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Leading by Example: How to Model Effective Time Management as a CEO
By Angela Koch | May 28, 2020

The art of time management might seem like a myth, but CEOs are tremendously skilled at it. Here are three tricks I use to manage my time effectively and live a better life.

5 Lessons I Learned While Working From Home
By Mark Roberts | May 28, 2020

We have all learned lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn how to work efficiently in a remote situation and how remote work may impact the future.

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Dawson Law Group
Portland car accident lawyers, handling personal injury claims and trials across Oregon
How to Capitalize on Talent With a Distributed Workforce
By Michael Mueller | May 28, 2020

COVID-19 has accelerated the timeline for shifting to remote work, which may mean rethinking how you approach your workforce.

7 Effective Tips For Using Videos in Email Marketing
By Shane Barker | May 28, 2020

Want to use videos in your email marketing campaigns but don't know how to? Here are a few effective tips to leverage them for your campaigns with ease.

18 Key Considerations to Make When Selling a Business
By Scott Gerber | May 28, 2020

YEC leaders discuss what elements to keep in mind before selling your company.

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Livesay & Myers, P.C.
The family law and divorce attorneys at Livesay & Myers, P.C. represent clients throughout Arlington, Alexandria and Northern Virginia.
How to Use Telemedicine and Stay HIPAA Compliant
By Adam Uzialko | November 10, 2020

Telemedicine is revolutionizing the way healthcare is performed, especially in rural areas and for patients with limited mobility. Security and HIPAA compliance, however, remain critical.

How to Optimize Your Online Business Meetings
By Jared Atchison | May 27, 2020

Online business meetings have grown since more businesses are working remotely. Learn how to conduct effective, efficient meetings.

When Does Your Business Credit Score Matter?
By Adam Uzialko | October 22, 2020

What is the difference between your personal and business credit score, and when does your business credit score matter? Read on to find out.

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Warren & Kallianos, PLLC
Charlotte, NC personal injury lawyers representing victims of auto accidents, medical malpractice and other forms of negligence.
HSA vs. FSA: What Impact Does It Have on Employers?
By Andrew Martins | May 26, 2020

The American healthcare system is expensive and confusing, but for most employers, the choice boils down to HSA or FSA. Both have benefits and shortcomings, so it's important to know the difference.

How to Handle a Bad Hire
By Skye Schooley | May 26, 2020

If you made a bad hiring decision, follow this five-step approach to resolve the issue

Businesses 'LinkedIn' Together During a Crisis
By Eric Leopardi | May 25, 2020

Now, more than ever, LinkedIn is a powerful tool, if you use it properly.

4 Methods to Spice Up Your Direct Mail Marketing
By Kent Moon | May 22, 2020

Direct mail marketing can be competitive. Here are four different ways to ensure your direct mail marketing campaign stands out from the rest, helping you grow your business.

How to Get a Business Loan: Ultimate Guide
By Sean Peek | December 02, 2020

When it comes to securing funding for your business, you have a lot of choices. How do you know which one is right for you? This ultimate guide on how to get a business loan will help you choose.

Small Business COVID-19 Diaries: Part 3
By Adam Uzialko | May 22, 2020

COVID-19 upended economic activity and disrupted small business owners' lives. Here are stories from real entrepreneurs about how the novel coronavirus pandemic is impacting them.

How to Repurpose Your Blog Content for Improved Engagement
By Syed Balkhi | May 21, 2020

Your blog is one of the most important parts of your website. We are going to show you how to repurpose your posts so you can get even more engagement and sales.

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Got Turned Down for SBA 7(a) or 7(b) Funding? What to Do Now
By Rapid Finance | May 21, 2020

If you were unable to secure an SBA loan to keep your business afloat during COVID-19, you have other options. Here's what to do if you were turned down for an SBA loan.

The Pros and Cons of Flexible Benefits
By Skye Schooley | May 21, 2020

Learn what flexible benefits are and how they can help you attract and retain top talent.

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How to Finance Business Expenses Not Covered by SBA Loans
By Rapid Finance | May 20, 2020

The response to COVID-19 led to the development of SBA loan programs, but they only cover certain expenses. Here's how to finance your remaining expenses not covered by the SBA loans.

Treat COVID-19 Remote Work as a Test Run
By Dr. Cindy McGovern | May 20, 2020

Remote work is becoming more popular with companies and employees. Treat the remote work trend during COVID-19 as a test run for what the future might hold.

SEO Tactics for the Do-It-Yourself Entrepreneur
By Marc Felgar | May 20, 2020

SEO remains a highly effective strategy for DIY entrepreneurs to compete with larger companies. To do so effectively, you have to play by a different set of rules.

4 Reasons Why CEOs Should Start Writing Thought Leadership Articles
By Deborah Sweeney | May 20, 2020

Thought leadership allows CEOs to position themselves as experts within their niche.

How to Start a Business With an Invention
By Mona Bushnell | May 20, 2020

Learn how entrepreneur Grace Eleyae created a product that she wanted and couldn't find elsewhere, and how it led her to start a successful business in the beauty and hair care industry.

Document Tracking Services 101
By Kiely Kuligowski | May 20, 2020

Digitizing your paper records might seem like a gargantuan task. However, with document tracking software, not only is it manageable, but it could vastly improve the way your business operates.

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Dustin Test - new content
By Dustin Boulton | August 03, 2020


5 Biggest Branding Mistakes Companies Make, and How To Fix Them
By Ken Gosnell | May 19, 2020

In times of crisis or difficulties in the economy, the need for a good brand is more important than ever. How companies respond has a lasting impact on consumers.

How CFOs Can Lead Their Companies Through a Pandemic
By Sarah Spoja | May 19, 2020

With so many unknowns, it’s impossible to say what the economy will look like in a year. However, that does not mean CFOs can't prepare their teams and companies for what comes next. Here are four...

Is Your CNP Fraud-Detection System Confused by Consumer Behavior Now? That Could Damage Your Business
By Rafael Lourenco | May 19, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed how consumers behave. These changes could be causing a spike in good orders mistaken for fraud, creating irreparable damage for businesses.

What Is Telemedicine, and How Does It Work?
By Adam Uzialko | October 22, 2020

Telemedicine is the use of remote conferencing technology to facilitate virtual consultations between patients and healthcare providers. Here's how it works.

Can You File a Business Interruption Claim During COVID-19? It Depends
By Dan Rafter | May 18, 2020

With many businesses across the country forced to close or pause due to the COVID-19 crisis and subsequent restrictions, here are things that business owners can do to protect themselves.

The COVID-19 Return-to-Work Guide for Small Businesses
By Mona Bushnell | May 18, 2020

Find out how and when to reopen your business safely, with industry-specific advice for small business owners.

Paycheck Protection Program Forgiveness: New Guidance Released by SBA
By Adam Uzialko | June 22, 2020

The SBA extended the deadline for businesses to return their Paycheck Protection Program loans to May 18. Here's what to know about returning your funds.

Ensuring Emotional Safety and Security for Your Remote Workers
By Isaac Kohen | May 15, 2020

Is your small business able to pick up on employees' signs of stress during COVID-19 that could be impacting their well-being and work?

Key Actions Small Businesses Should Take to Survive COVID-19
By Tucker Mathis | May 15, 2020

Take steps to preserve your cash and access, expand online sales pathways, and cultivate customer relationships to survive a financial crisis.

HSA Guide for Business Owners
By Andrew Martins | October 27, 2020

If you're considering setting up health savings accounts for your employees, now is the time to learn more about them.

What Is Direct Mail and Is It Right for Your Business?
By Kent Moon | May 14, 2020

Direct mail has significant advantages for the right business. Could it become a complementary part of your marketing strategy?

Recovery Scenarios for Business Leaders Impacted by COVID-19
By Rob Shelton | May 13, 2020

The novel coronavirus pandemic is an economic crisis as much as it is a public health catastrophe. Here's how to shift from surviving to thriving during the pandemic recovery.

10 Ways to Track Employee Productivity in the Workplace
By Jayson DeMers | May 14, 2020

In this article, we explore what “productivity” truly is (and what it means to you as an employer), how to measure employee productivity, and how to improve productivity once you have a baseline...

5 Tips for Delivering a Remote Sales Demo That Converts
By Victor Snyder | May 13, 2020

Remote sales demos are your opportunity to show off all of your digital product's bells and whistles and close the sale. But even with cutting-edge virtual demo solutions, not every demo ends in...

Minimalism in Business: Why It Works for Me and How to Implement It in Your Organization
By Laura Spawn | May 13, 2020

Minimalism is a great strategy for some businesses. Here are some ways to apply it to your business.

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How to Support a Remote Workforce Effectively
By Vast Conference | May 13, 2020

Pivoting to a remote workforce can help businesses cut costs while maintaining the same level of productivity, but it's important to use the right tools to do so.

What You Need to Know About Social Media Influencers
By Thomas Griffin | May 12, 2020

Influencers are an excellent way to grow your social media marketing campaign. Let's review what you need to know about these internet personalities and influencer marketing in 2020.

How to Give Your Business a Digital Makeover (and Why You Should)
By Jared Atchison | May 12, 2020

Updating your business's digital appearance and strategies is essential to stay relevant and appealing to your audience. Let's explore ways for businesses to give themselves a digital makeover.

Consistency: The Key to a Strong Brand
By Nicole Krug | May 12, 2020

Consistency may seem like the antithesis to creativity, but it's a crucial element to branding.

Using Social Media to Grow Your Business
By Adam Coughlin | May 12, 2020

Social media can be an effective marketing tool to grow your business, but remember that what helps grow a business and what attracts massive amounts of followers are not always the same thing.

4 Simple Ways to Boost Engagement With Email Marketing
By Chris Christoff | May 12, 2020

Is your brand taking advantage of email marketing to grow? If not, you're missing out on an opportunity to build strong customer relationships, improve engagement and drive sales.

Companies With the Best (Real-Life) Employee Benefits
By Kiely Kuligowski | October 05, 2020

Employee benefits shouldn't just look good on a PR blurb. Here are the benefits that add value to your employees' lives.

9 Ways to Boost Your Customers' Content Experience
By David Trounce | May 11, 2020

Content marketing is a great strategy to increase sales and build your brand, but without a positive content experience, your content marketing strategy will fail to meet its goals.

What the USDA's Moving Woes Can Teach You About Relocating Your Business
By Kelvin Simmons | May 11, 2020

Between relocation costs, potential employee attrition and the need to find new office space, there are numerous concerns when moving a business.

How to Lead Your Team Through COVID-19
By Joshua Stowers | May 11, 2020 has found great success with its new #WorkFromHomes program that prioritizes supporting its employees who are now working remotely.

7 Smart Strategies to Help Small Businesses Survive the Global Pandemic
By Wesley Cherisien | May 10, 2020

With consumer spending forecast to drop significantly due to the effects of COVID-19, small businesses will need to find innovative ways to mitigate economic impact.