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Your Guide to COVID-19 Business Resources

We at pledge to keep you as informed as possible on developments on the outbreak, in addition to offering you tools and suggestions to help you weather this unexpected downturn.

Latest in SMB News: Advice, Tips and Resources

How FinTechs Are Changing Small Business Lending Amid the Pandemic
By Chris Porteous | August 19, 2020

The small business lending space won't go back to its pre-pandemic configuration because a bumper crop of new highly-skilled fintech innovators are bringing new approaches to lending to the market.

How to Team Up with Other Businesses to Tackle a Common Problem
By Andrew Martins | August 19, 2020

Learn how Blast Beat Network helps multiple online media outlets band together to boost their advertising power while rising to the challenge of serving a misunderstood audience.

The Ads Affair: How the Industry Has Changed and Is Changing
By Boris Pfeiffer | August 18, 2020

With consumers more savvy to advertising efforts and aware of privacy concerns, companies are having to rethink how they promote their products and services.

What's the Difference Between a Grant and Business Loan?
By Skye Schooley | August 18, 2020

Learn whether a business grant or business loan is better for your business.

Moving to E-Commerce: What You Need to Know
By Eric Leopardi | August 17, 2020

Between social distancing, economic variability and state closures, many businesses are increasingly turning to e-commerce as a way to stay afloat.

3 Steps to Attract the Next Generation of Investors With Social Responsibility
By Brady Fletcher | August 13, 2020

COVID-19 brought CSR to the fore, and the increased consumer interest in it will remain. To capitalize on this, businesses must be transparent to investors and report on metrics tied to social good.

Offensive or Defensive: Which Crisis Strategy Is Better for You?
By Nacho De Marco | August 12, 2020

Learn more about the best business strategies to follow in the post-pandemic world.

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6 Tools to Support Your Long-Term Remote Workforce
By Nicole Fallon | August 12, 2020

If your business shifted to a remote work model during COVID-19 and you intend to maintain those policies, you'll need the right tools to support your workforce for the long term.

What Employee Speech Is Protected at Work?
By Skye Schooley | August 11, 2020

Educate yourself and your employees on the types of speech that are protected in the workplace.

What Marketers Need to Know About People's Social Media Patterns During the Pandemic
By Victor Snyder | August 10, 2020

Social media usage is both increasing and changing in the COVID-19 era. Here are some lessons and new best practices to embrace the trends.

What Does a Great Customer Experience Look Like Now?
By David Fletcher | August 10, 2020

What are the changing dynamics of retail and escalating customer expectations due to the COVID-19 pandemic? How can online businesses stay competitive?

COVID-19 Second Wave: How to Prepare for Another Company Shutdown
By Adam Uzialko | August 10, 2020

Although many businesses across the U.S. are reopening, the pandemic is far from over. Here's how to prepare in case your business is forced to close again during a second wave of COVID-19.

What Crises Can Teach Us About Leading Beyond Borders
By Kevin Xu | August 07, 2020

Emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic have a way of highlighting our strengths and weaknesses as leaders. Here are six lessons in crisis management for global companies.

Automation Doesn't Mean Losing Personalization
By Clate Mask | August 06, 2020

One of the great challenges of automated systems is losing some interaction with your leads and customers. But automation, done correctly, doesn't mean losing a personalized touch with customers.

4 Steps to Establish a Crisis-Resistant Company Culture
By Lisa Raja | August 06, 2020

We've seen how crisis can strike at any time. The only way for a business to weather storm after storm is to build a company culture built on strong values.

5 Ways to Prepare Your Company for the Future of Remote Work
By Antonio Barraza | August 06, 2020

As companies look to an increasingly remote future, they must make changes to prepare their teams.

A Customer Complains: How to Respond on a LARK
By Nick Bogacz | August 05, 2020

With shutdowns, limited openings, mask rules and more, the pandemic isn't consumer-friendly. Customer complaints are on the rise, but there's a system for dealing with a tough customer: LARK.

Embracing the Future of Remote Work
By Brian Wallace | August 05, 2020

The transition to remote work was abrupt, but some changes made during this time will be permanent.

4 Tips to Ensure Remote Workforce Productivity
By Greg Hanover | August 04, 2020

Many business owners have faced uncertainties and challenges around remote workforce management, engagement, and productivity. How do you captivate a remote workforce?

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How KeyBank Adapted and Evolved During COVID-19
By Nicole Fallon | August 04, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted KeyBank like every other business, but how the company pivoted allowed it to become more productive than ever.

How SEO Can Help You Overcome the Impact of COVID-19
By Jared Atchison | August 04, 2020

Don't reduce your SEO and marketing activities during the current crisis. Learn how SEO will help you stay in the minds of your audience and help you thrive in the future.

Small Business COVID-19 Diaries: Part 5
By Adam Uzialko | August 04, 2020

COVID-19 upended economic activity and disrupted small business owners' lives. Here are stories from real entrepreneurs about how the novel coronavirus pandemic is impacting them.

How Small Business Owners Can Support Black Entrepreneurs
By Andrew Martins | August 03, 2020

Wondering how your business can support Black business owners? Here are some ideas and resources to help you get started.

3 Rebound Strategies to Help Your Business Overcome Crisis
By Joy Gendusa | July 31, 2020

Despite huge losses due to the pandemic, my company is back to profitability after just five turbulent weeks. Here are some takeaways from our success.

Why Remote Work Makes Good Business Sense
By Ken Gosnell | July 30, 2020

Telework is an essential model for business success and will be even more critical to successful business operations in today's new business reality.

Pivot to the Next Normal: Leveraging Tech to Strengthen Your Team
By Mark Roberts | July 29, 2020

The fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic isn't over, and how we work as teams has changed. Technology can facilitate your team's ongoing transition without overtaking it.

Why Is Your Team Struggling With Remote Work?
By Anand Srinivasan | July 24, 2020

If remote work isn't successful for your team so far, these are some possible reasons why and how to correct them.

10 Small Business Grants for Minorities in 2020
By Adam Uzialko | July 24, 2020

There are many grants available for minority-owned businesses. Find out how you can take advantage of these grant programs to start or grow your business.