere. It mines social media content based on geographic location. An opportunity?

13 Ways to Attract a More Diverse Candidate Base
By Scott Gerber | May 29, 2015

A diverse team is a strong team. Here are 13 tactics to ensure you are attracting and recruiting all types of candidates.

What Is ERP Software & How Can It Increase Efficiency?
By Seth Rand | May 28, 2015

ERP software can help your business better communicate goals, objectives and strategies. But what else can it do, and which to choose?

Creating an Employee-Centric Company Culture Will Not Be the Death of Your Business
By editorial staff | April 17, 2020

Does your company fear giving power to its employees? Here are some of the benefits of granting them freedom to drive the company.

B2B Marketing: Focus on the Big Picture
By Tony Uphoff | May 27, 2015

Don’t get caught up in in data and analysis. Focus instead on the big picture, and then match your B2B marketing tactics to your strategy.

The Hidden Ways Gender Bias Can Sabotage Recruitment
By Robyn Melhuish | May 27, 2015

The job search is a game, and everyone approaches it with a different strategy, and gender can impact the search in ways you don't realize.

Identifying Online Fraud & How to Stop It
By Geoffrey Grow | May 26, 2015

The wide variety of online payment methods plays a big role in the proliferation of ecommerce, but it also provides opportunities for fraud.

Federal Tax ID Numbers and How to Protect Your Business From Fraud
By Andrew Martins | November 23, 2020

Businesses need a federal tax ID number before they can open their doors, but did you know they're vulnerable to fraud?

The Influence of Leadership Styles: How Givers and Takers Match Up
By editorial staff | April 08, 2020

Workplaces are full of givers, takers, and matchers. What are the pros and cons of various leadership styles?

Myers-Briggs & Office Design: How to Satisfy The Needs of Different Personalities
By Lee Parsons | May 22, 2015

Whether you are looking to revive your office interior design, or are considering a whole office relocation, focus on personality types.

Not Just a Game: Legal Considerations for Social Media Contests and Sweepstakes
By Daliah Saper | May 21, 2015

Businesses have relied on sweepstakes or contests to attract customers, build traffic, and increase brand awareness for decades.

The Importance of Social Media Monitoring for Customer Experience
By Max Freedman | August 24, 2020

Monitoring your social media accounts gives you insight into what your customers are discussing, thus helping you to meet their needs and boosting satisfaction.

4 Business Owners Weigh In: What's The ONE Thing Most Critical to Success?
By Clint Evans | May 18, 2015

Inspired by "The ONE Thing," these business owners reveal their "one thing" that's been most critical to their success.

The Most Common Workplace Issues and How to Deal With Them
By Tamar Weinberg | May 18, 2015

Here’s how to tackle the most common workplace issues that may arise and how to come out swinging like a pro.

Shopper's Delight: The Fundamental Guidelines for E-Commerce Design
By Jerry Low | May 18, 2015

How to keep your website visitors happy and coming back for more

6 Characteristics of a Dynamic Entrepreneur
By John Moyer | May 15, 2015

Do you possess the qualities that make an entrepreneur successful in today's business world? These are the 6 top characteristics.

Lessons from Lynn Tilton, the Wonder Woman of Wall Street
By editorial staff | May 14, 2015

Lynn Tilton's unapologetic, larger than life persona led her to own more businesses than any woman in America. What can you learn from her?

How to Promote Your Personal and Professional Brand Using LinkedIn
By Kristin Hovde | May 14, 2015

LinkedIn is the perfect medium for bringing awareness to your brand, be in personal or professional. Maximize it with these tips.

Harnessing Your Wanderlust: How to Be a Successful Digital Nomad
By Alesia Hsiao | May 14, 2015

Have you been daydreaming of the big world out there? Become a digital nomad and take your career with you. Here's how.

Super Sales Strategies: Quick Tips for Upselling and Cross-Selling
By editorial staff | April 09, 2020

Improve your site revenue by upselling and cross-selling like a pro. Here are quick and easy tips to help you boost your sales.