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We approach our research as if we were in your shoes and routinely update reviews as the needs of small businesses change.

  • Our team conducts a hands-on, independent analysis of products and service providers considering five dimensions: prices, features, support, functionality and dependability.
  • We talk to business professionals like you who use the products and services every day.
  • We routinely update our reviews to ensure the information is relevant and up to date.
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I saved countless hours of searching. All I had to do was enter what I was looking for and the companies came to me. Overall, I would say that I saved 25 hours of my time. We are about to purchase 50K in equipment, and made the difference in finding the right seller.

Buddy Woford
Marketing Manager
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A helpful tool for just about anyone doing due diligence on about any topic. I like how facilitates access to others with knowledge, insights, experiences, etc.

John BaRoss
Founder and President
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I'm looking to get a cloud-based VoIP on the cheap. My phone usage is through the roof and I need a local number. So, I went to do research. I didn’t have to navigate too far because what I needed was right there on

Ryan Cook
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Because of, we saved $400 or more on credit card processing — all because we learned of virtual terminal options through your site. We were also able to get a credit card transaction rate at 0.7% lower than those offered by my local bank.

Rusty Smith
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