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Analytics Achieving Retail Victory for Data-Centric SMBs

James Warner
James Warner Member
Sep 13, 2019

Learn how you can incorporate analytics into your retail operation.

E-commerce has presented a significant challenge for brick-and-mortar stores, but retail analytics have saved the day for them. Physical stores open to adopting retail analytics have found answers to meet the challenges of the changing environment. 

Brick-and-mortar stores are expecting the profits from retail analytics solutions to make up for the hitches in their storefront business policies. With these insights, many enterprises can recognize their customers' expectations, wants, actions, most likely shopping times, the top sales hours and so on. Also, they could achieve proper results for their marketing efforts, such as maximum lead conversion.

For a competitive edge over their online counterparts, brick-and-mortar stores need to analyze customer shopping behavior and improve the shopping experience based on the data. However, there can be problems with being a data-centric business if you don't use the correct tools to gather and analyze information. Even if you do, it can be difficult to use them to their full potential.

Retail analytics provides a chance to understand and reorganize store operations according to customer requirements. One emergent trend is that brick-and-mortar stores must have an online or multichannel presence. Customers who browse products online may still only make purchases at physical stores. Therefore, multichannel analytics will give better insights about the purchasing path customers follow. Armed with these insights, retailers can make more accurate decisions about how their stores operate. 

What retail data analytics can provide

Because of the absence of complete proof as well as an efficient method to check the exact influence of retailing choices, retailing has always been carefully measured as an art, related with a set of principles. With the considerable growth in online sales, there has been a new shopping arrangement where the customer actually investigates the anticipated products in any store and later buys them online.
Because of the appearance of people searching tech, new methods to examine in-store performance and measure the influence of retailing exertions have industrialized. To enhance marketing strategies, a data manufacturing policy could also be of considerable assistance to retailers. Retailers could monogram the experience of in-store shopping to start with, then determine faithfulness by providing incentives or offers to the recurrent customers to ensure a lot of purchases, attaining advanced sales all over the channels.

In short, data retail analytics allows physical stores to understand their customers' requirements over and above purchases better, and to find answers as to what they can do to make the shopping experience in their stores different, fun and exciting. 

The needs of each location 

Retail analytics identifies the unique needs of brick-and-mortar stores in different locations. Retailers can tailor their stores based on customer needs by stocking up on the products that customers are not purchasing online. If a store provides paint for home improvement, perhaps providing brushes and ladders too could add value and seal the deal. Through retail analytics, businesses can understand what products customers never purchase online and which ones they always do. Retail analytics can provide a brick-and-mortar store owner with insights about the assortment of products that they can make available in the different locales. Analytics can also measure the effect of a product switch so you don't make a massive investment without analyzing whether you will retain customer loyalty.  
Retail analytics can also help you target specific customer segments. It has helped brick-and-mortar stores adapt to customer tastes and preferences according to age and gender. Analytics help them identify factors like location, population, income and presence of competitors to derive a winning formula for their store. Retailers can also realign their store portfolios according to sales performance with the help of data from retail analytics. The data will enable them to resize or reformat their stores and even close down those in locations where there are more online purchases. 

Customer journey analytics in the retail industry

Nowadays, it is very informal and straightforward for customers to enter all types of information with the help of channels such as social media, mobile and online websites. This creates a choice of procurement and acquisitions suitable for the patrons. At the same time, customers have begun to expect a lot of things from the productions, such as reliable information, unified understandings through networks that reproduce antiquity, favorites and benefits. This is conceivable only when the retailers have informations that might support every customer's account through many channels.

These are some of the complicated retail queries that could be solved with customer journey analytics:

  • Undertakings on each phase in the customer's journey
  • The higher-value consumers as well as their conduct
  • The best, most probable method to reach them

Brick-and-mortar analytics: Giving them what they want

The fundamental thing to any fruitful, customer-facing industry is gauging the demand of the market. Modern customers assume you have a good product understanding when buying from your company. However, it's problematic to gather knowledge to their requirements and wishes when there is no analytics or the expertise that brings the information to dealers. Brick-and-mortar retailers that do not provide assurance of their expertise in their products will look incapable of competing with their industries' leading online stores.

The sustained development and acceptance of online shopping are making newfangled tests for brick-and-mortar stores. By applying the correct use of analytical implements, though, such stores have no reason to feel threatened. Physical stores continue to be appreciated for the simple reason that they provide a tangible experience where online stores cannot. The development of online shopping does not mean the departure of offline stores. Nonetheless, brick-and-mortar shops do need to modify their philosophy. With the correct combination of information, vision, new approaches and activities, offline retailers can still flourish. Fewer consumers these days are incredibly loyal to brick-and-mortar stores; retailers must respond by classifying customers and pointing them to suitable product selections for their needs.

These are some essential strategies for connecting the physical and digital divisions:

  • Leverage valued customers. Connecting consumers' data with a verified subdivision scheme, you could gain greater understandings of your customers' demographics, routines, choices, approaches and standards. 
  • Take advantage of the BOPIS trend. An important third-party subdivision structure could help you classify customers and ensure that stores are sufficiently stocked and operated.
  • Analyze shopping outlines. To enhance the selling of a new store location, a retailer needs to know the preferences and shopping patterns of their customers.
Image Credit: fizkes / Getty Images
James Warner
James Warner Member
James Warner - enjoy building eCommerce websites more than anything, Highly skilled Magento Certified Professional with 6+ Years of experience in developing web based (ecommerce) software applications using PHP5, MySQL, OOPS, Ajax, jQuery, JavaScript, XML, JSON, HTML, CSS and working with mageto development company called NexSoftSys. Building and customizing eCommerce solutions on the Magento platform to drive sales, improve business flow, and connect with tech solutions outside of the Magento platform.