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IT Leadership: How Choosing a Reliable Conferencing Platform Empowers End Users

Content sponsored in partnership with Vast Conference
Vast Conference
Mar 31, 2020

A good video conference software won't place additional demands on your IT team. Here's what to look for in a video conferencing solution to ensure seamless usability.

Software should help us work smarter, not harder. Unfortunately, that's not always the case. Clunky or unreliable software can often result in creating more work, especially for IT teams who need to help frustrated users or address technical issues. When it comes to video conference software, which is increasingly used on a daily basis in modern workplaces, choosing the right platform can keep users seamlessly connected and reduce the number of support tickets for IT to address.

Conferencing is an invaluable tool that enables internal project collaboration, external communication and presentation, as well as remote control troubleshooting capabilities. Choosing a reliable conferencing platform provides the dual benefit of empowering users to effectively communicate with their teams and clients while also making IT departments' jobs easier. A good conferencing service should just work – it should not cause additional stress on the end user or IT department.   


Reliability and ease of use are key in video conference software

Convoluted video conference systems can be a drain on IT resources. Any seasoned IT veteran knows that issues setting up conference room hardware and coordinating virtual meetings can become a headache day in and day out. But intuitive video conference software easily allows end users to schedule, set up and run their meetings without IT intervention, making it a seamless process that doesn't disrupt anyone's workday.

In a world where productivity is essential, video conferencing software needs to facilitate productivity rather than hamper it. Look for the following features in a conferencing platform to ensure end users can easily manage the tools and features:

  • One-click to join: A video conference platform should make it easy for people to join meetings. Whether the meeting was scheduled in advance or started on the fly, participants should only have to make a single click (or tap) in order to join – especially when using a mobile app. The more complex the process is to join a meeting, the more likely end users are to contact IT. Simplifying the process of joining a meeting is key to keeping end users in the driver's seat.

  • Scheduling integrations: Software cannot exist in a vacuum; it needs to integrate with the other applications your business uses daily. For conferencing software, few integrations are as important as the calendar, which is used for scheduling meetings, and sending out invitations and meeting reminders. A calendar integration makes it easy to invite participants to a meeting by automatically creating an invite with all the necessary meeting info and ways people can join the meeting using their preferred calendar. This also further streamlines the process of joining a meeting, making it simple for end users to arrive on time and free from frustration.

  • HD audio and video: A common reason IT has been summoned to address video conference issues in the past has been due to unreliable audio or video connectivity. Selecting a video conference platform that ensures the delivery of high-definition audio and video for every meeting is key to keeping end users engaged and informed without the help of the IT team.

  • Screen sharing: Screen sharing is an extremely useful feature that allows hosts and participants to share their screen with the rest of the meeting participants. This function enables in-sync presentation and collaboration for all meeting participants. Combined with video, screen sharing is an ideal way to ensure your message is delivered clearly. 
  • Recording and cloud storage: Recording features are essential in a world where meeting fatigue is a real risk. Recording allows any meeting or presentation to be captured and stored in the cloud for later access. This is useful for creating marketing and training materials, archiving companywide updates or providing instructional guides to end users that eliminate reliance on IT for basic tasks.

  • Uptime: Naturally, the more reliable a video conference platform is, the less likely it is that IT will be needed to troubleshoot technical issues. Video conference software that regularly crashes or fails to launch will undoubtedly result in regular help desk tickets. A reliable video conference solution that seldom encounters issues will keep end users happy and IT-free, so the IT department can address more pressing concerns.

  • Security: Last but not least, the security of data in transit and stored on cloud servers is of utmost importance. The IT team is continually concerned with cybersecurity and the possibility of data breaches that impact the wider organization. When a video conference platform takes the necessary steps to prevent any security pitfalls, the IT team can focus on potential vulnerabilities elsewhere.

The best video conference software ties these features together in a navigable, easy-to-use package. While some platforms offer a cornucopia of bells and whistles, along with sometimes confusing external hardware, video conferencing doesn't have to be so complicated. In fact, a simple cloud-based system with easy-to-use tools will help get meetings going without the need for assistance from the IT team.


Video conference software tools for IT

A good video conference software solution also gives IT the tools it needs to collaborate with end users. Whether it's installing and configuring new software or addressing technical issues, it's important that your IT team has the features it needs to help even from afar. A comprehensive video conferencing platform allows IT team members to connect face to face with end users to assist them with whatever they need and actively participate in solving their problems.

One feature that is indispensable for IT is remote access and control capabilities. These tools allow participants to see a user's screen in real time, and, if necessary, take over remote control of the off-site hardware to fully assess and ultimately fix any issues the user may not have the technical bandwidth or knowledge to manage on their own.

Recording features are also effective for reducing reliance on the IT team, albeit indirectly. Companywide communications and webinars can be easily recorded and archived on a good video conference platform, giving end users a reference point for simple processes or troubleshooting measures they can undertake themselves before going to IT for help.

An effective video conference software empowers end users and reduces the burden on IT

When choosing video conferencing software, it is important to consider how it will work as an organization tool beyond the confines of regular meetings. In the case of the IT team, a strong video conferencing platform can reduce an influx of help desk tickets related to presentations and meetings, as well as offer a support tool for IT to more quickly and easily resolve end user problems.

In modern organizations, the IT team is essential to maintaining productivity and monitoring cybersecurity, so ensuring their workload isn't hampered by small requests that could be avoided or quickly addressed with the right tools is critical. The right video conference software can do just that. If you're looking for a video conference platform that has all the necessary features for users, participants and IT, look no further than Vast Conference.

Image Credit: Sam Edwards / Getty Images