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Public Relatations

Discover tips, best practices, and actionable advice from PR experts on how to effectively manage and improve your public relations strategies.

Latest: Advice, Tips and Resources

How to Build Trust With E-Commerce Customers
By Ming-Yi Wu | February 28, 2020

Building trust online is essential for e-commerce businesses. Here's how to gain repeat business and build brand loyalty.

How Negative Reviews Can Be a Positive for Your SEO
By Christine James | February 03, 2020

Maybe we've been thinking of bad reviews all wrong. It turns out they can be a boon for your SEO as well as a chance for your customer service to shine.

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KeyBank Middle Market Business Sentiment Report
KeyBank Middle Market Business Sentiment Report
When it comes to the middle market, Key has a dedication like no other bank. Our commitment and focus allow us to deliver relevant, actionable, and tailored solutions for middle market companies. As part of this commitment, KeyBank conducts quarterly surveys with middle market executives. We ask them various questions about business and the world around them to uncover industry views, including how they feel about the state of the economy, security, future growth plans and more..
Brand Reputation: How to Protect Your No. 1 Asset
By Sam Bocetta | December 31, 2019

Your most valuable asset is your brand reputation. Learn how to protect it.

10 Tips for Writing a Great Press Release
By Megan Prejzner | December 10, 2019

Knowing how to write an effective press release is essential to getting your company news out to reports and customers.

4 Ways to Reduce Your Business's Carbon Footprint
By Michael Wood | November 22, 2019

Running a profitable business is hard. Running a profitable business that is carbon accountable is even harder. Here are four effective ways to help make your business more carbon accountable.

Want to Support a Charity? Qualities Businesses Should Seek Out
By Scott Gerber | November 11, 2019

Here are the criteria business leaders can use when choosing which charities to support.

How To Create and Write Your Business's First E-Book
By Chris Christoff | August 29, 2019

E-books give businesses a chance to improve their customer relationships.

How to Use Brand Activism to Ethically Grow Your Brand
By Margaret Olat | August 22, 2019

Learn how your business can support a social cause that you and your audience care about.

How to Create an Effective Survey
By Tom Britton | August 19, 2019

Don't spend hours building customer surveys that no one cares about. Here’s what you’re doing wrong.

How To Build A Customer-Centric Culture For Your Small Business
By Jared Atchison | August 15, 2019

Building a customer-centric culture helps your business apart from the competition

4 Tips for Presenting to a Global Audience
By Raul Sanchez Dan Bullock | August 12, 2019

Follow these four principles to connect with audiences from all over the world.

How to Create a New Brand Image From Scratch
By Thomas Griffin | July 24, 2019

Creating brand image is a tough task. Here is what it takes.

How Businesses Are Marketing Green Innovation
By David Trounce | June 23, 2019

Going green may ultimately boost your company's bottom line.

How to Manage Your Small Business Through a Crisis
By Nabeel Ahmad | June 23, 2019

Here are four tips to navigating a crisis situation

How to Use Social Media To Better Your Retail Business
By Irina Stefanova | June 13, 2019

If you want to be successful, you have to be on social media.

How to Find the Right PR Firm
By Dave Feistel | May 14, 2019

Considering hiring a public relations agency? Ask these four questions.

How to Create an Effective Public Relations and Branding Strategy for Your Business
By Chad Brooks | May 06, 2019

PR exec Kailynn Bowling of ChicBlvd Inc. is May's community member of the month.

So Your Business Got Positive Publicity: Now What?
By Blair Nicole | April 18, 2019

You need to have a strategy in place for marketing your business.

Hosting Your First Webinar? 3 Tips for Success
By Syed Balkhi | February 12, 2019

More than 60% of B2B marketers use webinars to educate their audience.

How, and Why, to Become a Guest Blogger
By Elijah Masek-Kelly | December 21, 2018

Guest blogging can improve your marketing efforts.

6 Social Media Weapons to Boost Your Branding and Marketing
By Rolando Herrera | August 27, 2018

Don't hinder your growth by ignoring social media.

14 Free Ways to Advertise Your Business
By Scott Gerber | August 27, 2018

Here are 14 approaches to getting your name out there, each with its own strengths.

UN's Sustainable Development Goals for Small Businesses
By Carlyann Edwards | August 07, 2018

The hope is to have all people, governments and businesses following the agenda by 2030.

5 Tips for Building a Globally-Minded Creative Team
By Justin Gignac | July 19, 2018

To reach an audience on a global scale, you need to consider global perspectives.

Americans Lack the 'Right to be Forgotten.' So How Can Businesses Counter Negative Publicity?
By Darius Fisher | June 06, 2018

Here are four important steps businesses can take to improve their online reputation.

Brand Spokesperson Smackdown: Famous Face vs. Social Media Rockstar?
By Alison Hill | May 16, 2018

Should your brand use a social media influencer or a celebrity as a spokesperson?

12 Tips for Mastering Your Presentation
By Stacey Hanke | May 14, 2018

Giving presentations is a learned skill that requires ongoing practice.