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5 Tips for Building a Successful Remote Company editorial staff editorial staff Member
Updated Apr 27, 2020

Build a remote company that runs like clockwork.

  • When looking for ways "upgrade" your business, making the switch to, or starting a new remote business, may be the ultimate way to go.
  • Running a successful remote business means taking the appropriate steps, such as hiring the right employees, utilizing effective sources of communication and setting a clear plan for goals.
  • An unlimited talent pool and reduced operating costs are only a couple of the benefits that come with operating a remote business.

Remote companies are the way of the future. Advances in technology have allowed us to forgo the typical, expensive, brick-and-mortar office in exchange for a virtual office you manage from the comfort of your own home. The benefits of running a remote company are endless. Not only are you saving money on rent and utilities, but you're getting rid of the dreaded daily commute, and you can hire employees from around the world, which lets you choose the best talent for your company.

But you can't just log on to your computer, send a couple of emails to your remote hires and expect for business to be smooth sailing from there. There are several aspects you have to consider when building a remote company that you never had to think about while running a traditional office.

So how do you create a remote company that runs like clockwork? Check out these five tips for building a successful remote company.

1. Use the right tools

Your employees are going to require access to all the important files they need to complete their tasks efficiently and in a remote setting, they'll need to access those files from their laptops or home computers. There are several software tools you'll need to implement to have a successful remote company.

Some great ones include remote conferencing software that allows you to hold company meetings, perform webinars or conduct remote interviews. Project management tools let you assign specific tasks with due dates for individual workers and create workspaces for different teams where you can assign group projects. Your remote workers will be able to easily see what they need to get done in an organized way.

Editor's note: Looking for the right project management software for your business? Fill out the below questionnaire to have our vendor partners contact you about your needs.

Image Credit: Art Studio/Shutterstock editorial staff editorial staff Member
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