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Marketing and Sales

Everything you need to know about marketing to drive new sales, and how to keep your existing customer base.

Latest in Marketing News: Advice, Tips and Resources

Do-It-For-Me: The Next Evolution of the On-Demand Economy
By Scot Wingo | June 21, 2018

Consumers want to buy from businesses that help them feel empowered.

5 Strategies for Building Brand Trust Through Video
By Joe Forte | June 20, 2018

Video marketing is about more than gaining product exposure.

How to Market Your Startup's Minimum Viable Product
By Britt Armour | June 15, 2018

Launching an MVP requires an adjustment to your marketing strategy.

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Stange Law Firm, PC
A divorce & family law firm in the Midwest with multiple offices with headquarters in St. Louis.
5 Ways Challenger Brands Can Win Against Big Brands on Amazon
By James Thomson | June 12, 2018

Here's how the Davids are beating the Goliaths in the online marketplace.

SEO Tools and Rank Trackers Buying Guide
By Kayla Harrison | June 08, 2018

See how to find the best SEO tool for your business.

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Custom Vinyl Banners
Our banners are great for promoting your store or next event. Made of durable vinyl, the uses are endless. Come customize yours today!
Americans Lack the 'Right to be Forgotten.' So How Can Businesses Counter Negative Publicity?
By Darius Fisher | June 06, 2018

Here are four important steps businesses can take to improve their online reputation.

How to Build Your Brand's Authority on Instagram
By Gaurav Sharma | May 29, 2018

Follow these steps to establish your brand as a powerful voice on this platform.

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Online Trading Academy
Online Trading Academy provides in person and online training courses and materials for stock, forex, and other financial trading opportunities.
New Salesforce Integration Cloud for SMBs is Built for Scaling and Synergy
By Mona Bushnell | May 23, 2018

Check out these small business-friendly features of the new Salesforce Integration Cloud.

9 Revolutionary Ways Machine Learning Is Changing Marketing
By Valeryia Shchutskaya | May 22, 2018

AI can help businesses optimize many processes, and the costs for this tech are shrinking.

5 Preventable Human Errors That Leave Your Company Vulnerable to a Cyberattack
By Alexandre François | May 21, 2018

Most cyberattacks stem from internal human error, but companies can protect themselves.

7 Reasons to Measure Customer Lifetime Value for Your E-commerce Business
By Frank Vitetta | May 18, 2018

Here's what CLV is and why it could be your most important metric.

5 Tips to Rule Over Instagram and Make Money
By Gaurav Sharma | May 17, 2018

Find ways to leverage this platform to actually see a profit.

Brand Spokesperson Smackdown: Famous Face vs. Social Media Rockstar?
By Alison Hill | May 16, 2018

Should your brand use a social media influencer or a celebrity as a spokesperson?

Are You Telling the Right Story About Your Brand?
By Roy Morejon | May 16, 2018

Here's how to identify and share the right story about your brand.

6 Free SEO Tools You Should be Using
By Syed Balkhi | May 15, 2018

Optimize your content, analyze the competition, find keywords and more with these tools.

12 Tips for Mastering Your Presentation
By Stacey Hanke | May 14, 2018

Giving presentations is a learned skill that requires ongoing practice.

Quit Your Day Job for Your Startup: 5 Steps to Success
By Sammi Caramela | May 11, 2018

Make sure you're ready for entrepreneurship before leaving behind a steady income.

Top WordPress Plugins to Improve SEO in 2018
By Guy Sheetrit | May 09, 2018

Improve search engine optimization on your WordPress site with these useful plugins.

Should I Post Pricing on My Website?
By Adam Uzialko | May 04, 2018

Posting prices can help you beat the competition, but it could also hurt business.

Renewals Dropping Off? Rethink Your Retention Strategy with These Tips
By Gayle Taskey | April 30, 2018

Use the power of persuasion to reinforce customers' decisions and keep them satisfied.

The Solution to Conflict Between Marketing and Sales? A Clearly Defined Process
By Matt Stoyka | April 26, 2018

Sales and marketing have the same goal: to convert leads to loyal customers.

Make Your First Trade Show a Success
By Benjamin Liu | April 12, 2018

This checklist of 22 essential elements will help you pull off a successful event.

Why Proper Business Email Etiquette Matters
By Lucas Bikowski | April 09, 2018

The messages you send to customers, co-workers and others reflects on you.

What is Influencer Marketing and How Does it Drive Sales?
By Albizu Garcia | April 05, 2018

Influencer marketing is word-of-mouth for the social media age. Here's how to use it.

The Four Questions to Ask for a Successful M&A
By Rob Reid | April 05, 2018

Successful M&A happens when buyers and sellers research compatibility in meaningful ways.