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Marketing and Sales

Everything you need to know about marketing to drive new sales, and how to keep your existing customer base.

Latest in Marketing News: Advice, Tips and Resources

Why Even Your Best SEO-Driven Content Strategy Will Fail You
By Jen Saunders | September 05, 2017

Instead, use a customer-oriented approach that pulls consumers in and nurtures them.

Controversy as a Tool for Business Growth
By Russell Smith | September 05, 2017

Controversy and business do not go hand in hand. Or do they?

Are Anti-Ad Blockers Hurting Your Business? What You Need to Know
By Andreas Rivera | August 31, 2017

Ad blockers are costing publishers. Find out how to recover lost revenue.

Proven Ways to Create a Website People Will Engage With
By Lucas Bikowski | August 21, 2017

It's never been more important (or more difficult) to be noticed.

How Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Can Survive in a Digital World
By Jonathan Bentz | August 15, 2017

As Amazon continues to dominate, here's how small, traditional retailers can compete.

Influencer Marketing on a Budget
By Shane Barker | August 11, 2017

How to make it work for your small business

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15 Great Resources for Influencer Marketing Managers
By Shane Barker | August 09, 2017

Maintain an edge using these 15 tools and resources.

Why Web Personalization Is Key to e-Commerce Success in B2B
By John Barnett | August 05, 2017

Reaching the right customers in the right ways

Perfect Partners: How Collaboration Drives Growth and Innovation
By Steve Johnson | July 28, 2017

Look for these 5 qualities

6 Keys to Online Success
By Megan Totka | July 28, 2017

Ways to strengthen your business with the web

Ways to Grow Your Business in a Mature Market
By Jonathan Furman | July 26, 2017

Markets evolve and so should your business if you want to stay on top

Secrets to Selling Intangible Goods and Services
By Jonathan Furman | July 26, 2017

Trust is integral in the marketing and sales of intangibles

6 Keys to Delighting Your Customers with a Chatbot
By Alex Debecker | July 25, 2017

Investing time and thought into your chatbot will give your business an upper hand

3 Ways to Build Your Small Business's Brand Locally
By Jonathan Herrick | July 19, 2017

Getting involved in your community

How to Choose the Best Call Center Software
By Larry Alton | July 19, 2017

It pays to do your research before investing in a call center program.

10 Ways to Improve Your Branding With Micro-Influencers
By Shane Barker | July 12, 2017

How to reach and grow your audience with these social media stars

5 Key Tips to Gaining Real Instagram Followers
By Brock Gratton | July 12, 2017

Get Into the Instagram game and dominate

Losing Customers? 6 Things You Should Do Right Now
By Peter Yang | July 05, 2017

If your customer base is shrinking, don't wait. Follow these tips now

A Guide to Retail Lighting and Why It Matters
By Whitney Sanchez | June 30, 2017

The lighting you choose for your retail store will impact your customers' buying habits

The State of the B2B Sharing Economy
By Chad Brooks | June 26, 2017

An overview of the advantages and impacts for businesses

Don't Be Fooled by These 9 SEO Lies
By Guy Sheetrit | June 22, 2017

It's time to clear up some misinformation about SEO

View Through Rate: The Essential Statistic to Creating a Great YouTube Ad Campaign
By Rich Drees | June 19, 2017

VTR stands for “view through rate” and is the most overlooked statistic in YouTube Ads.