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Latest: Advice, Tips and Resources

Write Your Way to a Win: Business Proposal 101
By Preisler Andy | January 30, 2015

We're going to teach you how to propose. No, not that kind of proposal; we're going to show you how to write an excellent business proposal.

From Tech to Tweet: Creating an Agile Social Media Strategy
By Pratik Dholakiya | January 29, 2015

Can you keep up? Here are 4 foolproof ways to stay quick on your social media feet.

Peace Out, Paper: A Cashless Society Is on the Horizon
By editorial staff | May 01, 2020

The days of paper currency are numbered; going paperless is trending not just in the U.S., but all over the world.

Why Mobile Banking Is The Future
By editorial staff | April 21, 2020

Mobile continues to be the name of the game and will soon become a required function for your business.

Why Every Company Needs Business Process Management
By editorial staff | April 14, 2020

To become and remain successful and competitive, businesses must continuously improve their processes.

How to Improve Workplace Communication to Further Success
By Tim Sorweid | January 22, 2015

Communication skills are often undervalued in the workplace. If your business has hit a roadblock, it's time to improve communication.

Why Efficient Customer Service is Better Than Friendly
By Megan Ritter | January 21, 2015

You can't make everyone happy, that's the sad truth. Efficiency is the name of the game. Is your customer service streamlined and optimized

Worth the Risk? Tips to Take From Famous Publicity Stunts
By Kim Tracy Prince | January 20, 2015

A publicity stunt can be a quick way to get more eyeballs on your brand, but it could easily go wrong if not planned and executed correctly.

3 Ways to Promote Your Business With Charitable Marketing
By editorial staff | April 06, 2020

Money put into advertising doesn't always work very well.

How to Build Brand Advocacy in 5 Simple Steps
By Sara Flick | January 16, 2015

Brand advocacy is far more valuable than anything your brand can buy. Here's how to get your customers to sing your praises in 5 easy steps.

The Shocking Truth: Why Every Company Is a Technology Company
By Tirrell Payton | January 14, 2015

Crossover between consumer and business technology has changed the landscape of how businesses define themselves.

11 Best Tools for Setting and Tracking Goals
By Scott Gerber | January 13, 2015

The hardest part isn't making resolutions; it's keeping them. Here are 11 of the best apps and tools for setting and tracking goals.

Tips to Improve Customer Service on Your E-commerce Site
By editorial staff | April 14, 2020

Great customer service can be a challenge for your e-commerce site because of the lack of face-to-face contact, but it's just as important.

9 Most Effective Apps for Internal Communication
By Scott Gerber | January 09, 2015

We asked 9 entrepreneurs from the YEC what they rely on the most for communication among team members, here's what they said.

What Your Wheels Say: The Top 10 Cars for CEOs
By Andy Bach | January 07, 2015

These ten cars say plenty more than who's the boss. What your car choice says about you. Does your ride match up?

Why Customers Say No to Upsells (And How to Fix It)
By Andrew McDermott | January 07, 2015

Here's some advice on how to improve your upselling strategy and ultimately turn your customer's "no" to a "yes."

How Airlines Benefit From Constant Connectivity
By Steward Hudson | January 06, 2015

The aviation industry is (finally) stepping it up a notch in customer experience with Wi-Fi and BYOD (bring your own device) policies.

Marketing Fail: 5 Customers That Want to Destroy Your Business
By Andrew McDermott | December 16, 2014

How do you attract loyal customers who are a pleasure to do business with, while repelling customers that want to destroy your business?

Sound Stupid? Dumb Business Ideas That Turned Out to be Pretty Smart
By editorial staff | April 01, 2020

Google, Twitter and the iPad all started as "dumb" business ideas no one believed in.

Do's and Don'ts for a Successful Customer Survey
By editorial staff | April 01, 2020

When a customer survey is done well, it can provide great insight into the minds of your customers. To make your survey a success, follow these tips.

What Makes a Business Cool? Defining the "It Factor"
By editorial staff | December 09, 2014

The best companies attract customers willing to pay a premium to be affiliated with the brand. Exploring what makes a business "cool."

Do Results-Only Workplaces Really Work?
By editorial staff | April 06, 2020

The results-only work environment, or ROWE, is a management strategy designed to increase productivity while eliminating the arbitrary constraints of traditional workplaces.

7 Tools for Tracking Your Remote Staff's Productivity
By Scott Gerber | October 13, 2020

While common, remote workforces present a unique challenge. But how do you know if your remote staff is actually working and not wasting time?

15 Tips to Become an Extrovert
By Drew Hendricks | November 28, 2014

Why Being Outgoing is a Good Thing in Business

Important Things to Do After Your Trademark Is Registered
By editorial staff | April 27, 2020

So you've just registered your trademark and taken the first step in protecting your brand. Now what?

Can You Make a Profit and Be Socially Responsible?
By editorial staff | April 08, 2020

Can you be both socially responsible and make money while doing so? The short answer is yes, and we’ll show you how to amplify both.

13 Things to Include in Your Next Powerpoint Presentation
By Scott Gerber | November 24, 2014

Your visual presentation can be improved with these 13 tips and tricks.

Keep Track of Your Recruiting Efforts
By editorial staff | March 16, 2020

What does an applicant tracking system do?

Mobile Marketing Analytics: Which Metrics Measure Success?
By editorial staff | March 30, 2020

So you've decided to invest in mobile marketing (good call), but how do you know if your efforts are working? Here's what you should measure.

10 Lessons in Corporate Ethics From the GM Recall
By editorial staff | May 28, 2020

The GM recall reminded the American car giant that with great power comes great responsibility. Learn from its mistakes with these 10 tips.

11 Ways to Retain and Attract Quality Developers
By Tim Sorweid | November 03, 2014

The key to an effective and engaged development team is your ability to keep them happy and motivated. Here are the top ways to do that.

4 CMMS Packages for Small Businesses
By editorial staff | April 02, 2020

Find out how to automatically track your equipment and other assets to extend lifespan, reduce maintenance costs, and improve utilization.

Growing Healthcare Profits With Telemedicine
By editorial staff | March 30, 2020

Telemedicine is not only a more efficient and convenient way to treat patients, it's also a way to expand a clinic's revenue stream.

5 Things Entrepreneurs Should Know About Sales and Marketing Today
By Mike Volpe | October 24, 2014

The digital age has introduced obstacles for sales and marketing, but it has also opened doors to countless ways to connect with customers.

When to Hire a Full-Time Employee vs. Contractor
By Skye Schooley | May 14, 2020

Learn the pros and cons of hiring contractors versus employees.

Pros and Cons of HTML5 Full-Page Video
By Anca Bradley | October 23, 2014

In order to stay competitive online, we all must stay up to date with the trends, but what does the HTML5 video trend do and mean for you?

The Dropbox Effect: How to Utilize the Lean Startup Methodology
By editorial staff | April 09, 2020

How do big startups like Dropbox manage to climb to the heights they do? It all starts with the Lean Startup methodology.

Top 10 Cloud Storage Services for Business
By editorial staff | March 25, 2020

Everything these days looks "cloudy" for IT.

The SMB Guide to Mobile Marketing
By Shayna Marks | October 15, 2014

To say that mobile marketing is exploding is an understatement. With consumers and businesses alike utilizing their devices for...

Finance Jargon: Learn to Talk the Talk
By editorial staff | October 14, 2014

Use These Finance Buzzwords That Are Sure to Impress

8 Ways Cloud Computing Can Increase Productivity and Profits
By J-T-Riptons | October 10, 2014

As a business owner, it is important to ensure that you are always leveraging the most effective, yet economical solutions possible.

Company Cars: To Buy or to Lease, That Is the Question
By editorial staff | March 16, 2020

Should you buy or lease the company car? Here are pros and cons of each to help you weigh which is best for your needs.

Inspiring Business Quotes From Famous Business Leaders
By editorial staff | October 09, 2014

Get inspired with these quotes from business greats like Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison, Mark Zuckerberg and more.

Hiring? 15 Interview Questions to Ask a Software Engineer
By editorial staff | June 03, 2020

Are you fluent in engineering? If not, here are 15 great interview questions to ask a software engineer.

Are Employee Rewards Programs a Good or Bad Idea?
By editorial staff | March 17, 2020

Employee incentives do not always have to involve money. Many employees just want to hear a "thank you" and "great job."

How to Collect Overdue Bills From Good Customers
By editorial staff | October 01, 2014

How to collect overdue payments from quality customers without damaging a good business relationship.

Customer Delight: The New Standard in Customer Service
By editorial staff | March 30, 2020

To delight a customer is to provide the unexpected. Here are four key principles to providing a delightful customer service experience.

5 Telltale Signs You're a Chronic Procrastinator
By editorial staff | June 09, 2020

Chronic procrastination can have a huge impact on a business. Here's how to recognize it in yourself and overcome it.

What Types of Business Have Scope in Nepal?
By Rajendra Nhisutu | September 19, 2014

Nepal got too crisis all around electricity, water, fuel, communication, inflation. Remember crisis is an opportunity for an entrepreneur, and for us to become a multi-millionaire while serving...

7 Quick Tips for Negotiating a Business Lease
By editorial staff | June 10, 2020

Get the office of your dreams within your budget.