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Why Every Company Should Have a Business Savings Account

Ken Gosnell
Ken Gosnell Member
Sep 04, 2019

Businesses often live from payroll to payroll. Smart business leaders understand the power of saving for future growth.

Business success causes business owners and leaders to think differently about money and resources. Unfortunately, many business owners never break through in using profits wisely. 

Leaders who desire to develop a strong and robust company will make decisions wisely about all of their business's resources. 

One aim that leaders should strive for is building and maintaining a robust business savings account. Many businesses never consider opening a savings account as part of the business holdings. It is smart to put back to push forward.

To manage resources well, a business leader should consider what has been given to them and what can be managed well so it can be applied for future conditions.  

Here are four reasons why saving will benefit your company.

Robust savings insulate your company from unexpected emergencies. 

Every business has dry seasons where sales become difficult and cash is drained. Business savings accounts are liquid assets. Liquid assets can be tapped to pay expenses that are more than current receivables.  

The wise business owner prepares today for the unexpected tomorrow.  

Organizations that withstand the test of time understand there will be times when they will be tested. These tests come in a few different forms, with changes in the market being the most common.

Consumer tastes change, and new entrants come into the marketplace. Robust savings grant companies time to understand the market changes and respond in a way to retain and attract new customers.  

New technology is another test that happens. Artificial intelligence is changing how business is done. Those companies that have the means to pursue new solutions are in a better position to expand and grow, whereas companies that have no means to enhance their technology solutions will be left behind.

Another test involves new and unexpected opportunities that come along a business least expects it. A company that focuses on growth will prepare its resources and finances so that they are can make bold moves that will propel the organization forward when opportunities present themselves.   

Robust savings give your business the ability to grow.

Good business leaders think about pivots and changes that need to happen in the business so it can continue to compete in any market situation. Companies need to know where to invest their resources to help the business function well.  Some purchases and investments can only be made in the business through years of savings. It is never wise to run out of resources before the task is complete.

Big companies work on big projects that only big companies can accomplish. For example, Elon Musk is leading his company to develop flying cars. The Disney company is developing its own streaming platform. 

Big companies stay big because they work on big projects. Companies that wish to be big should focus on bigger and longer projects. Most companies have no grander plan than to stay open that week. Even a small company can save money today for future growth.  

Robust savings give your company an advantage.  

Even in difficult economies, there are growing companies. Many companies grow significantly during difficult financial times because they have set aside the resources to not only survive but to expand as others falter. To purchase or acquire a company that is going through money issues can provide an excellent platform for growth. 

Companies that have a strong cash position can acquire a poorly performing competitor. Further, robust savings allow companies to acquire the best talent by matching or superseding what other companies are offering for that position. When companies put money toward the recruitment of the best talent, a message is sent that people matter.  The Container Store is an example of using profits for its people. They believe that one great employee is equal to three in terms of productivity, and they pay their employees well.

A third competitive advantage is that companies with robust savings can acquire product knowledge and intellectual property.  When companies focus on gathering the right products or the right intellectual knowledge, it can push the company to stay a leader in its field.   

Robust savings allow companies to give back to their communities.  

Many businesses have missed out on opportunities to give and bless others because they have to use all of their resources to stay afloat. Good companies work diligently to develop their brand generosity. By saving, companies give themselves a wonderful gift in the form of a significant impact on the communities where they operate. Remember, you can't give if you don't have. 

In his book Start Something That Matters, Blake Mycoskie, the founder and owner of TOMS Shoes, advises readers that the goal isn't how much money you make, but how much you help people. 

Companies that develop the habit of saving money will find many beneficial reasons for giving back a portion of their profits with a focus on the future.

Image Credit: Chainaroung Prasertthai/Getty Images
Ken Gosnell
Ken Gosnell Member
Ken Gosnell is the CEO and Servant Leader of CEO Experience (CXP). His company serves CEOS and leaders by helping them to have great experiences that both transform them and their organizations that enable to go further faster. Ken is the publisher of the CXP CEO Executive Guide that is designed to help leaders learn faster by encouraging to give themselves a monthly learning retreat. His monthly CEO retreats have helped thousands of CEOs and their leadership teams to enhance strategic, operational and people accomplishments. He is an author, keynote speaker, executive coach, and strategic partner with CEOs and successful business leaders. Connect with @ken_gosnell on Twitter.